ESPN Virulent

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About ESPN Virulent

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  1. ESPN Virulent

    [Release] Steam Workshop Downloader

    Can i use this with a dedicated server hoster? like the ones where i pay a hosting provider to host my server?
  2. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

  3. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    @infiSTAR is @hogansheroes with you? Im just wondering because he tried asking me to join his server in a private message and i got worried if he was trying to grab my ip or something, i dont understand why he couldnt ask me on this main thread... thankyou!
  4. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

  5. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    what am i suppose to be looking for in the rpt file
  6. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    I can join a couple of exile servers that aren't enabled with the global banned system, but on regular arma 3 i can join any server i want to and not get kicked...
  7. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    what do you meant .rpt? can you tell me how to find this? also i have never heard of a thing called a "ipblocker" i've also never been vac'ed banned before and i have 2300 hours on this game so why would i want to do something so dumb?
  8. ESPN Virulent

    [CLOSED] Global Banned???

    So one of my servers ive recently been playing on has enabled the infistar global banning system and i have no clue what i could have done to be put on this system at all, I've never hacked or done any of that annoying crap bc for one its expensive, for two its stupid and leave that shit for minecraft. So infistar if you could please respond and tell me how i got on this list that would be great!