I keep getting BE kicks.
#14 "ormal'] execVM "\ryanzombies\acedamage.sqf"} else {_target setdamage (damage _target + Ryanzombiesdamageplayer)};
if (!(alive _t"
#23 "able ["BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__time",0];
_attachObj disableCollisionWith _unit;
_unit disableCollisionWith _attachObj;
#0 "Mcivilianside;
_civiltype = _x select 0;
_civil = _group createUnit [_civiltype, (_x select 1), [], 0, "FORM"];
_position = _p"
http://pastebin.com/ZrCAcppV Script.txt
Any help? I am using Inifstar (with their BattlEye files), HVP, Ryan Zombies, ExileZ2, Arma Enhanced Movement, and StatusBar. I thought I followed http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/topic/74-how-to-battleye-filters-do-it-yourself/
and even tried http://bfe.marma.io/# . I am new to Arma 3's style of coding. Very use to Arma 2, but these errors are making me very confused. Any help would be great. I see some people on the forums with GIANT scripts exceptions for Ryan Zombies, but I am not getting those errors. plz send help