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About Bullgrandger

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  1. Bullgrandger

    I Spawn into the ground Help !

    Grab your RPT and post it here (make sure you use spoiler). Maybe we can see what's going on. Also, take a look at; Might be some useful info in there, I know it helped me out.
  2. Bullgrandger

    Players spawn in ground

    Check the player table for multiple instances of that user (there should only be one) . What I've had to do is delete all but the latest entry for that user before they can reconnect. That or reset there hitpoints if there is only one entry.
  3. Bullgrandger

    I Spawn into the ground Help !

    A little more info is needed here....like Is this the first time it's occurring? Did you change anything on the server? etc.
  4. Bullgrandger

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Comment out the bottom (debug portion) of that file. That's what I had to do to get it working.
  5. Bullgrandger

    [RELEASE] [Update 1.3] Vehicle Crafting - CDAH-Mod-Pack

    Fl3tchi The location if the error being referenced is a script to either use infistar logging or log to rpt. I have no idea why you are seeing that, but you could look in your a3_exile_occupation\config.sqf, and see if you have SC_infiSTAR_log set to true or false? Just change the value and see if that fixes it or at least gets you past that error and on to the next.
  6. I received the e-mail back on the 29th that End of Reality had acquired Quality game Servers. Figured they would have updated all customers.
  7. Bullgrandger

    How to find a hacker

    I'd start in the RPT around the time it occurred. Look who was logged in at that time, then search your infistar and BE logs to see what everyone was up to.
  8. Bullgrandger

    BE Script Restriction #22?

    You will need to create an exception for that kick and add it to script.txt
  9. What's the RPT saying? usually on server start you will see the loot crates and heli crashes spawn in. Can you add the RPT to this thread?
  10. Bullgrandger


    I've seen the same entry on the infistar logs. In that case, the players connection was extremely slow. My player wasn't doing anything shady, but it is a concern.
  11. Bullgrandger

    Help with adding zombies

    If you're seeing this: SteamAPI initialization failed. Steam features won't be accessible! That's normal. Download your most recent rpt (when the issues occurs) and paste it here, make sure you use the spoiler or hidden tags. Without the full report, we can't see what is breaking on your load.
  12. Bullgrandger

    Help with adding zombies

    What mod(s) are you using to add the zombies? Also, can you attach the rpt? Need to see what errors are thrown to know what fixes are needed.
  13. Bullgrandger

    1.68 Bugs Megathread Discussion

    Looks like you still need to upgrade your server. Build: Stable Version: 1.66.139586
  14. Bullgrandger

    1.68 Bugs Megathread Discussion

    I'm seeing it as well, possibility the same issue as with doors?
  15. Bullgrandger

    Help with loot table

    Check out this post: It's relatively straight forward.