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Everything posted by MattPlaysSimulations

  1. MattPlaysSimulations

    Chernarus Redux Mission File w/Loot (Exile 1.0.4)

    Help. I cant get this to load. Here's my startup lines (exile doesn't need to be in there as the server does it automatically) but when I try launch the server, this is what i get: anyone able to help ASAP? Thanks! EDIT: Facepalm... I realised after posted, I put a ":" instead of ";" New problem though: EDIT 2: Fixed it all, finally!
  2. MattPlaysSimulations

    Help adding UAV's to Exile server

    I get an error saying "ExileCustomCode\server\ExileServer_object_vehicle_carefulCreateVehicle.sqf"; script not found. What am i doing wrong
  3. OK fixed the issue. but got any idea why this method doesn't work for NIarsenal? this is the error i get: 19:34:29 Missing addons detected: 19:34:29 hlc_core 19:34:29 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.hlc_core 19:34:29 Mission Exile.Tanoa: Missing 'description.ext::Header' 19:34:29 Starting mission: 19:34:29 Mission file: Exile (__cur_mp) 19:34:29 Mission world: Tanoa 19:34:29 Mission directory: mpmissions\__cur_mp.Tanoa\
  4. MattPlaysSimulations

    So, about these jet flyovers..

    problem resolved. worked out how to do it and works fine thanks
  5. MattPlaysSimulations

    Add Vehicle Init to scipt

    im wondering the same bud, anyone able to help us?
  6. anyone able to clarify this? i want to do this for the following mods, CBA_A3 Blastcore phoenix CUP vehicles, units, weapons NI arms Extended base mod Ryan zombies any idea? thanks in adv guys
  7. MattPlaysSimulations

    So, about these jet flyovers..

    How do you add new aircraft to the flyovers? want to add my c-130s from CUP vehicles to the flyovers but doesnt work? any idea?
  8. MattPlaysSimulations

    Ambient flyovers

    Hey guys, maybe one of you guys could help me? im having issues adding aircraft to the ambient flyover coding. anyone able to help? heres the section ove edited, parts before and after are unchanged. thanks in advanced _flyHeight = 125; _speed = 210; _direction = random 360; _targetPosition = [ (getPos _targetPlayer) select 0, (getPos _targetPlayer) select 1, _flyHeight ]; _distance = worldSize * 0.75; _endPosition = [ (_targetPosition select 0) - (sin _direction) * _distance, (_targetPosition select 1) - (cos _direction) * _distance, _flyHeight ]; _planeClass = selectRandom [ "B_Plane_CAS_01_F", "O_Plane_CAS_02_F", "CUP_B_C130J_USMC", "CUP_B_C130J_USMC", "CUP_B_C130J_USMC", "I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F" ]; for "_i" from 1 to (1 + (floor (random 6))) do { _distance = 4000 + (_i * 400); _startPosition =
  9. having the same issue. worked fine but since yesterday [no updates or anything released] it comes up with that error. im running with CBA but managed to bypass that problem but no idea whats going on. help?
  10. MattPlaysSimulations

    Removing player progress
  11. MattPlaysSimulations

    Removing player progress

    Hey guys. Wondering if someone could help me. is it possible to do like a hard reset that removes all of a players progress, gear, money etc as if they were starting in the server for the first time? we realised we had a huge pricing issue in the traders meaning huge amounts of money could be made in a short time. As a result we added all the content we wanted and fixed all the prices but want to remove all the gear etc from all the players who made money while this issue was available. This way it makes it fair on all players and everyone gets a clean slate. thanks in advance.
  12. MattPlaysSimulations

    Removing player progress

    okay thanks. Sorry, I'm new to this, are you able to explain where i find the required information? this is my first ever server setup. thanks in adv
  13. MattPlaysSimulations

    ETG Helicrash and Drop Script

    Hello. looks a good script and would love to use it but it doesnt seem to work on my server. getting nothing in the logs etc. ive put the whole file in the MPmissions folder and added the required lines to the init.sqf any ideas? thanks.
  14. MattPlaysSimulations

    Changing reputation of items within the traders?

    ok thanks so much for your help
  15. hey people. I'm new to all this server setup etc. I was wondering, could one of you help me. I'm adding all modded content to the traders and want to make everything sell-able and buy-able in the traders but want them to have different reputation requirements. anyone able to help? In the files i see where everything goes and understand how to add it but I don't understand how to change the rep requirement. Also could someone please explain what it means by "Quality" in the config file next to the purchase price, Thanks in advanced
  16. MattPlaysSimulations

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    guys. looks amazing. trying to use it in my server with no success. added the a3_dms.pbo to the @exileserver/addons folder. launch the server, works fine but nothing spawns. no missions. using tanoa map. any help, thanks. keep up the great work