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Everything posted by Wardbeek

  1. Wardbeek

    Certain people can't join

    Everytime a certain person wants to join, he gets disconnected. And there is no good explanation why this happens. Becouse all mods are up to date (he uses A3 Launcher). And i have never had this before. When he join's (it's 1 player named Carrot) 8:20:27 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1183349211, users.card=3 8:20:27 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1183349211 8:20:27 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1183349211 (Carrot) RPT file. http://pastebin.com/PB4ZXh4V
  2. BASIC Coding issue Does anyone know how I fix the items, so it c++ works? // How do i solve this? /* class ExAd_UAZ { title = "Deploy UAZ"; bambiState = 0; vehicleClass = "CUP_C_UAZ_Unarmed_TK_CIV"; recipe[] = {{"Exile_Item_ExtensionCord",1, "Exile_Item_MetalBoard",2, "Exile_Item_JunkMetal",2, "Exile_Item_MetalPole",2}}; packable = 1; quickFunction = "['ExAd_UAZ'] call ExAd_XM8_DV_fnc_spawnVehicle"; }; */
  3. Wardbeek

    Mission.sqm errors (SOLVED)

    I have set up my server with MSKE The issue is resolved.
  4. Can somebody help with VirtualGarage not opening? I have installed EXad and all of its plugins (cfgHints is enabled). But when I try to open Virtual garage in a territory it doesn't open. But outside of a territory, I can open, the virtual garage. Does anyone know how to fix this? RPT https://paste.ubuntu.com/25646058/
  5. Wardbeek

    RISE is looking for players to take over GADD Malden

    Just curious, but which people are you looking for?
  6. Wardbeek

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Dear community I am having problems with my DMS, every time I add NIA (Arms) weapons, DMS doesn't work. But when I add CUP and TRYK to the config, the script works. I have no ideas why it wouldn't work. I just added 1 weapon from NIA, And the script works if I remove the one weapon. Also, I changed certain things for scripts like Enigma Exile revive. And that also works with DMS. It's just NIA. Config.sqf https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395817/ RPT File https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395843/ This is my Config.sqf with all NIA weapons added and TRYK. https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395849/ Note The original DMS also works. I Hope anyone can help me, sorry for repeating my message. I just wanna make this as clear as possible. I found my problem, I replaced my whole DMS. Somehow the current DMS is was using, was corrupt. Conclusion: You can use NIArms with DMS, I just made a mistake. As always
  7. Wardbeek

    Install ACE3? (FIXED)(CLOSE)

    Hi, i have a lot of troubles with installing ACE3. I could't find a guide anywhere. Please tell me how to install this mod.
  8. Wardbeek

    Nothing Don't read this

    Nothing wrong post
  9. Wardbeek

    NiArms not working... (CLOSE)

    Dear community I am having problems with my DMS, every time I add NIA (Arms) weapons, DMS doesn't work. But when I add CUP and TRYK to the config, the script works. I have no ideas why it wouldn't work. I just added 1 weapon from NIA, And the script works if I remove the one weapon. Also, I changed certain things for scripts like Enigma Exile revive. And that also works with DMS. It's just NIA. Config.sqf https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395817/ RPT File https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395843/ This is my Config.sqf with all NIA weapons added and TRYK. https://paste.ubuntu.com/25395849/ Note The original DMS also works. I Hope anyone can help me, sorry for repeating my message. I just wanna make this as clear as possible.
  10. Wardbeek

    How to add Axe to trader?

