[X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

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About [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

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  • Birthday 02/18/1983

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  1. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    [GUIDE] Server Install/Upgrade Guide 1.0.4

    (EDITED BECAUSE I FIGURED IT OUT) So i use very strong passwords and the end of my steam password was a "%" apparently this is picked up as part of the code and was not being seen by the console as a part of my password but rather a code. I keep getting "steamcmd invalid password code 5" And I am using the correct credentials. The console doesn't ask me for my steamguard code either. I tried: SET STEAMLOGIN=username password As well as: SET STEAMLOGIN=username password steamguard And nothing is working. I even tried to turn off steamguard. I also did not get an email from steam with the code. Any help would be awesome. Thanks.
  2. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Is this the trader you used? If so can you help me get this working?
  3. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    [Release] Purchased vehicles spawn at specific location

    Was this removed?
  4. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    Hmm...i must have done something wrong... So everything seems to be working except the vehicle paint save. The uniforms are saving but not the vehicles. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/87099228448808447/3F62081C2B03D59C660E7C4EFE63BE0F70A3133A/
  5. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    Halv's Paintshop ported to Exile

    I'm not understanding this part. I see this as well but do they need to be inside a folder called textures? http://prntscr.com/eqh3e9 Also, the "main" that I downloaded with the .paa files...where do we need to place these? I've done everything except what's mentioned here.
  6. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    Auto Server Restart For Dummies

  7. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    This is the loot.hpp class Land_Church_03: CivillianUpperClass { positions[] = { {-13.5996,0.242188,-14.2229}, {-11.9771,1.38379,-14.0592} }; };
  8. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

  9. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

  10. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    Thats my rpt
  11. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

  12. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    Okay... so i just spent the last 4 hours trying to get this to work....
  13. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    Will look into this when i get home in a few hours. Thanks Tinboye.
  14. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    Yep .... gots some issues with them vehicle spawns for sure!
  15. [X-CESSIVE] Mr. Sage

    New Map....

    Wow....this is useful. Thanks!