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Everything posted by Blackmagic

  1. Blackmagic

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Yer i even put in in again today so i dont know what to do
  2. Blackmagic

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    How do you get the dynamic missions to work on tanoa they keep spawning on the bottom right of the main island anyone know any fixes?
  3. Blackmagic

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Ok thanks for the info
  4. Blackmagic

    [XM8 App] Apoc's Airdrop Assistance

    Any one know if it works with infistar customApps?
  5. Blackmagic

    Simple Deploy Bike for InfiSTAR's XM8Custom Apps

    Really cool script but i don't like the fact you need duct tape to deploy bike because bambis will be using it and they don't have duct tape and the only other time i would use it is when i need to go to the trades when i crash to get duct tape but i couldn't use my bike because i don't have duct tape so i just don't see it being used but other than that its really cool and i like the animations
  6. Blackmagic

    +1 Advanced Sling Loading

    I'm guessing it will only show commanding menus for any plugins you use
  7. Blackmagic

    +1 Advanced Sling Loading

    Close but you need to go to your mission.pbo and then description.ext and find Commanding Menu you'll see a line that says: false, // Commanding menu you need to make it true by default it's false now after the update
  8. Blackmagic

    +1 Advanced Sling Loading

    Advanced Sling Loading is broken you can't deploy ropes and when you try to your scroll function is gone