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Everything posted by flyingdutchmen

  1. flyingdutchmen

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    Very simple little Add-on / Script for Persistent Tree Logging. Idea is simple, you chop down a tree and it stays down over recurring server restarts. "Grows" it back after 8 days. It needs 1 overwrite in your Exile configuration "CfgCustomCode" Additions to your Database, Exile.ini and has a seperate server pbo to be dragging inside the @ExileServer \ Addons folder. Little Readme in the repo for the ones that want it. Found at: Edit: Fixed issue because it wasn't finding the tree.
  2. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Oh man, every script i have has atleast 1 fuck or goddamn inside of it if not multiple. Also all my comments in scripts contain atleast 1 fuck or fucking
  3. flyingdutchmen


    There you go, do it.
  4. flyingdutchmen


    Setting up a server takes time and effort, not just money. I'd suggest you setup a server local on your own computer or somewhere hosted within your own network to get started. Build up from that and once you get it running properly and how you want actually go and host it live.
  5. flyingdutchmen

    [Updated] Claim Non-Persistent Vehicles

    Let's try keeping it "non premium" as the way i think you are intending that to do is by limitting access to certain "paying" players.
  6. flyingdutchmen

    InfiStar html_load_url

    What he said ^ Charging players to access your server, if the fees and associated perks do not affect gameplay in any way, is allowed. Cosmetic perks are allowed. Limiting access to only paying players is allowed.
  7. flyingdutchmen

    LF Exile Scripter

    Trying to find somebody to do it for you after all ?
  8. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Sorry but again; The version i am working on isn't completely working like intended yet, unless you have sufficient knowledge to change 2 systems after installed the original versions seperately first, i do not recommend to use my modifications. Use the one provided by Jerome, if that doesn't work, you didnt properly install it. Also without any logs or other information to go on its really hard to understand what your problem is exactly. Get into the Exile discord if you can and tag @TheFlyingDutchMan
  9. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    The version i am working on isn't completely working like intended yet, unless you have sufficient knowledge to change 2 systems after installed them, i do not recommend to use my modifications. If any, use the version provided by Jerome, the one who created this topic.
  10. flyingdutchmen

    Floating player names/icons (group only/all)

    For people who want a "admin" tag and a red name: nameDistance = _this select 0; showDistance = _this select 1; while {true} do { _currentPlayerCount = count allPlayers; waitUntil { _currentPlayerCount > 1; }; ShowPlayerNames = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _players = allPlayers; { if (!(isNull _x) && (isPlayer _x) && (_x != player)) then { _distance = cameraOn distance _x; _alpha = (1-(_distance/nameDistance)); _crew = crew (vehicle _x); _name = ''; _name1 = ''; _clr = [1, 1, 1, _alpha]; { if (_x != player) then { _name = format ['%3%1%2', ['', format ['%1, ', _name]] select (_name != ''), name _x, ['', format ['[%1] ', round(player distance _x)]] select (showDistance)]; }; } forEach _crew; if ((getPlayerUID _x) in ["REPLACE WITH ADMIN UID"]) then { _name = format["ADMIN %1",_name]; _clr = [1, 0, 0, _alpha]; }; _veh = vehicle _x; _bbr = boundingBoxReal _veh; _p1 = _bbr select 0; _p2 = _bbr select 1; _maxHeight = (abs ((_p2 select 2) - (_p1 select 2))) * 1.25; _pos = visiblePosition _veh; _pos set[2,(_pos select 2) + _maxHeight]; drawIcon3D['', _clr, _pos, 0, 0, 0, _name, 1, 0.03]; }; } forEach _players; }]; _currentPlayerCount = count allPlayers; waitUntil { _currentPlayerCount != count allPlayers; }; removeMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", ShowPlayerNames]; sleep 1; }; If else statements dont work within this script, so only use a "if" statement. Due to what that is i don't know. Maybe @kuplion can tell me why ?
  11. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    No, AVS works in a completely different way. Best bet is what the other guy in page 1 already pointed out, to look into the other script how it calculates the prices and try to implement that way into gvs.
  12. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Still looking into it but i also had a few other things that had a more higher priority. I dont know if @Super Jerome already had bin looking into it, i was otherwise thinking to try to do it together.
  13. flyingdutchmen

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    Exile.ini: search for: [MarkTree] SQL1_1 = UPDATE tree SET regrow = regrow + 1, added = now() WHERE added < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND id = ? Number Of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1 And replace the entire thing with [MarkTree] SQL1_1 = UPDATE tree SET regrow = regrow + 1, added = now() WHERE added < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 12 MONTH) AND id = ? Number Of Inputs = 1 SQL1_INPUTS = 1
  14. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Same ^
  15. flyingdutchmen

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    Why in the hell would you wanna do that ?
  16. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    There still must be a option to let it calculate the price before pressing "Do stuff". Might as well use AVS's system to hook the add action, i mean, avs has a option that calculates the price during the "add action" attachment to the player which will show the price inside "do stuff (2937)"
  17. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Yes, i wanted to keep that part as well as the persistent vehicle ammo savings.
  18. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    I'm gonna change it again to do a "add action" which will popup the dialog to start repairing refueling reeearming.
  19. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Yeeh Jerome went to sleep and i was like, fuck it. It all started with that little snag where i didnt wanted the draw the annoying service point overlays... And well, it works. Took AVS's part of hooking into Exile functions to allow attachment of a unique var to allow the cooldown to work. And the part where avs saves ammo persistent is also in tact. The rest of it got dragged out.
  20. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Olmost there...
  21. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Already into it
  22. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    Mostlikely soon (tm)
  23. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    So, i dug a lil, made it so you dont have to place any markers. Following the readme provided by Jerome, ignore steps 1 to 8. Do steps 8 till the final step. Overwrite the file "gvs_triggers.sqf" inside the *missionfile* \ gvs \ with the pastebin from below. Will look into the cooldown bug inside the "generic_vehicle_service.sqf" and look into creating according exile overwrites to let it function.
  24. flyingdutchmen

    [GVS] Generic Vehicle Service [Exile 1.0.4]

    @Super Jerome Does it need the markers or can i leave those out ?
  25. flyingdutchmen

    Persistent Tree Chopping

    Why would you ?