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Everything posted by >X<

  1. @GamersRoost have you released your custom traders?
  2. >X<

    Infistar and Taunus

    I am still getting this crash when adding infiSTAR http://pastebin.com/syw4EFys
  3. >X<

    New traders for Lingor

    @BetterDeadThanZed have you released this?
  4. try reducing the world size to 4000 for cherno and 25000 for taunus maybe? I guess play with it until you get it optimized.
  5. This is what I use and all works fine. http://pastebin.com/yEgvyun3
  6. >X<

    Taunus Loot positions

  7. >X<


    I am getting the "Out of memory" as well. http://pastebin.com/Q8GFQ9XC It works fine if I remove infiSTAR
  8. >X<

    Infistar and Taunus

    I had to remove my infistar from my server to get taunus to work properly. I have not yet submitted a ticket to infistar....I will do it went I get home.
  9. ./arma3server -cfg=@ExileServer/basic.cfg -config=@ExileServer/config.cfg -port=2302 -mod=@Exile\;@Ryanzombies\; -servermod=@ExileServer\; -autoInit > stdout.log 2> stderr.log I am assuming the syntax is correct as I do not use Linux, do you need the ; after the last mod (windows = -mod@Exile;@Ryanzombies) also was reading that Linux can be case sensitive....you may want to try changing your mods to @exile and @ryanzombies. Hope it gets resolved brother.
  10. >X<

    Infistar and Taunus

    Have you placed your "infiSTAR_AdminMenu.hpp" in the mission file?
  11. Did you add your UID in the @ExileServer/addons/JohnOs_events/addons/Events/events_config.sqf ?
  12. >X<

    Dynamic Electrical storms

    I don't see tanoa in the "map center positions".....anyone have it?
  13. @Therealrag thanks for your contribution to this mod. I wish I knew enough to contribute. I hope its the latest cherno like the one used in Exile Zero.
  14. @John any word on the tanoa mission file?