    Please post your config and server RPT file. Then people can help you. If you wanna make it easy for people to help you faster, then post the config and RPT file on this site https://paste.ubuntu.com/ And click paste when you inserted the text. Then after that, you copy the website address and paste it in your topic.
  11. Wardbeek

    [Release] Sell Crates to Waste Dump

    Hi Im quite new to arma 3 servers. How should i install this? Make a folder called crate_sell in my missionfile? And put all 4 script's in. and then add in the line's to exilecustomcode? Like this ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryDropdown = "crate_sell\ExileClient_gui_traderDialog_updateInventoryDropdown.sqf"; ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_show = "crate_sell\ExileClient_gui_wasteDumpDialog_show.sqf"; ExileServer_system_trading_network_wasteDumpRequest = "crate_sell\ExileServer_system_trading_network_wasteDumpRequest.sqf";
  12. Wardbeek

    Rocket Launcher Trader FIX. 1.0.2 Compatible

    I am using 1.0.3 "Lemon" and the script still works! Thanks DIamond!
  13. Wardbeek

    No XM8Apps_Init.sqf in EXADMaster

    Im trying to add extra apps like
  14. Wardbeek

    No XM8Apps_Init.sqf in EXADMaster

    Well i have no XM8Apps_Init.sqf and i can't find it in the master of exad. What am i doing wrong? And i know it's located in XM8.
  15. Hi, I can't build in Blue Pearl Industrial Port. Can anyone tell me ho i can make it possible to build there? Mission.sqm https://paste.ubuntu.com/23932736/
  16. Wardbeek

    Can't build in Blue Pearl Industrial Port (Tanoa)

    That's my problem i can't match any of the coordinates. Can you help me?
  17. Wardbeek

    Exile Missions are broken

    Please paste our config.sqf of dms in pastebin, and send link. Do that also with server RPT.
  18. Well i installed everything of EXAD, but i can't get hacking to work. I literally see hack safe, but then it doesn't do anything. Server RPT https://paste.ubuntu.com/23932531/ MissionFile-Config https://paste.ubuntu.com/23932537/
  19. Wardbeek

    w4_lockpick - W4rGo's Lockpick system

    I can't get it to work, i see in the log file everything is loaded. But it's just not showing up lockpick safe. And i changed the item to a Exile_Item_Knife. Server RPT https://paste.ubuntu.com/23932477/ And i installed everything corecctly in the order, how you said.
  20. Wardbeek

    [Release] Xtended base raiding mechaniX

    Please help me i get the same "You are already lockpicking" problem. I did what you said and overwrited the things , but it doesn't work. Also i only did this in the EBM/menus.hpp for all the containers. And not for the safe in the config.cpp Please help me fix this. https://mega.nz/#!swkkECwS!wPC8_QN5qT0wHLXvz3plxkaaTe_ubgSjyZfhu-gOrRQ
  21. Wardbeek

    How to remove radiation zone? (Solved)

  22. Hello, i am having troubles with the mission.sqm. How do i remove no build zone and no loot zone in radiation zone? So players can loot and build in radiation zone. Mission.sqm http://pastebin.com/ngjVqBDU
  23. Wardbeek

    Halp.... again...

    Well the LOG is referring to this: 22:36:42 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.a3_characters_f So please check that, or 22:36:42 Reading cached action map data
  24. Wardbeek

    More DMs missions

    I really want more Missions om my APEX map, but i don't get it to work. Can somebody help me editing the values, and telling me how i get the most missions? /*General settings for dynamic missions*/ DMS_DynamicMission = true; // Enable/disable dynamic mission system. DMS_MaxBanditMissions = 3; // Maximum number of Bandit Missions running at the same time DMS_TimeToFirstMission = [180,320]; // [Minimum,Maximum] time between first mission spawn. | DEFAULT: 3-7 minutes. DMS_TimeBetweenMissions = [600,700]; // [Minimum,Maximum] time between missions (if mission limit is not reached) | DEFAULT: 10-15 mins DMS_MissionTimeOut = [900,1800]; // [Minimum,Maximum] time it will take for a mission to timeout | DEFAULT: 15-30 mins DMS_MissionTimeoutResetRange = 4500; // If a player is this close to a mission then it won't time-out. Set to 0 to disable this check. DMS_MissionTimeoutResetFrequency = 180; // How often (in seconds) to check for nearby players and reset the mission timeout. /*General settings for dynamic missions*/