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About Capt_Kirk

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  1. Capt_Kirk

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    So far this toolkit has done nothing but create battleye restriction logs for me.... How is this happening. I filter one and 100 more are there to greet me... 09.03.2017 19:09:38: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT" 09.03.2017 20:47:29: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 21:08:49: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 21:45:11: [DM] Boosh ()12b833b9aa821a2fc2c30d1aab3186af - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 22:40:00: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT" 10.03.2017 00:34:43: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 10.03.2017 07:07:21: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT" 10.03.2017 07:22:09: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 10.03.2017 07:56:14: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #3 "creategroup sidelogic; bis_functions_mainscope = _grpLogic createunit ["Logic",[9,9,9],[],0,"none"]; bis_functions_mainscope set" 10.03.2017 08:28:41: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #1 "y 46)}; _controlIDC = 1901; _control = (finddisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", _controlIDC]; _control ctrlSetPositi" 10.03.2017 08:40:15: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #21 "n { private['_control', '_controlIDC', '_code']; _code = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers 'atk\system\AdminToolkit_showMe" 10.03.2017 08:49:37: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #24 "!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; sleep 3; ["atkTeleport", "onMapSingleClick", { if (_alt) then { ['tp2pos', _pos] call AdminToolkit" 10.03.2017 08:59:04: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #21 "'; _function = _x select 0; _file = _x select 1; _code = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers _file; missionNamespace setVar" 10.03.2017 13:54:02: Dnoginizr () 870aa0e74e44f8adec294e3e93382fb7 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:13:20: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:14:27: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:16:54: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:17:41: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:19:10: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 06:55:55: Redmist ()c2062d9688a7e4506d57a72016f20139 - #1 "ntBox && isnull (_parent displayctrl 2351)) then { _parent ctrlcreate ["RscMessageBox",2351]; _canDelete = true; }; if (typenam" 11.03.2017 09:15:11: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tanoa\init.sqf" [execVM "addons\statusBar\statusBar.sqf"; ] execVM "addons\statusbar\statusBar.sqf" 11.03.2017 09:32:52: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "#line 1 "mpmissions\__CUR_MP.tanoa\init.sqf" execVM "addons\statusbar\statusBar.sqf";" 11.03.2017 09:41:57: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #31 "='%10'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 09:51:03: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #38 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 09:55:40: Dnoginizr () 870aa0e74e44f8adec294e3e93382fb7 - #38 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 09:56:40: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #38 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 09:59:23: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #38 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 10:00:43: Dnoginizr () 870aa0e74e44f8adec294e3e93382fb7 - #38 "0'/> %22</t>", "%", count playableUnits, _damage, _wallet, " 11.03.2017 12:38:43: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 11.03.2017 12:45:13: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #1 "y 46)}; _controlIDC = 1901; _control = (finddisplay 46) ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", _controlIDC]; _control ctrlSetPositi" 11.03.2017 12:51:00: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #21 "n { private['_control', '_controlIDC', '_code']; _code = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers 'atk\system\AdminToolkit_showMe" 11.03.2017 12:56:56: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #24 "!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; sleep 3; ["atkTeleport", "onMapSingleClick", { if (_alt) then { ['tp2pos', _pos] call AdminToolkit" 11.03.2017 13:26:59: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #14 ", []]; private "_supportedEvents"; _supportedEvents = ["oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsinglecli" 11.03.2017 14:01:09: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT" 11.03.2017 14:07:27: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #24 "oneachframe", "onpreloadstarted", "onpreloadfinished", "onmapsingleclick", "onplayerconnected", "onplayerdisconnected"]; if !(" 11.03.2017 14:12:46: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 " "oneachframe" : { onEachFrame { ["oneachframe"] call BIS_fnc_executeStackedEventHandler; }; }; case "onpreloadstarted" : { onPr" 11.03.2017 14:17:59: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "sNil "_selection") then { [player, _action, _selection] remoteExecCall ['AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest', 2]; systemChat fo" 11.03.2017 14:22:55: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #21 "AdminToolkitMainMenu_IDC; _ext = _this select 1; _code = compileFinal preprocessFileLineNumbers format["atk\extension\%1.sqf", " 11.03.2017 14:28:04: Capt() 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "olkit_network_receiveRequest', 2]; { _x call AdminToolkit_addAction; } forEach [ ["Send Message", "message"], ["TP To Player",'"
  2. Capt_Kirk

    Statusbar Script?

    @SadBoy1981 Is there still support for this status bar?
  3. Capt_Kirk

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    I'm having BattlEye Restriction issues. I installed everything on Exile Altis a few days ago and it worked flawlessly. Today we moved to Tanoa and I re-ran all the same steps on our fresh server and I'm getting BattlEye Restriction errors. When I attempt to connect I sometimes get #39 and other times #12... Can anyone please help... With BattlEye disabled I can get in and use the Admintoolkit perfectly fine. I turn them on and can't get into the server again. Obviously I want to have it on to protect the server... Below is my log. 09.03.2017 19:09:38: Capt_Kirk () 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT" 09.03.2017 20:47:29: Capt_Kirk () 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 21:08:49: Capt_Kirk () 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 21:45:11: [DM] Boosh () 12b833b9aa821a2fc2c30d1aab3186af - #39 "execVM "atk\system\init.sqf"; " 09.03.2017 22:40:00: Capt_Kirk () 7084c9b15cceb09d2cb6c9a76ad973d0 - #12 "dmintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_uiList.sqf'], ['AdminToolkit_addAction', 'admintoolkit\code\AdminToolkit_addAction.sqf'], ['AdminT"
  4. Capt_Kirk

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    Can anyone make a step by step for the -servermod=@AdminToolkitServer part? I don't know where to add this damn thing? I can't find the .bat people are referencing please... In addition to the above issue, when I press F2 the menu comes up but none of the functions work. I'm get the execute text but nothing actually happens... All issues resolved. amazing tool! great job Ole
  5. Capt_Kirk

    Dirty Mike and the Boys

    Dirty Mike and the Boys - New Server offering low ping and high FPS First dedicated members on the server will receive free pop tabs as a reward for loyalty to our community. Feel free to join the discord and chat about an suggestions you have for the server. Looking to grow.
  6. Capt_Kirk

    Dirty Mike and the Boys

    Dirty Mike and the Boys is a brand new server looking for dedicated players to enjoy the game with. Players are encouraged to: Group up PvP Steal Rape Pillage Befriend Decieve Build First 15 dedicated players on the server will receive a large starting allowance of pop tabs to get going with base building and mission grinding Looking for input on additions you'd like to see. Join the discord and hit up general chat with suggestions.