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About Mocha

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  1. I'm looking for a way to disable the territory payment feature. It's just me and my friend playing on a private server and It's a bit annoying. If anyone could help I would appreciate it!
  2. Mocha

    Help adding UAV's to Exile server

    Thank's so much!
  3. I have been able to add UAV's to the air trader but I have had no luck getting them connected to a UAV terminal. Please note I am not talking about the small quad drone, but rather the larger predator/air surveillance drones. Also, as a side note, if anyone knows how to make Static MG's stay persistent, and be movable via R3F Logistics then please let me know.
  4. Mocha

    DMS - Defent's Mission System

    I've been having an issue adding loot to the DMS_BoxWeapons in config.sqf --- I've tried adding class names from several different mods such as RHS, CUP, and NIArsenal. The server loads fine, but then the missions don't seem to work (As in they don't load when the server launches). I've been able to edit the AI classes with weapons and clothing from multiple different mods and no issues. Here is a link to the code I'm using.
  5. Looks like I'll be using other tanks. lol
  6. I originally thought this was a server issue, however, I went into the virtual arsenal and it is also showing that the M1A tanks hold only 20L of fuel. All of the other tanks hold much more than that. Any thoughts?
  7. Mocha

    Need help finding what's wrong with my code

    Indeed that was the entire mission.sqm. However, I received the same error code once again.
  8. Mocha

