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Everything posted by Nevo

  1. Nevo

    InfiStar delete queue

    Usually, the delete queue occurs when you have a lot of stuff going on in your server which can include infistar commands. It should be deleted within a reasonable time and if that is not happening, you should try restarting the server to see if that would fix it. What kind of Mods is the server running?
  2. You might have made a mistake in your Loot Table. If you have a backup of your previous config, make a comparison using a DIFF program and you'll be able to narrow down where you made the mistake. It could be something as silly as one comma or a class mis-spelt. Your RPT will probably not show the issue however you can upload it to something like
  3. Did you recently change any configuration files or add new Mods / Scripts?
  4. Nevo

    Kicked off for no reason, any Exile server.

    I noticed in your RPT that you have: Instead of "NOT FOUND", it should have "GAME DIR". Are you able to verify the contents of Curator (14 files, 46.2MB) ? I know that you've reinstalled however i find that part particularly weird that its unable to find it yet everything else is found. Furthermore, when you are trying to join any EXILE Server, are you using the original ARMA III launcher to where it would notify you about which MODS the server is using and for you to set them up in order to successfully join? The issue that you may be having could be tied with not having the correct MODS loaded even with core EXILE MOD.
  5. Nevo

    Kicked off for no reason, any Exile server.

    Have you tried downloading the Exile Mod manually, extracting it to a folder of your choice and then adding it as Local Mod using the original ARMA III launcher followed by an attempt to join an Exile Server?
  6. Nevo

    [SOLVED] Delete my Account?

    I don't know why you've posted in this forum however you can try sending a PM to one of the Moderators with the request to have it deleted. If they can, they will be able to forward your request to the Administrators. If they are unable to comply with your request, you can always edit all your profile information and posts and remove any and all of your content, including your personal information. If you are planning to create another account, you must understand according to the website rules, you are only allowed to have one account.
  7. Nevo

    Loading into Game Issue

    Although you have replied to an older thread, have you tried downloading the latest Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015? Prior to Installing vc_redist.x64.exe and vc_redist.x86.exe, make sure you run windows update. Then proceed to install vc_redist.x64.exe and then vc_redist.x86.exe.
  8. I've read other topics regarding this and decided that maybe the developers of Exile would consider incorporating vehicle capacity into their Mod. One of the biggest examples I can give is how Epoch does this and that they have a configuration that with ease can be modified to change the limit. While I disagree with the limits currently setup, I'd like to respectfully request this to be added into a future version of Exile. I know that there is a Bigger Trunks Mod and that ultimately, with enough effort, such a modification can be made to vehicles however it would be really awesome if this could become a part of the Exile Mod to allow further customization, especially when servers are using other Mods like CUP Vehicles, and etc.
  9. Nevo

    New Map Markers and Scuba Traders

    type = "ExileDiversTraderIcon";
  10. Nevo

    Objects poptabs limit.

    Follow the instructions on my previous post and it will work as intended.
  11. Nevo

    Exile PHP Admin Tools/Portal
  12. Nevo

    can't join any TANOA servers HELP PLEASE

    Just to rule things out, Do you have the APEX expansion?
  13. Nevo

    Dumb question

    A shovel is used to hide a dead players body provided its on the ground:
  14. Nevo

    CPU boosting at 90%

    What Mods are you using?
  15. I found an interesting video on youtube that explains how to get rid of preset buildings/objects: Make sure to read the comments (on the youtube video) for more information and suggestions. Once you get rid of the buildings this way, you'll be able to add them back in as indestructible and that should solve one of your issues.
  16. Seems like a complicated situation. I don't have a Chernarus Server however I know that on other Maps, there are buildings that are indestructible. The best and quickest way to test such buildings would be to use ZEUS Lightning using Admin Tools. Typically, the traders should be setup in such locations so as to not have their buildings destroyed so all I can suggest to you would be to find buildings on your map that cannot be destroyed and move your Traders there. As far as the players inside safe zone not getting 'hit' by bullets shot at them from outside campers, there wouldn't be anyway to fix that that I know of. Sorry I can't be of more assistance. Perhaps another person on these forums will have better suggestions.
  17. Nevo

    Cameras Missing

    They are fantastic and all servers should have them: I strongly recommend you get it, its only $13 USD and worth every penny.
  18. Nevo

    Cameras Missing

    I always thought that building said Camera was something added in by the Extended Base Mod. I had no idea it was included in Exile. As far as the Camera from XM8, there are Custom XM8 Apps from Infistar where one of them (CCTV Remote) allows you to access the Territory Cameras remotely using your tablet thus making the laptop kinda useless other then allowing any player (one without build rights) to see your Cameras.
  19. Nevo

    Don't pass loading screen

    Are you sure that you have the latest Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015? Prior to Installing vc_redist.x64.exe and vc_redist.x86.exe, make sure you run windows update. Then proceed to install vc_redist.x64.exe and then vc_redist.x86.exe.
  20. Nevo

    Cameras Missing

    Just wondering... what is the point of the Base Camera Kit without a modification like Extended Base Mod?
  21. Nevo

    [SOLVED] "jump" glitch and "restore" player health

    I have confirmed that when you have less then 100% HP and you get run over in a safezone, that HP will go back to 100%. Nice find, hopefully Chris (infistar) will be able to fix this considering Exile is no-longer updated at this time.
  22. Nevo

    [SOLVED] "jump" glitch and "restore" player health

    He came up with a fix for 1.66 and has updated it about 4 times since the release of Bohemias awful update, all posted on this forum.
  23. Nevo

    [SOLVED] "jump" glitch and "restore" player health

    From what I've seen, Chris (Infistar) browses this forum on a daily basis and his last post was 20 hours ago as of this writing however when viewing his profile, it does say that the last visited date is October 27 for some weird reason.
  24. Nevo

    [FIX] Death Loop Bug

    Do you know of anyway to confirm that a user pressed ALT-F4 vs having their connection dropped (for example loss of internet)?
  25. Nevo

    Cameras Missing

    Perhaps I don't know of any other method other then Extended Base Mod but how exactly do you plan on using the Camera if not for that Mod? The whole purpose of these cameras would be to use in the Extended Base Mod which would allow players to build them and then use them as surveillance. I'm not even sure if the Camera exists in the Exile Mod without Extended Base Mod but maybe someone else can correct me on that.