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Everything posted by DarkViper98

  1. DarkViper98

    Advanced Towing

    Hello! Here is Advanced Towing script. How to make it work if a player has Exile_Item_Rope? But if a player doesn't have a rope, he cant attach it! Big thanks! Script:
  2. DarkViper98

    ExAd - Craft Vehicle

    Hi! ExAd Mod. Quad Bike or any other vehicle doesn't spawn! This stopped working after update 1.68 i think! Help me please! Here's spawn script: Big thanks who can help!
  3. DarkViper98

    [Online] *Armax Exile Napf PvP*

    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome to Armax Exile Napf PvP! Visit our Web Page: https://a3armax.wordpress.com Join our Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ArmaxExile Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/aGRW4E8 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Welcome, dear player! Want to tell you some words about our server! Armax provides realistic style of hardcore, military simulation and survival gameplay. It has much interesting stuff, friendly community and always active admins! We are working hard on our server, every time upgrading it and fixing all appearing bugs! We always listen to our players about possible server improvements and make their dreams come true! Join our server right now and get an unforgettable experience of playing on it! DarkViper, Server Owner/Head Admin _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our server is using the following mods: *Exile Mod* *CBA_A3* *CUP Terrains – Core* *CUP Terrains – Maps* *Napf Island A3* *CUP Vehicles* *CUP Weapons* *CUP Units* *Enhanced Movement* *Extended_Base_Mod* _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We have a lot of features on our server: *We often hold a lot of different events on the server!* *We constantly improve our server!* *Server has its own economy!* *Custom-made map, secret locations, military zones in each spawn zone!* *Tanks, APCs, Combat Helicopters, Planes!* *Rocket launchers available at armory trader!* *New awesome custom trader zones!* *A lot of weapons by CUP available at trader!* *Mission systems like DMS, ZCP, Roaming AI!* *+ 10 Custom-Made Dynamic missions!* *Pay due notifications!* *Mobile XM8 Support to receive notifications about base raid!* *Enigma Revive System! You can revive you team mates using Defibrillator!* *Anti-Theft System! Noone can steal your vehicle in the Trader Zone!* *Dynamic Weather! It’s changed randomly by the server, making the game more atmospheric!* *Vehicle claiming! You can claim ownership of any non-persistent vehicle, using a Сode Lock!* *Vector Building! You can rotate your base objects in any direction!* *Service Points! You can Repair/Rearm your vehicle!* *Base Respawn! You can Respawn in your own territory every 5 minutes!* *A lot of apps for XM8 like *StatsBar*, *BRAmaRecipes*, *CHVD* and more!* *Sling Loading, Rope Towing, Helicopter Rappeling and Urban Rappeling!* *R3F System. You can load a crate into a vehicle and sell it on the Trader Zone!* *Kill Messages System! Shows information about kills on the screen!* *And much more!* _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Our server has the following rules: General Rules: Ignorance of the server rules does not absolve you from liability! A player breaking the rules is not an excuse for you to break the rules! Accusing someone for breaking any of the server rules, always needs to be backed up by video or screenshot proof! Severity of the punishment for breaking server rules is decided by the Head Admin! False accusations towards players or admins will result in a permanent ban! Never tell an admin what to do, we make decisions ourselves! Impersonating admins will result in a permanent ban! Admin decisions are final! No Hacking, Scripting, Glitching, you will be permanently banned! No Exploiting, Duping, Grieving, you also will be permanently banned! No Racism, Nationalism, Sexual comments, Health threats or Life insults! No Combat Logging! No Bug using! Trader Zone Rules: No Shooting, Blowing, or making any loud noise! No stealing any stuff that is not yours! No ramming vehicles! No vehicles inside the trader and near the traders! No destruction of trader objects! No destruction of vehicles! No blocking players or using any way of trolling! No leaving a crate within a trader zone! No PvP within 750 meters of the Trader Zone! No camping! Side-Chat Rules: No racist, vulgar, and mental/physical based comments! No offensive or humiltaing comments! No disputing! No voice in Side-Chat! Building Rules: A base, breaking any of these rules, will be deleted! No building in millitary zones! No building in cities/towns/villages! No building on any roads! You can use single buildings such as houses/barns/sheds! No placing a base flag into any object! No sky-base building! No flying bases! No building within 1500 meters of a trader zone! No building within 1250 meters of a spawn-zone! No building within 1000 meters of a contaminated zone! No building within 750 meters of a cement mixer! No building within 500 meters of a boat trader! Compensation Rules: No compensation without screenshot or video proof! Compensation is only possible if you lost your stuff due to Arma 3 or Server Bug! No compensation in other cases! Conclusion: Respect Admins and players! Be friendly and try to talk to other players now and then! Play fair! Send suggestions to Head Admin about possible server improvements! Report to Head Admin if you have found a bug! Always ask your question in-game or in discord if you have one! Contact Head Admin to get free group channel on discord! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ How to join our server? The best and easiest way to connect to our server and start playing is using A3Launcher! It will automatically download all required mods! 1. Download A3Launcher from here: *A3Launcher* 2. Make the installation! 3. Open A3Launcher, type “Armax” in server searching line! 4. Click ► and A3Launcher will download all server’s mods! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Join our server right now and test all our features yourself!* Enjoy playing!
  4. DarkViper98

