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Everything posted by NG.Wildwire

  1. NG.Wildwire

    Cup Weapons Spawning with Beta c mag

    It works! Amazing thanks everyone!
  2. NG.Wildwire

    Cup Weapons Spawning with Beta c mag

    Hello, does anyone know why my loot table, Keeps spawning Cup weapons with 100rnd Beta C mags? it is not added to the loot table.
  3. NG.Wildwire

    Cup Weapons Spawning with Beta c mag

    yes i already have that, but my question is. how to remove the Beta C mags from spawning. those 100 round mags does not really fit in my server.
  4. NG.Wildwire

    Cup Weapons Spawning with Beta c mag

    Is there a way to get rid of that?
  5. NG.Wildwire

    Cup Weapons Spawning with Beta c mag

  6. NG.Wildwire

    Lower amount of mags with weapons.

    can be closed.
  7. NG.Wildwire

    Lower amount of mags with weapons.

    Hello, i have a question. how do i lower the amount of mags given by the loot? Its always 3-4 i want to get it down to 1-2 mags per weapons drop. Thanks for reading.
  8. NG.Wildwire

    NG|Exile, DayZ- Remastered |

    Official Release on: 27-12-16 Arma 3 Exile - Dayz Remastered! This Server is based on the good days from the Arma 2 DayZ mod, we customized and optimized game enhancement mod's to recreate the arma 2 Dayz Mod, Our server collected solid mods, addons, scripts and tweaks to ensure a game experience that you can enjoy! Server Name: |NG|Exile - Dayz Remastered|Chernarus| Server IP: Admin(s) Wildwire Current Mods @A2OP, @Arma Enhanced Movement, @CBA, @Chernarus_Winter_A3, @CUP_Units, @CUP_Weapons, @Exile 1.02, @Extended_Base_Mod, @Jbad Buildings, @Open_Chernarus_Project, @RyansZombies, @TRYK Multi-play Uniforms Custom Map Our map has been Higly costumized, with edits to Old locations and made completely new locations, New area's are marked on the map. Loot Build and Raid Anywhere on the map! And the map is always being developed new things can be added any day at any time. keep an eye on the change-log for any change's, if you have idea's we are all ears. Survivor Camp The Survivor Camp is a refugee for all survivor's, this place on the map is a Safe-Zone, that means No killing. These Survivors will do anything from Selling Light weaponry, Hardware, Territory Flags, Vehicle's and setup a clan, This area is NO vanilla Exile trader, wich means you should treat it as a rest stop and base Upgrading location.
  9. NG.Wildwire

    Lower amount of mags with weapons.

    bump anyone?
  10. NG.Wildwire

    Loot Table Modded 0.9.4

    link down?
  11. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    yeah i figured out how to add filters, but now i am stuck again. with this: MPEventHandler RemoteExec Log: #0 WildWire (56787845567434565) - #3 "Reloaded" 2:1963 RyanZombieB_Soldier_02_f_1_1walker - "_this spawn ZMPKilled;" every time i add this to the filter. another zombie will need the filter aswell, does anyone know how to override that? or has a filer that fixes this?
  12. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    Hello everyone, i have a quick question. is there a way to get an Rcon Client without battleye? because i cannot get those restrictions to work, it keeps kicking me of. so it would be nice if someone has an answer for this. Thanks, Wildwire.
  13. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    yeah ryans zombies is part of my server and i need it, but can seem to find anything about the batleye restrictions,
  14. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    Hmm okey Ive been stuck for a couple of days now with battleye and im getting really anoyed with it does infastar not get rid of those cheaters?
  15. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    @Z80CPU will i be able to use rcon?
  16. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    so how do you bypass those restrections? or not use them at all?
  17. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    hmm it seems like it its mpeventhandler.log, i might did it all wrong, and add those #0 restrictions to script.txt, but is there a way to stop those ZMPkilled restrictions?, i have tried battleye for a couple of days, now i wish there was an easy way.
  18. NG.Wildwire

