D-Day Josh

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About D-Day Josh

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  1. D-Day Josh

    [CLOSED] Exile app not compatible with Samsung S3

    Well. installed the app for nothing, awesome. looks like it would've been a cool app but i'm not getting a new phone for 1 app. neither will i root my phone so a xperia s, or even a htc one xl can't use this app those phones weren't cheap and run perfectly
  2. D-Day Josh

    Updating 1.0.2 problem

    Had 1.0.1 Pretty much fresh install other than database, didn't touch that. ErrorMessage: Warning: preNLOD format in object exile_psycho_lrc\lr_amb_acr.p3d several other new things going on in the rpt such as 8:58:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SUV_armored_Base.scope'. 8:58:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:58:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SUV_armored_Base.model'. 8:58:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:58:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SUV_armored_Base.simulation'. 8:58:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 8:58:21 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/SUV_armored_Base.accuracy'. 8:58:21 Warning Message: '/' is not a value here is my rpt and database log https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cps4807pyrkt9d1/AAAgmqwslq4Pehx9gzntL4gRa?dl=0 I'm not sure what to do, hopefully some guidance can fix my server thanks for your help
  3. D-Day Josh

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Thanks for the helpful information. Appreciated
  4. D-Day Josh

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Took about 30 minutes but it's up now. Didn't do anything but wait
  5. D-Day Josh

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    Hi, just installed marma. RPT Logs look fine, it shows marma is a servermod however nothing is coming up on the marma dashboard. It shows my ip but nothing else..... Any ideas? Does it take a long time for the dashboard to show information? i imagined it would be instant
  6. D-Day Josh

    exad hacking how to install

    cheers, managed to do it. had to add the stop hack aswell, worked out the coding for it. all that's left is to add batteries to the game for grinding. Do you know how to do that? I'm unsure on that one
  7. Hi, i'm trying to install exad hacking. i've done this part # Installation Remember for this plugin to work you first need to install * [Core](https://github.com/Bjanski/ExAd/blob/master/docs/core/installation.md) * [(VirtualGarage)](https://github.com/Bjanski/ExAd/blob/master/docs/VirtualGarage/installation.md) - Only necessary if you want to be able to hack it <-- don't want this so didn't install it ## Client * Place the folder "Hacking" into "mpmissions\exile.<MAP>\ExAdClient\" * Goto "mpmissions\exile.<MAP>\ExAdClient\CfgFunctions" and uncomment _From_ ```cpp //#include "Hacking\CfgFunctions.cpp" ``` _To_ ```cpp but i don't understand the rest... Need some help
  8. Got it all to work. The watermark... is that removable? Also, since installing ExAd my VEMFr Notifications have stopped working. i presume that's to do with the description.ext .... what changes could be made that would fix VEMFr without impacting ExAd?
  9. Sorry for asking this. I just can't figure it out. I want to install hacking, but i don't know what to do in the cpp file. I only want to add, hack safe, but i have no clue how to. I looked at the example but i drew blanks. Best i could come up with would be something like class safe class Actions { class HackSafe : ExileAbstractAction { title = "Hack Safe"; condition = "call ExAd_fnc_canHackSafe"; action = "_this spawn ExAd_fnc_startHack"; }; }; }; But that just doesn't seem right
  10. D-Day Josh

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    Ah i'm happy with that for the moment. Need to continue learning the fundamentals before i take a crack at editing missions.