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  1. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    @Falcon911 Oh wow, a bit of necroposting there but I guess I'll help while here; Yes it can. Unfortunately I do not have a Exile server of my own to test and develop a script on but I can explain how it can be done simply. My original script loops through every item in an array (within an array) and prints its name if its parent matches that which they specified (e.g. "cfgWeapons"). To get the capacity and mass of gear you would require a loop within a loop (or maybe more, depends on how many nested arrays there are). The first would be pretty much identical to mine, it would output the items, then you would need a second loop that is run on each item to output its complete 'ItemInfo' array. It's pretty annoying to explain but maybe someone picks this up and finishes it. (Maybe I will when free one day :-P) Here's a doc page I found which explains the uniform structure pretty well if you don't have infiStar's config viewer: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Characters_And_Gear_Encoding_Guide#Uniform_configuration You should be also able to make a new script which will be able to do the same using "getArray" combined with the right structure. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/getArray Goodluck
  2. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    @Hakimos Glad to hear it will help so much. Drop a like if you don't mind... I'm still kinda new to the Exile Forums.
  3. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    @M6mal My script doesn't require infiStar or anything for a matter of fact. Just run it. It should be compatible with any mods/addons/scripts/anything! Nothing is required. It works on its own.
  4. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    Okay here's the script. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0ByfqTLjco6LeZXBVeHNYYldEbmc I don't have a .dll ready right now so outputting to .rpt should do for now. Run the cfggen.sqf in your server/local Mission File. You can do this by adding it to the mission file in a folder called "custom". (mpmissions\Exile.Altis\custom\cfggen.sqf) And running the script by adding: [] execVM "Custom\cfggen.sqf"; To the start of your init.sqf in your mission file's root. Repack your mission file into a .pbo Run your server/mission. Wait a while for it to completely start up and finish printing and look in your .rpt The start of the list should be indicated by: "=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=" "# Config Generator Starting...#" "=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=#=" "--- Printing list now: ---" And end marked by: "--- End of list. ---" Look inside the script and there should be a variable you can change to fit the configFile you're looking for. To filter out all the stuff you don't want (like filter it to only one mod) I suggest using Notepad ++ and its "Replace" functionality.
  5. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    Sorry, day is really busy. But should be home before tonight.
  6. Woeful_Wolf

    [SOLVED] Easy way to get classnames of items

    Made a small script yesterday, will send once I get home in a bit.
  7. Woeful_Wolf

    Square Trader Zone (Safezone)?

    Sorry did not work. 3DEN editor Rectangle marker has type = "rectangle"; but if you want to use it as a trader safezone, you have to override the "rectangle" to type = "ExileTraderZone"; And I'm assuming there's no way to assign a marker 2 types, namely type = "rectangle"; & type = "ExileTraderZone";
  8. Woeful_Wolf

    Square Trader Zone (Safezone)?

    I don't believe you can make a square MARKER but you can make a square SENSOR aka Trigger (old method). But if you know how to make square MARKER, please let me know and maybe show your mission.sqm code.
  9. On an older version of Exile you could make rectangular safezones using the old "class Sensors" method. Sinced that has changed and safezones work with markers, is there no way to have rectangular safezones anymore? If you can confirm this is explain how to make a rectangular zone. Please do. Kind Regards.