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Everything posted by JDsplice

  1. JDsplice

    Disable Friendly Fire (FF) for Groups

    Can you please post a code that turns off Friendly Fire for the whole server?
  2. JDsplice

    Anti-PVP script

    Script newb here. I have managed to create a PVP-ZONE on my server using a mission trigger. It gives a message, an audio alert, and has a visual marker on the map and GPS. What I want to add next is a script that prevents damage outside the PVP-ZONE. I would imagine the code would look something like this... // "PVPZone" is the varible name of my trigger that is stored in the mission.sqm if (triggerActivated PVPZone) then { // just a place holder for testing hint "NORMAL DAMAGE ACTIVE"; } else { // just a place holder for testing hint "FRIENDLY FIRE OFF"; // ANTI-PVP script if (isPlayer _sourceOfDamage && !(_sourceOfDamage isEqualTo player)) exitWith { _amountOfDamage = damage _unit; _amountOfDamage }; }; I know that I am close to figuring this out. Just need a little help. Thanks for any assistance. BTW, I cannot get just the ANTI-PVP code to work by itself so I can't even test to see if my code works.
  3. JDsplice

    New Respect System

    I have changed the respect levels to 0-10 on my server. Where can I customize the text color that represents each of the levels? I would like to add color codes for levels 0, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Thanks for any help.
  4. I was also having this problem and did a lot of research on it. This is what I found out by experience... The "stuck getting into cars" problem is related to two things: 1. Vehicles with door animations and... 2. Server lag and not a specific mod. If the server gets bogged down for any reason for any amount of time, it will take anywhere from 1-30 seconds (sometimes longer) to catch up with a vehicle refreshing for use (coming into range, fetching from a virtual garage, buying, ect.). Until then, you will get stuck cuz the server is not ready to process your action. This happens on servers that have a LOT of shit going on (lots of AI, tons of spawns, zombies, missions, a crap ton of in world items, ect.). Possible solutions: 1. Replace all bambi spawn and server spawn cars with vehicles that have no door animations. 2. Use the "Freeze" options in the DMS to make AI inactive (i set mine to 2500m) when out of range of a player. This improves server performance by a LOT. 3. Reduce the total possible AI, spawned assests, ect. until the server remains stable (by this I mean no big server dips below 40). 4. Use the options in the DMS and Occupation to basically do nothing if the server frames go below 40. Hope this helps cuz as soon as I did the above all stuck in car crap went away. P.S. You can test if a vehicle is ready by using the FLIP option and if it does not do the "drop from 3 inches animation", then its not ready yet ... just wait till it does that animation. If it does not after a long while, then the server is overloaded and will never refresh the vehicle.
  5. Originally posted to ask for help with this, but was able to figure it out so I thought I would share. *EDITED* Goals for the RAID Group Message: 1. Add an alarm (or any kind of sound that alerts players to the message. (priority) 2. Include the hunted player's name the message. 3. Duplicate the message in System Chat (so players can read after the message goes away). Here is my code: a3_exile_occupation\scripts\occupationRandomSpawn.sqf starting at line 450... if(SC_randomSpawnAnnounce) then { //Original Code //["toastRequest", ["InfoTitleAndText", ["Raid group Incoming!", "A squad of Police have been despatched to take out a trouble prisoner."]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; //Sound played with message "spawn" remoteExec ["playSound"]; // "spawn" is actually the Arma 3 vanilla sound I picked //Custom toast message displying hunted player's name ["toastRequest", ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["RAID GROUP INCOMING!", format ["Watch your back! Some Rogue Cops with a grudge have decided to hunt down and murder %1", name _selectedPlayer]]]] call ExileServer_system_network_send_broadcast; //Duplicate message in the System Chat format ["RAID GROUP INCOMING: Watch your back! Some Rogue Cops with a grudge have decided to hunt down and murder %1", name _selectedPlayer] remoteExec ["systemChat"]; };