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Everything posted by Milch|<3

  1. Hey Guys i want to add the pawnee to Out Exile Server but want to Change the caliber from 7.62 to 6.5mm minigun from the Ghost Hawk and remove the dar's at the same time and dont want to Run the "temp fix Mod" But everything i try is wrong or doesnt Work. Im trying it right now on pure Exile so everythings complete Standard except the pawnee. Is there anyone who can help me ?
  2. Milch|<3

    Pawnee minigun/weapon calibre Change

    If u Want put the "ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle" in an Override Folder and Make An override for it. /Closed
  3. Milch|<3

    Pawnee minigun/weapon calibre Change

    Tried ist but couldn`t get it working. Will try again today but Ty man
  4. Milch|<3

    Upgraded Wood

    Will Look Into this cause right now im thinking "why should i build concrete If u arent able to shoot through the upgraded Wood. Base raiding ist a pain with this. Will Check some results with mates. In different Servers. And Check it in the Editor. Ty for the answer.
  5. Milch|<3

    Upgraded Wood

    Hey Guys is there a was to shoot through the upgraded Wood walls and floors? Cause for me it Looks Like Theres No way U can do this even a 12,7 apds doesnt Go through it. Any way to fix this or is it in the Mod itself ?
  6. Milch|<3

    [WIP] Exile Taunus Project

    @twisted87 I think no one will Share it right now. And there is No Universal and Ready server pbo to share. Pretty much every server has its own. We had a Server and had a closed test with around 40-50 Players it went well but the Performance isnt thatt good but playable. Its Time to wait, Good stuff needs a long time in Developing. @[RG] Salutesh wir müssen die Tage mal wieder Quatschen Performance mäßig kann ich dir noch bisschen was mitteilen, was glaub noch sehr sinnvoll wäre.
  7. Milch|<3

    Gaming Gemeinschaft aufbauen

    Der Gute Cubi ich glaub ich wäre auch dabei. Falls dich errinerst Australien map und so ^^
  8. Milch|<3

    keine metal Sachen bauen können egal wer

    Einfach wie hier machen wenn du nicht weißt wie meld dich mal auf unserem ts dann kann ich dir helfen. 0.9.41 Emergency Fixes
  9. Milch|<3

    Helicopters : Failed to purchase vehicle 13

    The Same Problem He Had failed to purchase vehicle 13.
  10. Milch|<3

    Helicopters : Failed to purchase vehicle 13

    Sorry for the repull of the thread but i got the Same Problem but everything is finde already cleared to whole trader area on altis Terminal trader still doesnt work. Radius etc. All cleared and done but nothing works. Its the mod CUP vehicles.
  11. Milch|<3

    Fortification Upgrade

    It´s Fixed ty forgot to upload them.
  12. Milch|<3

    Fortification Upgrade

    Hey guys i got the problem taht i cannot craft an Fortification upgrade i got everything it need grinder etc. but it wont give me out the upgrade error from server is this: Server: Object 2:6603 not found (message Type_91) Server: Object 2:6531 not found (message Type_119) Hope u guys can help me fix it.