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    how to make distance more between helipad and trader?
  5. DarkViper98

    Add Gas Station to Altis exile

    using exileplugin or M3Editor - 3DEN tools for exporting objects from your editor on your server
  6. DarkViper98

    Bad Vehicle Type

    pm me your rpt and config.cpp
  7. DarkViper98

    blurry screen! bug in my server.please help ((

    post your rpt
  8. DarkViper98

    MySql Error on Joining

    Please have a look at@ExileServer/extDB/logs/ to find out what went wrong. put a log file from there
  9. DarkViper98


    post your rpt
  10. DarkViper98

    [XM8 APP] Enigma XM8 Security

    Message me
  11. DarkViper98

    Trader menu's entirely empty. Help :)

    post your mission config and rpt or message me to solve this problem faster
  12. DarkViper98

    Breaching Charge Attaching Error

    Hi! When attaching a breaching charge on the wooden wall, all server gets this error. And you can't put another charge on the wall. Help please Thx!
  13. DarkViper98

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

  14. DarkViper98

    Hiring Someone who understands SQL Query

    Message me, i will help you )
  15. DarkViper98

    Exile Error bambi creating Timeout

    post here your rpt and db log file
  16. DarkViper98

    Нужна помощь что то напортачил

    put rpt file
  17. DarkViper98


    BadActionCheck = "false"; /* log and remove all actions that are not white-listed */ allowedActions[] = {"Break free","Use AutoLockPicker","Craft Vehicle"}; allowedActionsPartial[] = {"paint"}; BadActionContentCheck = "false"; /* Check the functions assigned to all actions, regardless any white-list */ KCM = "false"; /* Just close ALL CommandingMenus */ CMC = "false"; /* Check for CommandingMenus that are not in the allowedCommandingMenus array */ allowedCommandingMenus[] = {"#user:example","#user:example2"}; CMM = "false";
  18. DarkViper98

    Help understanding a config

    put your rpt here
  19. Infistar problem. You need to set the serverCommandPassword to the serverCommandPassword you have in your servers Config.cfgif there is no serverCommandPassword in your Config.cfg yet, set it like:serverCommandPassword = "passwordhere";
  20. punctuation error, put here your config.cpp line 4214, put coma line 4908, put coma line 4928, put away coma You have a lot of punctuation mistakes, check every line
  21. DarkViper98

    Dynamic Mission

    Hi! What code should i use in a mission to make it spawn on a more smooth ground than usual? I have a quite big base for bandit dynamic mission and it offen spawns on hills how to prevent that? Thank you!
  22. DarkViper98

    Don't see side chat

    Players who join my server don't see side chat messages? And i didn't see it to when log in first time, so i recreated my profile and telling that to every player, but why that happens?