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About EthosEvolved

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  1. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    Wow, lol. Thanks for channeling DayZ standalone general attitudes lol. Thanks for the help Ill get it going
  2. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    not trolling and no, I'm pretty bright. BTW, I looked at that earlier, I saw nothing that said Exile, A3Launcher. I already had the A3launcher though, so thanks for the help
  3. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    Not really, I dont mess around with those things. I do however know the difference between looking for something like download EXILE here button / thumbnail and you need EXILE to play EXILE which is code for you need to download A3LAuncher to download the EXILE X64 /X86 dotexe files
  4. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    lol, good one. TY. Im going to have to get a special combat helmet to protect my special brain
  5. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    ok. I already have that. Thank you for your help. All that guy had to say was the A3Launcher lol. Put me in coach, I'm ready to
  6. EthosEvolved

    [SOLVED] Ready to start getting Exiled in Exile lol

    Well, thats really helpful and at the same time I cant see how that attempts to answer my OP in any way lol. Maybe I need to ask where and how do I Download EXILE? hmmmm
  7. ok, I've played Arma 3 standalone for long enough. I can die just as quickly in EXILE and EXILE EXO and actually have fun with some Zombie slaughter lol. I have a few more questions first though. When you guys say I need Exile to play on Exile servers, is there something I need to download from Exile? Is it that Kohlrabi in the download tab? If thats the cellphone app, I dont need that as of yet. If there is something i need to download, what is the Data size. I only have 15 G. left (getting another SSD next weekend). Also, why would I need to give my STEAMid64 and where do i find that?
  8. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

    should I play some regular arma3 to get used to the controls / commands or are they different in exile? Im not using a controller
  9. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

    hmmm, ok...interesting. ty
  10. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

    ty CM
  11. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

    one more thing, do i need to be logged into steam and then use A3 launcher or just a3 launcher?
  12. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

  13. EthosEvolved

    What servers can I play on

    I just purchased Arma 3 and Arma 3 Marksman on steam, I am also new to Steam. I will expand my Arma 3 content in the upcoming weeks as funds are short at this time. Will I be able to play on any server I want with what little I have?
  14. EthosEvolved

    Non packaged loot

    I am so glad that you dont use the unrealistic emersion breaking wrapped loot packaging.