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About Lemley25

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  1. Lemley25

    Cup Terrains - chernarus

    I have a question about the mod. (Cup Terrains - chernarus) Is it true that this mod is build over top of Tanoa?
  2. Lemley25

    Future Updates?

    Back when I played exile, I was around for when the old team stopped developing on exile and was upset about it because exile is a good mod. Now, I've seen that a new team has taken over it but hasn't released an update since May 10th, I was curious if anyone knew what was going on? Are they still developing on exile or if they are just maintaining it.
  3. Lemley25

    Family Tab Account

    I've posted this in the past on future wishes, it got some hits but died down when the change of ownership was happening. I'd like to see some new thoughts on it. " So, I just wanna hear some thoughts on this. Maybe it can become a thing. As we know usually exile servers use the lockers and pop tab money currency for each player. But it would also be cool if instead of using a locker just for your money. If you have a family, you can also scroll wheel and access a family bank account where to take money out and put in money. you'd have to be promoted in the family to take any money out... but anyone in the family can put money in without an issue. "
  4. So, I just wanna hear some thoughts on this. Maybe it can become a thing. As we know usually exile servers use the lockers and pop tab money currency for each player. But it would also be cool if instead of using a locker just for your money. If you have a family, you can also scroll wheel and access a family bank account where to take money out and put in money. you'd have to be promoted in the family to take any money out... but anyone in the family can put money in without an issue.