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Everything posted by Euphoria

  1. Hi everyone, my first time here so a big "Hello" to one and all. So I'm looking for a little expert knowledge here, as I'm a bambi at this stuff. Myself and some friends I game with have been wondering, is it possible to configure the 'Bleeding' or 'Health-loss' mechanic, to reduce the speed at which it depletes. We have an Exile server up and running and we're slowly getting to grips with how to tweak features and add new mods/additions, but this is something we haven't yet come across in the files, so I thought I should ask, as the bleeding speed does seem very fast. Anyone know if this is possible??? Appreciate it, thanks.
  2. Forgive me, but are you 100% sure about this?? I ask as I placed a number a small groups of static AI around my radiation zone and temple locations, and while testing them, I wiped them all out a few times and they did not respawn before the next restart, just under 4 hours later.
  3. What vehicles are you talking about exactly?? I've never once had this or anyone reporting it on my server, AI won't engage players inside vehicles if their weapons cannot damage or penetrate the vehicle, so the police (random AI) don't shoot at a player in any vehicle with a 75-100 or above armour rating.
  4. Hello, So I've noticed 2 issues since the last Occupation update, I'm hoping you can help me with them please. (Exile, ArmA, Occu and DMS are all fully up to date.) #1 - "Roaming AI Boats", I've tried setting the max number of boats to between 2-5 and limiting the boat classes to just 3 different boats and maximum 1-2 of each. But dozens and dozens of AI boats to spawn. Literally after 3-4 hours when the server is near restart, there are almost 0 land AI, but 15-30 boats! Many are crashed and stuck on beaches and a lot of them are way off the map 10+km out to sea. Is this a known issue, or something I can fix?? #2 - "Weird AI Behaviour", mainly Loot Create AI. Since the last occupation update, myself and many players have noticed, AI running around in perfect formation, 1-2m apart, following a set path, like a group of ants. They constantly run never stopping and repeat the same path over and over. They don't even stop when shot at or some are killed, they just keep running. Also, on more than a few occasions, they don't even shoot players that stand right in front of them! I tried this last night, I found a loot create, saw the AI crazy running around in formation, so I ran up to them and shot one dead just 5m in front of me... and the other AI just kept running and ran past me, haha. This doesn't happen every time, but probably around 50% of the time it does. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks
  5. Still works perfectly as of 1.0.2 Kohlrabi. Awesome, thank you very much @Lunchbox for creating this and also thank you to @kuplion for helping out and tweaking things :) GJ
  6. Euphoria

    [Guide] Custom Vehicle Spawn (Air/Ground/Water)

    Sorry if this has been asked/answered already, I did look through the thread but couldn't see anything. Is there an option within this mod to make the spawned vehicles persistent?? Thanks
  7. Euphoria

    AVS - Advanced Vehicle System

    Hey everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me here please as I've tried multiple things with zero results. The issue I'm experiencing is, Sanitisation of Ammo on server restarts. Every time the server restarts, every single vehicle has it's ammo (guns and missiles) sanitised/set to 0. I tried completely removing the "fn_sanitizeVehicle.sqf" file as well as trying a few other things, but still, when the server restarts all vehicles have 0 ammo. So could this be a database issue, like AVS isn't saving the ammo amount to the database? Or simply, is the sanitisation script some how still running? Appreciate any help or advice. Thanks
  8. @TheOne.Sheeedz I'm just catching the tall end of this conversation, so I apologise if you already covered this. By any chance, do you have "Occupation Transport" enabled?? The heli that goes from trader to trader. If so, try disabling it. I struggled for weeks with my server FPS dropping through the floor with lag and stuttering, until I noticed it was occupation transport. The heli pilot seems to be drunk or doesn't have a pilot licence, as he constantly gets stuck on things around the map, landing on trees, bushes, sandbags....etc, some times, even in mid-air it seems to just stop and get stuck. When the transport heli gets stuck, it wrecks the server taking server performance to it's knees. Even when it's not stuck it still seems to take a lot of performance, but when it's stuck... my server was going from 40+fps to between 1 - 5fps! Hope this helps.
  9. Thanks everyone that replied, I'm glad a fair few gave their opinions. It's interesting to hear it from different sides and angles.
  10. Hello everyone, I'm curious of peoples opinions, between myself and my group of friends, some of us are torn on whether we think these items below have a place in Exile, or not. (This is Not a support question, I'm curious to others opinions and would like a discussion) Opinions, do you think weapons above 7.62 have a place within Exile? - Commonly known as the "OP" or "1 hit kill to the toe" weapons: (Navid, Lynx, Cyrus, .50 cal's, RHS M107... etc.) Do these weapons have a place, or maybe they do but definitely not in traders and only very rare finds on missions or radiation zones? What about vehicles, jets, tanks... etc, also heavy armed/armoured vehicles like the HMG .50 cal Strider, and also gun ships like the Apache, Blackfoot, VTOLs... etc? Hell yes they should be in, or straight up No Frickin Way? Or do these types of vehicles have a place, but only if the weapons are disabled? Are all of the above acceptable, but you personally wouldn't use them? Or would you just "Nope" straight out of an Exile server if you saw an Apache fly over or a tank roll past you?? As said, I'm just looking for peoples opinions and discussions on these items, as between myself and my group of friends, some of us are torn on whether we think these have a place in Exile, or not. Look forward to hear what others thinks
  11. Ok, thanks again. I'm testing this fix posted above, I'll reply to this thread in a week or so once I have a good idea if it resolved or helped at all. Cheers
  12. I have an ongoing issue with the V-44X Blackfish, upon a server restart or when fetched from a virtual garage, the Blackfish spawns on it's side half sunk in the ground and inevitably blows up. This happens to everyone that tries to use one, and occurs roughly 5 out of 10 times when trying to reproduce the bug. If it's was 100% of the time or close to it, I could say it's completely bugged and remove it, but it seems to be intermittent. I've seen there used to be an issue with the Blackfish not being repairable, but I can't see any reports regarding this issue. So does anyone have any ideas what could be the cause or reason?? Thanks
  13. @joquinn - Well I'm sorry it happened to you too, but I'm also glad to hear it's not just my server Does anyone know why or what causes this, and is it something that can be fixed??
  14. Euphoria

