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About randulf

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  1. randulf

    Exile Chernarus Winter screenshots

    I've been playing on this server for some time now, and the FPS is quite a bit better than regular Chernarus ports. I would recommend that you try it.
  2. randulf

    Exile Wasteland - aka The B@st@rd Child

    Yes. This is what I have attempted to do, but I am comming up short. So if i wanted to play on this spesific server, how would you search for that gameplay in the server tab? I genuinely wonder.
  3. randulf

    Exile Wasteland - aka The B@st@rd Child

    To be more on point with what OP wants discussed, I really like your concept - and what I personally found this bit lacking from what Exile is now - the meaning of having a base, other than a large stockpile. In A2 Wasteland where at the end some servers implemented a sort of Permanent system, altough somewhat jerryrigged, they managed to create a really cool and open gameplay. We as a smaller part of the team would work to secure a base and collecting resources to get a spawn beacon. If a team managed this, then a whole town could be held by the faction as a whole on the server. I am not that updated on how this works as of now, but several ideas about how this also could be implemented as a method of gaining respect and cash ingame comes to mind. I wish you luck in the further development
  4. randulf

    Exile Wasteland - aka The B@st@rd Child

    Perhaps, but to some extend I believe it should be allowed to link. I think we lose more from banning it, than we gain in cleanlines on the forums. Presuming that it is this http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/servers/ you speak of, I can not easilly find servers with some special config, or even sort by view (as mentioned in my other post) on there - and it does not seem to be that well updated. There is an information overload there, and not easilly sorted for important parameters for us newbs. I have a suspicion that few people find that tab helpfull and use that actively to figure out what server they play on. So if i wanted to play on this spesific server, how would you guys search for that in the server tab? I genuinely wonder.
  5. randulf

    Exile Wasteland - aka The B@st@rd Child

    I have not been an active user on this forum for long, but it seems a bit counterproductive to not let people post about their servers like that. To play on servers of interest is why we are here, is it not? Perhaps also to learn about new types of gameplay. If the discussion of said new gameplay and the information that there actually are servers that cater to that crowd is not allowed to be linked - I fear that we are missing out. Could you perhaps explain a lurker why this rule is? In the discussions I've read that rule has only served to marginalize parts of the community.
  6. randulf

    First person view server

    Would it be possible for you in the server browser tab here to add First person as a sortable criteria? There are lots of other seemingly random criteria which can be used to sort servers, but not view preference.
  7. randulf

    First person view server

    We agree completely.
  8. randulf

    First person view server

    So it seems. But I think it is for different reasons, and If we can fix some of those - I think we will see populated servers. But if i can anecdotally use my own experience as an example. I have other games to play, or times when I do not play any. When I come back, I look for the option I liked the most, the first person gameplay. This is also true for my mates, and i suspect other people aswell. We do not find what we want through some searching, and settle for the second best option, eg- King of the hill in 1PP forced mode, which is highly popular. If we go through this, I suspect other people does aswell. If we somehow can give these people a way of finding said servers in Exile, or other mods for that matter - I hope that we can populate them so that that is an option more people will try. If we all search for different terms on different launchers through different parameters (and name servers wrongly with no hardcoded search option), we will not find eachother, and there will be no alternatives to the third person preference.
  9. randulf

    First person view server

    And if you like 3P better, I think you should play on those servers - I can agree that it has certain aspects as you mention, that are better than first person. But I myself can simply not get the same thrill out of a firefight, when I know that I can hide and peak over rocks and fences without any risk. Thats just how I want to play. And i want that to be possible in Exile also. Yes. My main point is that there is now not a clear way to see if servers are 1P or 3P, as far as I know - Which makes it harder for the people who enjoy first person to actually find the other people or servers that prefer it. This is what I would like to have changed. I know that there must be enough people around that wants first person exile, but the problem is that we can not easilly find eachother. This is why I really would like to be able to eg. sort servers in this forum by viewpreference - a small start that could help a lot before Bohemia makes viewpreference a sortable thing in their games.
  10. randulf

    First person view server

    Indeed it helps, and I hope your players enjoy the work you put into it. But I am hoping to find a first person only server. How would I go about searching, to find out if a server has some kind of script as yours does enabled? Is it possible to see that in a server browser list?
  11. randulf

    First person view server

    Yes, for my own enjoyment that would be fine - but I find the gameplay on 3rd-person servers to be quite different from the first person preference.
  12. randulf

    First person view server

    In other mods, and missions we play solely on first person servers - so they are out there. I can respect that fewer players want first person for some reason. My point however, is that since I have problems with finding the perfect searchphrase to find servers at a given time, I figure other people also have this problem. Perhaps if we could sort servers by viewpreferance ingame, or list all the first person servers on the serverbrowser in the forum by a sort function - us oddballs that find no joy in 3rd person could find eachother and let you guys be
  13. randulf

    First person view server

    Im not interested in arguing wether you should like 3rd or 1st person. I just want more first person servers, and I want them to be more easilly found by the people who want to play on them
  14. randulf

    First person view server

    Hi, and thanks for the reply. That script sounds interesting, and perhaps it helps to patch 3rd person a bit. You said: Did you mean 3rd person? Because I can not seem to find any Hardcore servers that run first person. And the server browsing part of this forum is not very helpfull - it lists everything else (more or less interesting stuff), but actual view preference. Perhaps if it is not to difficult - it could be added to the sort list ? I think a main reason for why people do not seem to play on first person, is that when a server pops up - it is to hard to actually find it. You cant sort for it in the launchers, nor on the forums - and if you search, people can call it anything from 1pp, 3PP:OFF, First person, 1st person, Hardcore, Veteran etc- So when people search they can easilly miss it. I ask you forum moderators, could the server browser here be changed as to sort all these naming conventions into one list where people can find servers with first person forced? Thanks anyways.
  15. Hi! We have been looking for a first person server for quite some time, and we have run out of places to search. Are there anyone else here that still plays Arma-esque games, and find the 3rd person servers lacking? Please give me some hints as to how I can find an exile server (or equivalent), or what you guys search for to find one. The server browser on this site does not help at all, and every search in A3Launcher or Gametracker yields few results. Are there anyone out there that still wants something else than snipers hiding in their bases in 3rd person? Or are we just the odd ones that find it lacking? If enough people are into it, perhaps I could think of hosting one. Thanks in advance.