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About eXm

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  1. Thanks finally got round to getting everything setup!!! Couple of questions - How does the job thing work? On Tanoa Map - safe zones don't seem to have changed! Should they? Still feels like there is a lot of loot about - how would I lower the loot quantities? Can I bump the amount of persistent vehicle spawns? Just a few more would be nice! Martin
  2. Thanks.... Im always over cautious when things seem easier than I think they should be!!!
  3. Sorry - do you mean the -mod= @Exile;@Ryanzombies;
  4. I've never used Zombies before, is the folder just placed in the root of the server or elsewhere? Thanks for your response by the way eXm
  5. Can I ask the stupidist of questions please.... 1 - Any Startup Parameters needed as in -mod= or -servermod= ??? 2 - In Regards to Ryan Zombies - DOes this need to be installed Server Side or is it Client Side??? Sorry for the dumbass questions Thanks in advance eXm
  6. Thanks @FrenchcoreWorldWide - loving it loving it loving it!!!
  7. Where do you upload - server root, mission, or elsewhere?
  8. @FrenchcoreWorldWide added you on Steam to see if you can help!!!
  9. OK, yep that makes sense now.... Here is my mission.sqf, I have already done some alterations (added in Spawn points), what would I need to change in it to get it working??? The whole Headless Client thing confuses me though.... Dont even know what it is!!! Thanks for your help....
  10. Nope -I have no idea where to start with that information???? Pretty new to all this.... What I would like to do is add Zeus Capabilities for One Certain Admin (aka - myself) on my dedicated Exile Tanoa server to Spice things up a little for my player on the server. I would like to be able to Zeus in AI and Vehicles etc when and if I want. I thought what @hobart posted would be able to do this, but I need to know how to get this working on my server so that the other admins don't activate Zeus by accident. I cant find any server side install instructions so I don't know if it is what I need/want? If anyone can help me, even to let me know if this sounds like what I need, please let me know... Thanks in advance exm
  11. eXm

    IMS - Development Paused

    BOOOOOOM - got it working!!! Thank you so much @[RG] Salutesh
  12. @hobart Do know how to change it that only one admin has access? I have several admins on the server at any one but I would like to limit it by using Steam ID for example! Also do I upload the @SLZ folder to my server root or do I keep that locally? Thanks in advance
  13. eXm

    IMS - Development Paused

    Yep got that, still got the error.... Exile.Tanoa/textures/vehicle.PAA Also quick thing, if I wanted to change the vehicle spawn to a non exile vehicle, say O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F which I believe is an APEX Vehicle can I just change to this from the Ifrit in the Config.sqf???
  14. eXm

    IMS - Development Paused

    Absolutely amazing, thank you so much.... I did change the Ifrit to a Hemmt, works perfectly bar a missing .paa image file error when the vehicle spawns!!! This just got better.... Seriously the best mission for Exile out there!!!
  15. eXm

    IMS - Development Paused

    Nope - im a lost cause, Cant figure this out at all!!! I have looked in other DMS missions that spawn vehicles, but cant figure out how to sort out the position thing as they all seem to set them up to spawn a certain distance from the center of the mission, I need it to spawn in a set position and only on Mission Completeion!!! Im far Far FAR from a coder (more like a screwer up of good code).... might have to give up on this idea..... Love this addon still though!!!