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About Mirabeau

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  1. Mirabeau

    ERROR Integer Division By Zero

    That's great for others to know "how" you solved, you, this problem... Every solutions, can help all the others, thanks for us
  2. Mirabeau

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    At this moment, i'm connected to a Exile server... Whoouuua Will it last? I know that a Update is to be realised for the last 1.66 this day, i don"t know if those problem are in relation...(!)
  3. Mirabeau

    Help me I've been trying for days, literally days

    I have exactly the same problem you have right now (I've been trying for 2 hours, but nothing to do) A few hours ago there was no problem and the .... - ExileMod is in place - Arma show the ExileMod in the list - All the server Exile, show the exilemod in red When I try to connect to a server, I remain fixed that the page of "connection" on server, the one or the Exile messages scroll and where there is normally a red bar advancing ... and the nothing, Does not move, stays fixed Note1: Here is 3 times that steam download me the workshop files (!) Each time 1.8GB in the face There is some "thing" that happens .. but what ?! A few hours ago I was at stake on an Exile server, and now, impossible Note2: i would like to make a last test, and now the ExileMod is Green again in the list server (!)... i try to connect a server.... Bad Game when i try to connect i receveive this, and Arma closed:
  4. Hi,

    I read your message in which you explain how to rollback our Arma 3 version... that great thank you



    But how to return to the last version (when all bug are close for Exile for exemple)...

    i roolback to 1.64, but i don't kown how to return to 1.66 the next time :/

    (sorry i'm relatively new ti steamprocess)



    1. Rangecreed


      Simply go back into the beta tab from the drop down menu and unselect OPT INTO BETA

    2. Mirabeau


      oki, thank's a lot

  5. Mirabeau

    freeze when trying to enter spawned vehicle

    Humm... What you write is credible, but in reality it is also different. Many times, the sight, distant (+ 500m), make us run to it and directly put itself in conductor without need to wait. On one of the servers I use, I had never encountered this problem, and last night the worry happened 4-5 times. Also, within a radius of 100m there were for example 3 vehicles, and only one was a problem, and this is the last I wanted to drive, so we can drive the first we go, but not le last (so...waiting to, is not the cause) I understand the possible problem of loading the server at some point, but, from the say: "Wait a few minutes around a vehicle" can not become, and is not a "rules" of the gameplay :-)
  6. Mirabeau

    enter vehicle freezes

    i have this problem on a server, before it's never append (less 10 days). When you want to enter the vehicle, your character becomes impossible to operate (no move, key or mouse), , whether as a driver or as a passenger. You only have to make a deconnection and reconnection in order to continue playing. Another vehicle at less than 100m does not pose any problem. It happened to me 4 times in one evening, while before ever