    Need help finding what's wrong with my code

    Just updated with pastebin link.
  9. Mocha

    Need help finding what's wrong with my code

    I think I remember trying this... It was one of my several failed attempts to try and get this working. I copied and pasted everything from the 3den plugin so it should be correct. If anyone has any further input I would appreciate it beyond belief.
  10. I've been at this for over a week now. BaroN helped me with my previous problem however now I'm getting a new error code. ( File mpmissions\_cur_mp.Altis\mission.sqm, line 2096: '/Mission/Groups/Item0.Class': 'I' encountered instead of '=' ) Line 2096 is located just below class item 79 and has been underlined. I have no clue what I've done wrong so here is the code.
  11. I really appreciate the help, and I hate to bug you again as I know you probably have other things to worry about. Therefore, I'll try to keep it short. I apologize for being a noob at this. So here it goes: Okay, I applied the changes and it seems to have fixed that particular problem. However, I'm now getting a new error code. The error code its > File mpmissions\_cur_mp.Altis\mission.sqm, line 2096: '/Mission/Groups/Item0.Class': 'I' encountered instead of '=' Everything regarding the markers has been created in the 3den plugin if that helps at all. Sorry about posting so much code, but I'm not sure how much of this correlates with each other. Yes, I'm a noob. lol Here are lines 1044 through 2186. Note: Line 2096 is just below class item 79 and has been underlined. class Entities { class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11594.1, 0, 11930.7}; name = "ExileMarker1"; text = "AAC Air Trader"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 250; b = 250; drawBorder = 1; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11594.1, 0, 11930.7}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon"; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10971.9, 0, 13434.5}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9162.6, 0, 11923}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 475; b = 475; drawBorder = 1; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9162.6, 0, 11923}; name = "ExileMarker5"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 105; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.37, 0, 13251}; name = "ExileMarker6"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 800; b = 800; drawBorder = 1; id = 106; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item7 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.37, 0, 13251}; name = "ExileMarker7"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 107; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item8 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7140.38, 0, 16473.1}; name = "ExileMarker8"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 108; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item9 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7140.38, 0, 16473.1}; name = "ExileMarker9"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 109; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item10 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12522.9, 0, 14337.8}; name = "ExileMarker10"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 110; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item11 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12522.9, 0, 14337.8}; name = "ExileMarker11"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 111; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item12 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12371.2, 0, 15709.9}; name = "ExileMarker12"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 112; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item13 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12371.2, 0, 15709.9}; name = "ExileMarker13"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 113; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item14 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9334.72, 0, 15876.7}; name = "ExileMarker14"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 114; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item15 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9334.72, 0, 15876.7}; name = "ExileMarker15"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 115; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item16 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8634.15, 0, 18279.5}; name = "ExileMarker16"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 116; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item17 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8634.15, 0, 18279.5}; name = "ExileMarker17"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 117; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item18 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4889.33, 0, 16150.2}; name = "ExileMarker18"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 118; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item19 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4889.33, 0, 16150.2}; name = "ExileMarker19"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 119; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item20 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {5073.47, 0, 11231.7}; name = "ExileMarker20"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 375; b = 375; drawBorder = 1; id = 120; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item21 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {5073.47, 0, 11231.7}; name = "ExileMarker21"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 121; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item22 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4162.18, 0, 11781}; name = "ExileMarker22"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 122; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item23 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4162.18, 0, 11781}; name = "ExileMarker23"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 123; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item24 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12964.9, 0, 15049.9}; name = "ExileMarker24"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 124; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item25 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12964.9, 0, 15049.9}; name = "ExileMarker25"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 125; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item26 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16360.4, 0, 17209.6}; name = "ExileMarker26"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 126; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item27 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16360.4, 0, 17209.6}; name = "ExileMarker27"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 127; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item28 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14007.3, 0, 18663.9}; name = "ExileMarker28"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 128; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item29 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14007.3, 0, 18663.9}; name = "ExileMarker29"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 129; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item30 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14516, 0, 17621.5}; name = "ExileMarker30"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 130; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item31 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14516, 0, 17621.5}; name = "ExileMarker31"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 131; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item32 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18130, 0, 15209.1}; name = "ExileMarker32"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 132; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item33 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18130, 0, 15209.1}; name = "ExileMarker33"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 133; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item34 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18822.8, 0, 16597.9}; name = "ExileMarker34"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 134; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item35 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18822.8, 0, 16597.9}; name = "ExileMarker35"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 135; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item36 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16645.9, 0, 16108.6}; name = "ExileMarker36"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 136; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item37 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16645.9, 0, 16108.6}; name = "ExileMarker37"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 137; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item38 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20819.1, 0, 6716.74}; name = "ExileMarker38"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 138; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item39 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20819.1, 0, 6716.74}; name = "ExileMarker39"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 139; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item40 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16886.8, 0, 12667.9}; name = "ExileMarker40"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 475; b = 475; drawBorder = 1; id = 140; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item41 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16886.8, 0, 12667.9}; name = "ExileMarker41"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 141; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item42 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {19391.5, 0, 13263.9}; name = "ExileMarker42"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 142; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item43 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {19391.5, 0, 13263.9}; name = "ExileMarker43"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 143; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item44 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20980.1, 0, 16969.1}; name = "ExileMarker44"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 144; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item45 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20980.1, 0, 16969.1}; name = "ExileMarker45"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 145; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item46 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {25682.4, 0, 21341.1}; name = "ExileMarker46"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 325; b = 325; drawBorder = 1; id = 146; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item47 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {25682.4, 0, 21341.1}; name = "ExileMarker47"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 147; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item48 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {27007.6, 0, 23213}; name = "ExileMarker48"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 148; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item49 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {27007.6, 