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Everything posted by SpaceWeed

  1. Hello. How do I make more zombies spawn? I am using ExileZ, Exile and Ryanzombies. The server is running on a dedicated server.
  2. SpaceWeed

    problem with Exile-Status-Bar-master need help

    What is the kick message? Send screenshot, if you can
  3. SpaceWeed

    Help needed, struggling with exile escape database

    We need more information if you want help. Explain your problem and post serverlog.
  4. SpaceWeed


    Explain further. What do you mean by 'seperate server' and 'make a new server'?
  5. SpaceWeed

    extDB2 could not be found

    I did this. 1) download the mySQL installer, install mySQL. 2) set a password for the root (master) account 3) download HeidiSQL and connect to your mySQL server. 4) using HeidiSQL, create a new database named exile 5) using HeidiSQL, import the exile.sql file that is in the mysql folder inside your @ExileServer folder you downloaded. 6) in @exileserver open extdb-conf 7) at the bottom set the user name and passwords appropriately.
  6. SpaceWeed

    extDB2 could not be found

    Hello, I am trying to run a dedicated server on the same machine I game on. But now I ran into something, and I can't figure it out. I posted a pastebin with the lastest serverlog (rpt). And the second link is something interesting from the log. Link 1: Full log Link 2: Interesting part of the log. EDIT: I forgot to tell my problem, lol. I can load into the server, but then I look into the grass. After some time, I get kicked. EDIT 2: I checked the folder in ExileServer. The extDB logs, the server said I should check there to see what went wrong. The problem is, there are no logs in there.
  7. SpaceWeed

    extDB2 could not be found

    What do you mean by setting it up properly? Send me a guide (if you have one), please. I made a database, yea.
  8. SpaceWeed

    Grenades won't explode

    Hi! I added CUP Weapons & Vehicles and Extended Base Mod. Now I can't make grenades (RGN) explode. I can throw them but nothing else happen.
  9. SpaceWeed

    Grenades won't explode

    Woaw.... How stupid am I... Yes, I was in a safezone and throwing grenades. I will test if they work outside the safezone. They probaly do. Thank you!
  10. SpaceWeed

    Add drones (UAV) to a server

    Fixed. Check my last comment at this thread at page 2:
  11. SpaceWeed

    Add drones (UAV) to a server

    How do I add drones (the big ones) to an exile server? Make them available in trader aircraft shops
  12. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Thanks again. I found a thread using that keyword. I had some troubles, but I managed to fix them.
  13. SpaceWeed

    Help adding UAV's to Exile server

    Fixed. I had to edit the patch where I dropped the script in. In my case I had to edit the script to: ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle = "Overrides\ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf"; This was the normal code I copypasted: ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle = "ExileCustomCode\server\ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf"; Remove this: ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle = "ExileCustomCode\server\ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf"; And edit the "ExileCustomCode" to "Overrides"
  14. SpaceWeed

    Help adding UAV's to Exile server

    Is this thread dead? I get this error when I followed the guide from a user on this thread.
  15. SpaceWeed

    Add drones (UAV) to a server

    I did that. (I used this guide: Now my mission is looping and my console is getting spammed because it keeps reloading the mission. What to do?
  16. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Thanks! It helped me. I got 1 questions more. I want to add UAVS (The big one that you have to connect to terminals) to the aircraft trader in the tradezone. My squad and I have to use them to check a area for a mission. We don't want to use the little drones - they're not funny to use. How do I add them to the shop?
  17. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Okay. Dammit. But I am sometimes looting InstaDoc on zombies, but they are not in the code? Why? Can I remove the armor they have on?
  18. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Hey bud? You here? I am finding the zombie loot confusing. I want to remove zombieloot and make them drop like fresh water or something basic. And sometimes (have to be rare) a backpack or InstaDoc.
  19. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    So you would suggest...? 0.85?
  20. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Okay. I don't know if you are good at Exile. But I will give it a try. How do I edit how much loot there is spawning and where? When I drive to another city, I can't find any loot - only 2-3 minutes. Can I make the server spawn loot on the entire map from the start?
  21. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Thanks!!!!! Really, buddy! Thank you! I have been searching through every single file, trying to figure this out. I will edit it tomorrow and see the result!
  22. SpaceWeed

    Arma 3 Exile - How to make zombies spawn more?

    Thanks. After testing out our new server we want to change something. - Zombies are too hard (they need a lot of shoots). How do I change their health or something in that way? - Zombies are sometimes dropping too op loot. How do I change that? (Don't answer this, as @kidesh already did) - Zombies are not spawning so fast? If I drive in a city, there is no zombies. I have to wait about 1-3 minutes before there is popping 1 zombie up in the town.
  23. SpaceWeed

    'a' encountered instead of '='

  24. SpaceWeed

    'a' encountered instead of '='

    Hey! I am getting this error: ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\mission.sqm, line 1420: '/OutroLoose/Intel.startFogDeca': 'a' encountered instead of '=' exile_altis.pbo: please help