ThrusT #AEON

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About ThrusT #AEON

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  1. ThrusT #AEON

    infiSTAR removing "VALID" UID?

    Im using PBO manager
  2. ThrusT #AEON

    infiSTAR removing "VALID" UID?

    Hey there guy's (Once again....) Ive got to the final conclusion, that I cannot work this damn thing. Im adding my friends UID to the infiSTAR config. My ID: 76561198037108033 His ID: 76561198060085809 My EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.php: And i ultimately get the error message "<> 0 - adding valid admin uid 76561198037108033" "<> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID2" "<> 0 - removing invalid admin uid UID3" Might help tagging @infiSTAR
  3. ThrusT #AEON

    im haveing a problem with infistar

    Youve gotta change the pbo's Prefix. You can do that by pressing the settings gear in pbo manager, when the file (Exile.Altis/Exile.Tanoa/Exile.Namalsk) Is open. Youve gotta change it to: a3_infiSTAR_Exile
  4. ThrusT #AEON

    infoSTAR Admin Panel does not recognize changes made to config

    There you go:
  5. ThrusT #AEON

    infoSTAR Admin Panel does not recognize changes made to config

    My ID: 76561198037108033 His ID: 76561198060085809 My EXILE_AHAT_CONFIG.php: Thanks @infiSTAR for helping me once more.
  6. Hey there, so after I got the infiSTAR admin menu setup I encountered another problem. I now want to add another UID as an admin, but it does not seem to work, I've definetly put his Arma ID in the right place, and I've also tried swapping his if with mine, so that I am number two in the configuration file -without any result- so that I could concluded that it has not got anything to do with the position of the Arma 3 ID. The log files do not show anything which could be of any interest. Now my question is, what's the problem. -- I am definetly not inexperienced in serveradministration -- Also I would like to point out @infiSTAR for his very appreciated help. He and @BetterDeadThanZed have helped me out with my latest problem, but There's no need to bother them again, so I'm going to ask others now. Have a nice day.
  7. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    Sorted. Gotta change the prefix of a3_infiSTAR_Exile Solution by Netfox
  8. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    I've looked this up aswell, but ive gotta say, that I definetly have bought and downloaded my files from several times now. Ill test once more. Ill give you an update.
  9. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    and here with the unedited PBO (Doesnt load either by the way.)
  10. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    There you go
  11. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    Did not change anything now what? Just take the "unedited" Pbo and replace the existing one?
  12. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    is this right then?
  13. ThrusT #AEON

    [SOLVED] infiSTAR not initializing? Or Loading?

    as requested for you @BetterDeadThanZed
  14. Hey there guy's First of all im going to be perfectly honest... I am new to all this Arma 3 Stuff, but I still am very educated in terms of having servers and configuration so Im not a noob. So the day before yesterday I bought infiSTAR for Exile to be abled to administrate my server a bit better. BUT I cannot get it to work. Ive already reinstalled it like 30 times ( No Joke ) and it still does not load ingame (I dont get the message, that its loaded). I've got to add that I'm using TADST v.3.0.0 - Tophe's Arma Dedicated Server Tool, but it still does not work. Ive included the two lines in the description, ive configured and added the files into the a3_infiSTAR_Exile.pbo and ive also included the .dll's into my main Arma 3 Server directory. STILL IT WONT WORK. Now I am asking you for help.... Why does it not load? My Startup parameters: -port=2302 "-config=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\SteamCMD\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\default" -name=default -filePatching "-mod=@Exile;@ExileServer" -servermod=@a3_infiSTAR_Exile;@a3_infiSTAR_Exile My Extra Parameters: -servermod=@a3_infiSTAR_Exile;@a3_infiSTAR_Exile ( this was only to test, to see if it would load with those parameters tbh) Battleye is also enabled. It is loaded though Also it is under the List of mods (I think its the wrong one though) Im looking forward to your help Also I would like to tag @infiSTAR because he maybe abled to help me aswell Additional information will be posted if requested. (As said before im new to all this stuff)= Have a nice day.