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  1. Brozy

    Exodus UK Exile Namalsk [PVE]

    To join! Download Arma 3 Launcher then filter Exodus in the search bar and the server will come up click join it will automatically download addons that you need to play! Server Features! DMS Missions TryK's Multi-Play Uniforms Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Rappelling Advanced Towing CUP Units CUP Vehicles CUP Weapons Exile Occupation New Status Bar Welcome Dialog Extended Base Mod AI Missions & Roaming AI New Markers (trader locations) Custom Map Infistar Antihack Many more addons coming soon...
  2. Brozy

    Custom Spawn Points Namalsk

    I managed to add the custom spawn points. I changed up all the code in the mission.sqm got rid of the objects which were in there added them in to initserver which I copied from the Exile editor and deleted all the object that were added in, done the same for the markers and it worked. Thanks for the help.
  3. Brozy

    Custom Spawn Points Namalsk

    Alright I added you
  4. Brozy

    Custom Spawn Points Namalsk

    Hello! Can anyone help me to add Namalsk custom spawn points I have all the stuff that's needed I have been trying to add this for ages and its not willing to work. Can anyone please help me add them in? Here is my Mission.sqm Thank you to all that help class Entities { class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7965.62, 0, 8143.06}; name = "ExileMarker1"; text = "East Spawn"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7965.62, 0, 8143.06}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4346.63, 0, 4964.3}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = "South Spawn"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4346.63, 0, 4964.3}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3098.6, 0, 8161.73}; name = "ExileMarker5"; text = "West Spawn"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 105; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3098.6, 0, 8161.73}; name = "ExileMarker6"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 106; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item7 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6841.2, 0, 11927}; name = "ExileMarker7"; text = "North Spawn"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 1; b = 1; drawBorder = 1; id = 107; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item8 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {6841.2, 0, 11927}; name = "ExileMarker8"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 108; atlOffset = 0; }; items = 8; };
  5. Brozy

    How to add Custom Spawn Namalsk

    Something like this
  6. Brozy

    How to add Custom Spawn Namalsk

    I want people to be able to pick north south or east spawn and then parachute at that location using a menu I saw it on other servers.
  7. Brozy

    How to add Custom Spawn Namalsk

    Thanks for the help both of you guys I have the Eden Exile Editor version I know how to save it to markers but StokesMagee can you tell me please which spawn zone is it in the editor? Also I will this make the spawn menu come up automatically? What about the current para spawn I am using how to disable this or is this automatic?
  8. Brozy

    How to add Custom Spawn Namalsk

    Hello Everyone, I have been trying to add custom spawns zones I have looked up many posts on the forums but none seem to help me because I just don't know how it works. I am running on Exile Namalsk and people really want custom spawn zones. Can anyone do a step by step guide? Do I need to change anything in the server file config? Brozy
  9. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    I manged to fix this by adding !"Land_Can_V2_F" to attachto.txt also fixed it when I removed it But now I am getting script restrictions kick setvariable.log when I press rappel and it kicks. This is what comes in the log Value Restriction #0 "ar_animation_move" = "AR_01_Idle_Pistol_No_Actions" 2:247 Exile_Unit_Player
  10. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    Ok I will try
  11. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    Yes it is a Script Restriction #0 from attachto I know that I have to add it to attachto.txt but I don't know how to apply the code correctly I tried but no luck can you tell me? Here it is: #0 3:6 Land_Can_V2_F 2:332 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0]#0 3:3 Land_Can_V2_F 2:369 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0]#0 4:11 Land_Can_V2_F 2:667 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0]
  12. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    Hey I managed to fix this Extended Base Mod is working now. But I tried to install Advanced Rappelling and it works but when I click rappel I get kicked for restrictions which I cannot seem to fix I don't know how to properly add them check my othe thread in server side issue more details about the issue there. Thanks
  13. Brozy

    Advanced Rappelling Restrictions

    Hello Guys, Can someone show me how to apply restrictions for Advanced Rappelling because I am getting kicked for these maybe I am doing it wrong. Please show me. Its a Attachto Restriction 0 kick #0 3:6 Land_Can_V2_F 2:332 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0] #0 3:3 Land_Can_V2_F 2:369 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0] #0 4:11 Land_Can_V2_F 2:667 NetworkMessageCreateHelicopterRTD -1 [0,0,0] How to add these? Thanks
  14. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    It just reset my whole server fresh and same thing is happening it is definitely a problem on the host side I am contacting them now about this! I will update
  15. Brozy

    Mission File Error

    Thanks for the reply but this did not fix the issue since it was already set like that before