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About downtime89

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  1. downtime89

    Server relogin issue

    ok here is my rpt log i found it deleted it and then did a loop of the problem "started server, joined, disconnected, and tried to rejoin. Anyone see anything that points me were to start to find the issue?
  2. downtime89

    Server relogin issue

    What if i use tdast?
  3. downtime89

    Server relogin issue

    So server is running smooth database is saving everything from what i can tell, but i can start the server up login play for a few then logout but when i try to log back in without restarting server it gets stuck on waiting for server to load then says failed to load server after a few minutes. If i restart the server it runs fine for first login. Any idea what it could be and its not creating a rpt log unless im over looking it.
  4. downtime89

    Custom Respect Loadouts Preconfigured

    Im trying to use this but make it were its all one load out for everyone. Does this look right?
  5. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    OMG after making so many servers on my home pc and never having to repeat this step but the first time i built a server i forgot you needed visual c++ 64 AND 84 i only had 64 on my server pc.... Update its working finally....i feel like a flipping idiot.
  6. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    So my server pc is not creating extDB >> logs my home pc is. Home pc is working but server pc isnt. The files are complete duplicates except installation locations on hard drives. Could there be some type of plugin that could keep it from working? Thanks for your help btw im about to pull my hair out. I have made alot of servers for arma in the past but never had this issue lol....
  7. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    You don’t think it could be team viewer do you? While working on it from the office I’m testing it on my home pc via team viewer and while at home I have team viewer open to work on the server.
  8. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    ok its got to be something on my server pc...server pc is at my office, i just got home and copied the exact same server files to my personal pc installed xammp and created the database the exact same as at work this time i made the extdb.conf password section root and password blank, server starts and runs here at home on lan. So i made the work pc files identical over teamviewer and still getting same error.
  9. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    so something i didn't think about when i put the exile.sqf script into the phpmyadmin i had to uncheck this box highlighted below in the pic to make it go through, otherwise i got this error in the other picture. Could that cause anything if so what is the fix?
  10. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    Well that wasnt the problem same error
  11. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    dumb question does the extdb need to be checked on this screen if thats the issue im going to kick myself cause i dont remember ever doing that before when i made my servers.
  12. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    Still having same errors here is a update on what it looks like error and screen shots of user names. What else could it be. Server launches but when ya load in its just that screen of grass on the ground.
  13. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    So do I need to delete one of the admin and set the host name on the remaining one to that? Away from my pc so can’t test right now.
  14. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    still same error attaching pics do you see anything wrong?
  15. downtime89

    Creating server issue with starting database

    ok so i can get the server launching but when it launches im just staring at grass for a while then it crashes. This is whats in my rpt log. Any idea?