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Everything posted by TroyT

  1. TroyT

    Define ban.txt file location

    Is it possible to tell Arma where to place and track the ban.txt file? We have 8 servers and I'd love to be able to have that file in a separate folder and symlink to it so that all servers could share it. Or, is there a way to configure @infiSTAR to centralize bans? I suppose I could have a web app that polled those files and aggregated them, then re-wrote the consolidated list to each file. That's a pain in the ass, though.
  2. I'me trying to set a variable in a script to the "account_uid" from the "vehicle" table in the DB. I don't know how to get the data from a specific column though. _vehicleObject = objectFromNetId _vehicleNetID; _vehicleDBID = _vehicleObject getVariable "ExileDatabaseID"; _vehicleDB_UID = _vehicleObject getVariable "???????"; // <--- Here I've tried various approaches but I'm really just poking around in the dark. Any help is appreciated. The "vehicle" columns are (to save you from looking) id | class | spawned_at | account_uid | is_locked | etc...
  3. TroyT

    Get Vehicle Owner's UID from DB

    Hmmm, I fear that the appropriate forum is a dusty basement where few ever go.
  4. TroyT

    Windows Server 2016 Crashing

    Does anyone have any experience with Windows 2016 crashing servers? We're migrating our servers to new boxes and changing to 64bit exe's and DB. We keep running into an issue with the game instance crashing within a few minutes of a player joining. If no player joins, the instance will run until restart or indefinitely if we have no restarts scheduled. We use TCAdmin and thought that the interface might be causing it but it's not. We've installed game instances with WS 2016 on 3 different boxes in 3 different countries using TCAdmin and using standard command line starts and it's always the same. We've also tested many different bandwidth tuning configurations. These tests have been done with our main game builds as well as with completely vanilla Exile instances. I just wiped one of the test boxes and installed WS 2012 R2 and everything's stable. The obvious and "easy" solution is to just use 2012 but we already have 10 game instances configured as well as all of our support software. I'd prefer not to start from scratch and with an older OS. I read on another forum about someone having this issue and they messed with the RAM settings in the BIOS and it seemed to correct itself. Our BIOS has no RAM settings. Our hardware: 2 x 2.4GHz Octa-Core E5-2630 v3 Haswell (16 Cores) 128 GB DDR4 RAM 2x480 GB SSD 1Gbs port
  5. TroyT

    Windows Server 2016 Crashing

    It turns out that this was an issue with TCAdmin querying processes and shutting them down... even game instances that it hadn't started. CHanging the query protocol fixed it.
  6. TroyT

    mARMA - Server Monitoring, Live Map, RE...

    I'd like to see that as well.
  7. TroyT

    Windows Server 2016 Crashing

    Yeah, we've done that. With this behavior spanning several machines and both OS, it seems to something systemic. I just can't figure out what.
  8. TroyT

    Windows Server 2016 Crashing

    So after extensive testing, I can say that it has nothing to do with ExtDB3 or Exile. Launching the vanilla A3 in 64 bit crashes that same as any other configuration. 32 bit is stable. Since the above post, Windows Server 2012 R2 started to crash in the same way. There are no memory exceptions. The event log has a couple of errors, but nothing that should matter. There's an issue with TCAdmin trying to log in unsuccessfully but I'm getting these crashes when I bypass TCA altogether. I've gone back to WS 2016 and will do more experimenting.
  9. BTW, if you are looking for the town occupation missions with the diamond map markers, that's not occupation. That's "a3_vemf_reloaded".
  10. You may need to create a map config file for DMS. In the "map_configs" folder, copy the file "chernarus_config.sqf" and rename it "chernarusredux_config.sqf". In the "a3_exile_occupation" folder edit "config.sqf" and add the IF statement for ChernarusRedux. Again, copy: if (worldName == 'Chernarus' AND SC_useMapOverrides) then { SC_maxAIcount = 120; SC_occupySea = false; SC_occupyLootCratesMarkers = false; }; and edit it: if (worldName == 'ChernarusRedux' AND SC_useMapOverrides) then { SC_maxAIcount = 120; SC_occupySea = false; SC_occupyLootCratesMarkers = false; }; This is only really needed if you have "SC_useMapOverrides" enabled around line 21 in the "config.sqf": SC_useMapOverrides = true; Locate the "a3_exile_occupation\scripts\functions\fnc_findsafePos.sqf" file. Do the same as above. Copy the IF statement for Chernarus and edit it to read "ChernarusRedux". You should get in the habit when using alternate maps like this to do a "Find in Files" in Notepad++ in whatever script folder you are enabling (or whatever advanced text editor you use) and search for "Altis". Any hits that you find for any specific map will probably need to be replicated for whatever map you are using. The name of the map will be whatever your mission PBO is titled without the "exile." part. Good luck.
  11. TroyT

    Get Vehicle Owner's UID from DB

  12. Is there a limit on the port range that can be used for dedicated servers? We utilize a typical 2302, 2303, 2307 - Server 1 2312, 2313, 2317 - Server 2 etc... If in theory, you had a system capable of running 12 servers what ports would you allocate? Can we run into the 2400's? This isn't about whether you SHOULD run 12 servers, but how WOULD you if it were possible. You could compress the ranges into blocks of 5, but I'm mostly curious about the mechanics of the higher port ranges. Other than the obvious hardware performance and overhead issues, are there any other reasons that the theoretical 12 server box would be problematic?
  13. TroyT