    Rcon Withour Battleye

    ive figerured out some restrictions now, but @ryanzombies im stuck at at the moment, Restricion #0 every time something like this. !="Reloaded\" 2:2888 RyanZombieB_Soldier_04_f_1_1walker - \"_this spawn ZMPKilled;" i tried to add the filters from this. but no succes. and how do you it without the filters?
  19. NG.Wildwire

    Battlyeye help, #22

    Im stuck with battleye, and cannot get it to work with these scripts.text and please correct me if im wrong with this whole Battleye configuration. At this point i have no clue what im doing. Can anyone help me with restrection #22, this is the script.log - #22 "ition player; objSP attachTo [player,[_xxx,_yyy,0]]; objSP hideObject true; objSP allowDamage false; objSP enableSimulation fals" Script.txt #22 line 24 7 hideObject !="espawnOnStart > 0) then {\nplayer setpos [10,10,10];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n" !="_initPos\",getPos player];\nplayer setpos [10,10,10];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n" !="ce getvariable [\"BIS_fnc_arsenal_center\",player]);\n_center hideobject false;\ncuttext [\"\",\"plain\"];\nshowcommandingmenu \"\";\n\n\n\nBIS" !="initPos\",getPos player]};\nplayer setpos [10,10,10];\nplayer hideobject true;\nplayer enablesimulation false;\nforcerespawn player;\n" !="createVehicle position _player;\n_anchor allowDamage false;\nhideObject _anchor;\n[[_anchor],\"AR_Hide_Object_Global\"] call AR_Remot" !="eVehicle [\"Land_Can_V2_F\", _player, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\nhideObject _anchor;\n_anchor enableSimulation false;\n_anchor allowDama" !="cargoHitch];\n_helper setVariable [\"SA_Cargo\",_cargo,true];\nhideObject _helper;\n[[_helper],\"SA_Hide_Object_Global\"] call SA_Remot"
  20. Hello, can anyone tell me why this building does not spawn loot? class Land_Barracks_01_grey_F : Military { positions[] = { {12.4536,19.5747,-0.981146}, {13.0469,-19.1257,-0.981146}, {-11.8386,-20.4084,-0.981146}, {-12.9956,18.9771,-0.981146}, {5.39844,-3.86426,-0.604081}, {6.09814,0.376953,-0.604081}, {12.4155,-3.31543,-0.604081}, {13.0708,2.29688,-0.604081}, {-4.72656,2.97168,-0.604081}, {-9.3501,2.53955,-0.604081}, {-12.647,-3.02637,-0.604081}, {2.75684,-3.6084,-3.93806}, {-5.34961,-2.87402,-3.93806}, {-9.66504,-2.86182,-3.93806}, {-12.2681,1.36719,-3.93806}, {-3.0376,1.90332,-3.93806}, {5.2627,5.10254,-3.93806}, {10.9453,3.4668,-3.93806} };
  21. Can anyone help me this is my cunstom loot building cfg: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Custom /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Land_tent_east { table = "Military"; positions[] = { {10484.9,2336.77,6}, {10482.6,2336.14,6.01644}, {10481.2,2338.94,6.01644}, {10499.7,2351.21,6.01644}, {10497.4,2351.42,6.01644}, {10498.5,2347.21,6.01644}, {10507.5,2351.7,6}, {10508.4,2349.98,6} }; };
  22. NG.Wildwire

    [SOLVED] Costum loot buildings does not spawn loot

    can be closed
  23. NG.Wildwire

    [SOLVED] Not spawning loot, in this specific building

    Thanks for the help, got it to work
  24. NG.Wildwire

    Auto Server Restart For Dummies

    does this work when useing tsadmin?
  25. NG.Wildwire

    use the axe to meee

    Hello is there a way to use the axe or other tool, like shovel to kill players and zombie's with it?