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About D3molitionMan85

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  1. sorry if this has already been asked, i have glanced at vast majority of pages, on the vehicle spawn's is there any way to restrict spawning the quad for people with X amount of respect?
  2. D3molitionMan85

    How to setup / use Battleye RCON

    hi, i've set up my BEServer_Active_*random stuff*.cfg file to have this RConPassword PASSWORD(not my real one) RConPort 2309 and when i attempt to connect via a rcon program it always fails to connect, i've check most other configs and if i seen a bit that mention rcon i put the same info there incase it was needed, i've been trying to get this to work for a few days now but all i get it could not connect to server, tried various ports as well. Any one have any idea that i could try?
  3. D3molitionMan85

    Statusbar Script?

    Thanks, feel stupid was late night when i posted my original message and i had scanned the pages but must of missed that, i swapped the addons folder in the map pbo file and it worked with the configs i had already set up.
  4. D3molitionMan85

    Statusbar Script?

    I added this script to the server im a admin on and got it to load and work apart from where popcaps show all i'm getting is its only showing any, i've tried a few things but cant see to get it to work, from what i can see i aint getting any error in the log file. was wondering if any one has had this issue before?