    Unknown Issue Causing Server Crash

    Advanced Rap and Urban Rap can be added either way. We have them installed as optional server mods. If the player doesn't have them loaded, they still get the functionality, but not the custom sounds. Advanced Towing can actually be added to the mission file, or either way listed above. InfiStar and it's accompanying apps can be loaded as either mods or as addons. There's no difference in functionality. Chris just recommends picking one way and using it for all of his apps.
  14. We're moving our servers to bare metal boxes and I'm looking at the best option for giving our admin limited control. We currently use TCAdmin on our dedicated boxes with EoR. My current plan is to buy a Master and Remote license but I'm looking for alternatives that are less expensive but allow for a similar level of control. Any input is appreciated.
  15. TroyT

    TCAdmin or Alternatives

  16. Does anyone have any experience using AWS for server hosting? It looks good on the surface but it's almost impossible to figure out how mush it will cost and if it will server out purposes. We have 8 Exile servers and some other games as well. We're currently with EoR dedicated but it just never seems to be enough.
  17. I've been in contact with a rep and it doesn't seem practical. Even going with a pretty decent instance type it would have issues once the player count got over 40. That would mean using multiple instances at about $175/mo. I'll probably end up with a couple of boxes at OVH.
  18. TroyT

    TCAdmin or Alternatives

    Thanks for the input. I'm actually experienced in building and running my servers but need to share the workload. The need to share limited access comes from my real-world circumstances. I'm ridiculously busy with my business and family. I have a hard time being available for updates, kick starts, or DB tweaks when needed. When one of the last Arma updates hit, I was out of the country and if my admin had no access then the whole thing would have been down for a week. The level of access granted is dependent on how well I know them and what their technical proficiencies are. All of our admins were well established in the community before being invited to join. We use InfiStar and I have several access levels assigned depending on the need. Some of them have limited DB access through TCAdmin and some have full access using whatever MySQL tool they are most familiar with... usually Heidi. A couple of them have FTP access, most don't. I'm not particularly worried about malicious behavior since my servers aren't, and won't be, hosted at home or at my office. If some rogue admin decided to cause havoc it would be contained. Nobody will have access at the OS level except for one admin who I work with on development. If I didn't allow access, it would basically mean pulling the plug on our community and sending everyone packing. At last count, we had logged about 10,000 unique players and have about 700 members on our Discord server. I actually did try to walk away from it once and was working with one of the core admins to transfer power. I couldn't bear to see it whither and ended up keeping with it but in a more back-end capacity. One thing that I had to learn to do in my life was to delegate tasks and allow the delegatee to fail. I've learned to do that in my business and am now much better off for it. I'm applying some of that to more serious pursuits like these game servers and so far, so good. I've actually started recruiting dedicated players to help develop new maps. Want a Weferlingen Winter map? Let's all learn how to create traders and loot positions! It's worked well thus far. I think my coffee kicked in about 10 sentences ago. I've been using TCAdmin for the last 3 years but it was being administered through the GSP. Now I am going to be setting things up differently because I'm sick of dealing with the performance issues that keep plaguing us with the limited access of a managed OS through the GSP. The main features that I like about TCAdmin are the ability for admin to run a Steam update with a single click, or if I've granted them permission, to update mods with the Steam Mod Updater. Restarting the servers is handy, but they usually use ArmAdmin for that. So I guess the gist of my question is about the practical application of TCAdmin and if anyone has any direct experience with using it on the back-end. Or, if there are comparable products, which seems to be a no if I want the features listed above. My coffee has definitely kicked in. I need to stop now or I might just keep on typing... Thanks again for the input. All valid points.
  19. TroyT

    Add vehicles isnt easy... or...?

    Make sure that there are no duplicate entries in either list. That will break your server. Pay attention to your placement of commas and semicolons, a misplaced or omitted comma is the easiest way to break your server.
  20. TroyT

    Unknown Issue Causing Server Crash

    Notepad++ can search in PBO's as well. Keep in mind that the script that's causing the error can be in many locations - mission file, @Exile\addons folder, @AnyMod, etc. Use the search in files functions in several places, the code is there somewhere. I'd suggest simplifying the search at first. I'd start with "ammo1" and see where that's being called.
  21. TroyT

    TCAdmin or Alternatives

    Cool, I'll take a look.
  22. I'll let you know what I find out. I just upgraded my support level with them to see if I can pay for some straight answers.
  23. So this started happening about a week ago: AI Hijacking Player Vics There are no actual civilian AI other than whatever RyanZombies may use, but they appear to be civ AI. AI mods that we use: RyanZombies with @kuplion's ExileZ and Crashes adds A3XAI - roaming vics and hit squds. VEMFr - invasions and base attacks DMS - random missions Occupation v.69- loot crates We've had this basic setup on all of our PVE servers (7 as of now) for more than a year with no issues. This has only been reported on our Altis server but may be happening on the others without our knowledge. Has anyone else experienced this?
  24. TroyT

    AI hijacking player vehicles... no shit.

    FPS may be the culprit. That server has been seeing unusually high player counts lately. No AI behavior scripts in play here but I'd be curious what you're using.
  25. TroyT

    AI hijacking player vehicles... no shit.

    FPS may be the culprit. That server has been seeing unusually high player counts lately. No AI behavior scripts in play here but I'd be curious what you're using.