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About Captmatt

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  1. Captmatt

    NBG - Tanoa US

    While some of the experiences of the previous reviews are accurate, my sense of fairness compels me write my own review. I found this server in January of this year and chose it from the A3 Launcher because of its fast ping and it offers admin support. I have continued to stay on the server (which is a free to play server but accepts donations) because I think this is a very well run server. The connection is reliable and content plenty and I've never had a bad experience with any Admin, whether past or current . I have generally found that the all of the admins, are pretty fair, professional, responsive and keep a constant dialogue with players listening to what they have to say. And while the previous reviewers are accurate about one Admin who was corrupted by his powers, that ONE exception was publicly dealt with quickly and corrected in very transparent and open way. Frankly I don't want any more people on this server trying to shoot me. But my sense of justice compels me to attempt to bring some proper balance to the negative reviews.