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    @GGWOLF, that does happen on ours too mate. Noticed it a few times with the static missions since the last DMS/Occu updates.
  15. Ok, I kind of get what you mean, but I was referring more to the feel and essence of Exile, what people look for and expect and don't expect within Exile and choosing it over A3 king of the hill or something else.
  16. Thanks for that, Andrew_S90. I get what you mean with most of them not being within Exile by default. Appreciate your opinion.
  17. Euphoria

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    [Edit] - It's ok, I figured out how to make the toast notifications text smaller and stay on screen longer @Defent- I'm having a little issue with the Toast popups. The toast notifications seem to disappear after roughly 1-2 seconds, so it's some times difficult for players to read them and many don't have time to read the pin for vehicle missions. Also, some times vehicle pins are cut off the end. Is there a way within DMS or some other config in Exile that I can tweak to increase the time toasts stay on screen, and the size of the toast box??? Appreciate any help, thanks.
  18. Euphoria


    Always plenty to do Lots of AI roaming and static, missions, capture points, gear creates, heli crashes... Custom trader layout with a Black Market trader for all your naughty bandit needs No easy mode. Nothing is handed to you on a plate, you have to put in effort to unlock gear Tonnes of addon weapons, vehicles and outfits One of only a handful of servers allowed to run the prestigious "Vector Building" script, for the most awesome base building experience possible Run by a great 8 year long standing community of mature guys with a zero tolerance to cheats Admin team monitoring day and night Dozens of other mods and features... like Full ExAD, Advanced Slinging, towing and urban rappeling, extended base mod... and even more Server settings aimed at high performance and high FPS Most mods and features are server side addons, so you the player only need to download a few small mods to be ready to join Seriously, what more could you want Come join the fun -
  19. Euphoria

    Helicopters Exploding on Landing

    I know it's not the answer you're hoping for, but, bases and any player build object are not solid ground, so even though it can be convenient and cool to land a chopper on your roof, just stop doing it if it's a problem. To give you even more evidence of the need for landing on solid ground - one of my mates has a base at the airfield just north-east of the Volcano, he has the exact same issue of choppers blowing up when landing or storing/fetching to and from the virtual garage. He has this issue even though he doesn't land on his base... he lands on the airfield. So why does he have this issue... because that airfield is 'Not' solid ground, the whole airstrip is on legs raised up off the ground, there's water and ground under it, so it's not solid. You are not alone my friend, plenty of my mates and players on my server have the same issue, just stop landing on bases.
  20. Thank you for the reply and help. [Edit] - Ok, so I have been playing around in the editor for the past couple of hours and I think I've found what you mean by saving to initserver.sqf. I was following a guide I read on BIS forum and that said to click export to MP, so I guess that's for A3 and not Exile. But I need to ask, am I running the editor correctly because when I open my Exile.Tanoa scenario I can't see any of my traders, nor do I have a spawn point, so when I click Play Scenario to test what I've added, I just get stuck on a map overview and have to ctrl alt del and task manager close ARMA. I run ARMA, then click multiplayer, host and start a new LAN server, and open my scenario. Is this the correct way?
  21. So please bear with me if this is obvious, I am super new to the editor, I've literally only opened it 4-5 times so I'm still learning the absolute basics. I have an exile server and I wanted to run my mission file through the editor to place 2 - 3 static objects around the map. I did this, exported the mission file from the editor and uploaded it to the server... everything worked great, except that my mission.sqm changed from something readable that I understood, to something that looks encrypted or broken maybe. How I was doing it: Opening ARMA, selecting multiplayer clicking host and starting a LAN server open a scenario and selecting my mission adding the few objects to the map Exporting the mission for multiplayer. That's it. Can someone help me understand why this happens, I must be doing something wrong, but it's hard to find a decent noob friendly tutorial. Appreciate any help, thanks
  22. Hello, so I've noticed a weird bug. Every time players rejoin the server if they were wearing a Balaclava, a default ARMA/Apex balaclava, it disappears. I tried to spawn some in to test if it was just 1 or 2 specific ones, but upon trying to find them in the InfiStar admin menu, I found that these balaclavas don't show on the list of items within the game! Which is extremely weird as these are default A3 items. There's not one single balaclava listed even when searching by class, nothing appears. Yet they are physically in-game, found on AI/NPC, traders, heli crashes... etc. Can anyone think of a reason to why this would happen and what could cause this??? Appreciate any help. [Edit] - These are the classes: G_Balaclava_blk, G_Balaclava_oli, G_Balaclava_combat, "G_Balaclava_lowprofile","G_Balaclava_TI_blk_F", "G_Balaclava_TI_tna_F", "G_Balaclava_TI_G_blk_F", "G_Balaclava_TI_G_tna_F".
  23. Ok, I have discovered the issue. And I'm pretty embarrassed The issue was caused by.... Admins! Yep, safe zones are Not safe for admins unless they have god mode enabled. Without god mode enabled, both AI and players can kill admins in any safe zone. Only just realised this as we only have god mode enable when we are testing and configuring stuff. But for normal players, they are safe. Sorry if this is well known and obvious to anyone, but I'm new to all this, so it was a surprise to me.
  24. I also just tried DL'ing the masters for this and tested them, just in case some how something had been changed by me or an admin, but no, even a default fresh install had the same issue.