Incestrial Equality

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About Incestrial Equality

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  1. Incestrial Equality

    ExileZ 2

    Sorry if re-upload.. Couldn't find anything mentioning this. Is there a way to remove the red dots and have Zombies spawn everywhere? Like not just towns.
  2. Incestrial Equality

    Loot not spawning on Tanoa map..

    I got my server up and everything worked fine except loot doesn't spawn... I have checked three towns and loot hasnt spawned. I'm using the default loot table. Here is the server logs. It's spawning DMS missions but no loot. Is loot spawning a separate script that I need?
  3. Incestrial Equality

    3DEN Editor - Exile Plugin (Loot, Spawns, Etc)

    Was that the loot spawns or the player spawns? I wanted to know for the loot spawns...
  4. Incestrial Equality

    3DEN Editor - Exile Plugin (Loot, Spawns, Etc)

    Was that the player spawns or loot spawns?
  5. Incestrial Equality

    3DEN Editor - Exile Plugin (Loot, Spawns, Etc)

    Where do you paste the spawn locations? Sorry I couldn't find where to put them..
  6. Incestrial Equality

    Small Youtuber Server..

    Thanks for the replies. Sorry BetterDeadThanZed, didn't realise.
  7. Incestrial Equality

    Small Youtuber Server..

    Hey guys, sorry if I put this in the wrong place but, I'm currently creating a server that will (hopefully) be 'immersive' or kinda 'roleplay'. I want Exile to be like ArmA II DayZ and DayZ SA in the way of loot spawns, as in guns mainly spawn at military places and towns can only get pistols and maybe a lee enfield. I also want it to be a server that can help Youtubers, i.e set up scripted stuff like in Frankie's videos or what not. This doesn't mean you have to be a Youtuber to play on the server I was just stating I would be more than happy to help you make awesome videos. I want to know what you guys think of my idea of the 'loot table' and I would also really appreciate it if you guys had any suggestions on what to add to the server to make it more immersive or whatever ideas you had (mods or anything). The server will be hosted in Brisbane, Australia, and I will post the other server details when its open. Thank you for your time. Regards, Incestrial