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Everything posted by NetShark

  1. Hi, one question. On my server, it started showing the Abandoned Safe Markers. It means that players have left their stuffs abandoned. The problem is that the Event says: "Abandoned safe located!", "PIN has been changed to 0000. Check your map for the location." And when player get there the pin code is not 0000. I checked that the code is another one. Is this normal? I could modify the Toast notification to say something like: "Get a Thermal Scanner and try to crack the abandoned safe", but I just wonder if this event has a bug? Thanks.
  2. NetShark

    Corpse Removal Time

    Hi, can someone please tell me where exactly can I set the time for a player corpse to disappear? My players dont have enough time to get to their bodies before they're removed. I have calculated it and the corpses are removed in 10 mins. How can I increase this? I tried changing this part of the description.ext file inside my mission pbo, but it looks like it's ignoring it: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Exile Settings - Do not change these! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// forceRotorLibSimulation = 2; skipLobby = 1; joinUnassigned = 1; respawn = "BASE"; respawnDelay = 420; respawnDialog = 0; respawnOnStart = 0; respawnButton = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"Exile"}; corpseManagerMode = 0; corpseLimit = 20; corpseRemovalMinTime = 3600; // Default time 1800 corpseRemovalMaxTime = 7200; // Default time 3600 wreckManagerMode = 0; wreckLimit = 2; wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; wreckRemovalMaxTime = 360; scriptedPlayer = 1; disabledAI = 1; enableItemsDropping = 0; briefing = 0; debriefing = 0; allowFunctionsLog = 1; enableDebugConsole = 0; allowFunctionsRecompile = 0; showSquadRadar = 0; showUAVFeed = 0; reviveDelay = 4; reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3; reviveBleedOutDelay = 420; Can someone please point me out in the right direction? Thanks in advanced.
  3. NetShark

    Exile Soundtrack License

    Good afternoon, Im not sure if I posted this on the right forum. I'd like to ask if I can use Exile Soundtrack to record, edit and upload videos on YouTube about my Exile Server. I don't like to go against copyright in any form, that's why I ask about the Soundtrack License. Specifically Im asking about this soundtrack: Soundtrack on Youtube that I guess it's related to this wiki post. Thanks for your time.
  4. NetShark

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Im afraid I cannot live with this fact... I'll have to downgrade.... Thanks for your answer bro.
  5. NetShark

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Hi good morning. Im having this issue since I updated to the versions 1.66. Today I updated DMS to the lastest 1.68 released and the problem persists. I couldn't find any answer to this question made by Bob_the_K, so that's why I bring it back to the table... is this an issue of the lastests updates?... Should I go back to version v1.36 which worked fine? Thanks
  6. Confirmed. I also had problems with my VG, it was duplicating vehicles, but the problem was that I made a mistake while updating to Exile v1.0.3 and replaced the exile.ini file, deleting the ExAd VG instalation modifications. That's why it got broken for me. Solution: Go and Follow the instructions of the VG Installation: Specially the part which says " Copy over content from "@ExileServer\extDB\sql_custom_v2\exile.ini" - Follow the instructions in the file. " I hope it helps someone.
  7. NetShark

    Corpse Removal Time

    If you set: lifeTime = 15; It means the dead body will last 15 minutes. If you need more time set the time you need. Keep in mind that high values here can affect server performance.
  8. Im sorry if this was discussed before. I have a problem with Cameras and Laptops, if I build a laptop it works fine, but after the restart it cannot be openned or used, it has to be removed and set again for it to work. And with Security cameras, they work fine when you build them, but after server restart, they work but cannot move the sight, they are always looking at the sam direction and cannot move the camera with CCTV function. Any clue?
  9. Good afternoon, Simple question : What would be the best way to create a Special Trader where players purchase vehicles or items in exchange of a specific object? I Mean, instead of purchasing with poptabs I want the players to purchase with a specific item. Is this possible? Thanks
  10. NetShark

    Special Trader without Money

    Hahaha.... Ok, thanks. Actually, if I had the skills I would've created this same post but explaining how to do it...
  11. NetShark

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I wonder this same question. Any answer?
  12. NetShark

    Anti-Teleport Issue Incorrect Speed

    We've had this issue during these days. Log: 17-03-2017 09:38:51 | Player(0000000000000000 - 11) HLOG_SKICK: Player(0000000000000000) | POTENTIAL-TP 4: Moved 219m in 0.311035s (from [9644.67,15126.9,65.2781] to [9861.7,15158.4,23.0569]). TopSpeed of CUP_B_AH64D_MR_USA is 293 speed was 3031. Player FPS: 24.961. Alive for 2600.12s | 2h 38min 2s I of course removed the real player name and Steam ID. For now we have disable our Anti-TP Check because we have a lot of planes and helis availables at traders.
  13. NetShark

    Roaming Trader Script

    My traders are as they are by default on Altis. I just followed the instructions and test it. Did you have that error when installing it?
  14. NetShark

    Roaming Trader Script

    Ok, I tried this today. I can confirm it still doesnt work. RPT Error: > 17:25:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: trader 17:25:23 File x\addons\a3_travellingTrader\serverside\travellingTrader.sqf, line 134 17:25:23 Error in expression < disableAI "MOVE"; uiSleep 5; } else Removing
  15. NetShark

    STATUS: 200

    I feel your pain bro. I'm sorry I can't help you further. On a last try, ask your server provider if they changed your server multihome IP, or public IP. In my case, my server IP was different to its multihome and that's why It didn't work for me, I asked to my server provider and that solved my problem.
  16. NetShark

    STATUS: 200

    That's weird. Because your server is sending messages sucessfully, but your smartphone is not getting them. What about your other players? Are they getting messages or not?
  17. NetShark

    STATUS: 200

    The best way of testing it is paying the protection money. It should get a message. However if someone steal your flag, you should get a message that your flag was stolen.
  18. NetShark

    STATUS: 200

    Umm, well that's weird. Do you receive messages when you send broadcast? On the other hand, according to your screenshots, there have been a lot of transmisions 880 on the first and 2 on the other one. It means it's working, or at least it worked once. Check on server details when was the last transmission, that way you could determine if it stop working and when.
  19. NetShark

    STATUS: 200

    Hey man, according to the pictures you uploaded, it looks like your servers are working fine with the mobile app. If you concern about the Status 200 log, dont worry. I managed to solve the problem and now the transmissions work fine and it still show the message Status 200. The difference is that now the message is "Ok", not "fail" like it was before for me. My service it's been working like a charm and this is one of my logs, just for your check: [29-12-2016_13-2-1] XM8Log: Server returned: STATUS: 200 MESSAGE: {"r":"ok"} That message "MESSAGE: {"r":"ok"} " means that works fine
  20. NetShark

    Tool to detect my server proxy

    Now I can tell you that Im happy. My company gave me the Master IP or Multihome IP of my server and the App works like a charm now. As you said, it was a different IP. Thanks a lot for your time and your guide.
  21. Hi, Can anyone tell me if there's a sotfware or a tool on internet to know if my server is behind a proxy or it has a different public IP? My Mobile App is not working and my server company tells me that there are not proxies. However Im not sure. Thanks in advanced.
  22. NetShark

    Tool to detect my server proxy

    Ok bro, you are very kind on sharing your experience. I'll ask them and post back here how it was Have a good day.