0, 23213}; name = "ExileMarker49"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 149; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item50 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10651.9, 0, 12265.1}; name = "ExileMarker50"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 150; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item51 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10651.9, 0, 12265.1}; name = "ExileMarker51"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 151; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item52 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9203.79, 0, 21591.3}; name = "ExileMarker52"; text = "AAC Air Trader"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 250; b = 250; drawBorder = 1; id = 152; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item53 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9203.79, 0, 21591.3}; name = "ExileMarker53"; text = ""; type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon"; id = 153; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item54 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12254.2, 0, 9503.01}; name = "ExileMarker54"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 154; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item55 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12254.2, 0, 9503.01}; name = "ExileMarker55"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 155; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item56 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21413.9, 0, 16347.9}; name = "ExileMarker56"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 156; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item57 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21413.9, 0, 16347.9}; name = "ExileMarker57"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 157; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item58 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11136.9, 0, 14578}; name = "ExileMarker58"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 158; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item59 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.39, 0, 13254.7}; name = "ExileMarker59"; text = "Spawn Kavala"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 159; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item60 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.39, 0, 13254.7}; name = "ExileMarker60"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 160; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item61 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4606.96, 0, 21422.1}; name = "ExileMarker61"; text = "Spawn Oreokastro"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 161; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item62 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4606.96, 0, 21422.1}; name = "ExileMarker62"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 162; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item63 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9243.2, 0, 8058.68}; name = "ExileMarker63"; text = "Spawn Stafka"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 163; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item64 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9243.2, 0, 8058.68}; name = "ExileMarker64"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 164; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item65 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {17113.2, 0, 9975.16}; name = "ExileMarker65"; text = "Spawn Ekali"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 165; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item66 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {17113.2, 0, 9975.16}; name = "ExileMarker66"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 166; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item67 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9212.63, 0, 13757.5}; name = "ExileMarker67"; text = "Spawn Xirolimni Dam"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 167; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item68 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9212.63, 0, 13757.5}; name = "ExileMarker68"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 168; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item69 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13935.1, 0, 22460}; name = "ExileMarker69"; text = "Spawn Wilderness"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 169; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item70 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13935.1, 0, 22460}; name = "ExileMarker70"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 170; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item71 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7387.08, 0, 17170}; name = "ExileMarker71"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 171; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item72 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7387.08, 0, 17170}; name = "ExileMarker72"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 172; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item73 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21813.3, 0, 21016.2}; name = "ExileMarker73"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 250; b = 250; drawBorder = 1; id = 173; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item74 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21813.3, 0, 21016.2}; name = "ExileMarker74"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 174; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item75 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21812.1, 0, 21018.2}; name = "ExileMarker75"; text = "Spawn Iraklia"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 175; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item76 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21812.1, 0, 21018.2}; name = "ExileMarker76"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 176; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item77 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9432.66, 0, 20259.2}; name = "ExileMarker77"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 177; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item78 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20238.5, 0, 11656.1}; name = "ExileMarker78"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 178; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item79 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21695.7, 0, 7576.74}; name = "ExileMarker79"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 275; b = 275; drawBorder = 1; id = 179; atlOffset = 0; }; items = 79; }; Class Intro { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=3611332; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=15572598; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=13194853; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; };
  12. Thanks, I will give this a try!
  13. The error code I keep getting is > File mpmissions\_cur_mp.Altis\mission.sqm, line 1768: Config: End of line encountered after ; I've been at this for over a day now, and I'm not sure what's causing the problem. Everything looks to be okay in my own eyes but I'm hoping that one of you can find the issue here. It would be greatly appreciated. Note: Line 1768 is under class item 56 and has been underlined. version=12; class Mission { addOns[]= { "exile_client", "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "exile_client", "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=8080942; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2039; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; class Groups { items=1; class Item0 { side="GUER"; class Vehicles { items=100; class Item0 { position[]={13237.161,20.660374,11705.338}; special="NONE"; id=0; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; leader=1; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item1 { position[]={13234.718,19.578526,11705.455}; special="NONE"; id=1; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item2 { position[]={13232.741,18.706799,11705.57}; special="NONE"; id=2; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item3 { position[]={13230.821,17.984247,11705.514}; special="NONE"; id=3; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item4 { position[]={13228.785,17.412029,11705.281}; special="NONE"; id=4; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item5 { position[]={13226.924,16.956467,11705.455}; special="NONE"; id=5; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item6 { position[]={13225.296,16.538645,11705.048}; special="NONE"; id=6; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item7 { position[]={13223.492,16.139071,11705.514}; special="NONE"; id=7; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item8 { position[]={13221.398,15.754031,11705.338}; special="NONE"; id=8; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item9 { position[]={13219.652,15.484016,11705.398}; special="NONE"; id=9; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item10 { position[]={13237.393,20.350965,11702.838}; special="NONE"; id=10; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item11 { position[]={13235.357,19.481894,11703.129}; special="NONE"; id=11; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item12 { position[]={13233.264,18.675148,11702.896}; special="NONE"; id=12; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item13 { position[]={13231.229,18.033972,11703.188}; special="NONE"; id=13; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item14 { position[]={13229.25,17.450659,11703.068}; special="NONE"; id=14; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item15 { position[]={13227.622,17.044769,11703.012}; special="NONE"; id=15; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item16 { position[]={13225.411,16.547203,11703.129}; special="NONE"; id=16; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item17 { position[]={13223.608,16.157663,11703.068}; special="NONE"; id=17; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item18 { position[]={13221.864,15.82023,11703.188}; special="NONE"; id=18; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item19 { position[]={13219.537,15.460279,11703.188}; special="NONE"; id=19; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item20 { position[]={13237.684,20.122702,11700.919}; special="NONE"; id=20; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item21 { position[]={13235.242,19.243696,11701.034}; special="NONE"; id=21; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item22 { position[]={13233.03,18.533854,11700.976}; special="NONE"; id=22; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item23 { position[]={13230.764,17.812525,11701.093}; special="NONE"; id=23; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item24 { position[]={13229.134,17.34927,11700.976}; special="NONE"; id=24; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item25 { position[]={13227.389,16.968922,11701.093}; special="NONE"; id=25; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item26 { position[]={13225.296,16.517365,11701.209}; special="NONE"; id=26; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item27 { position[]={13223.435,16.115486,11701.268}; special="NONE"; id=27; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item28 { position[]={13221.456,15.7518,11701.209}; special="NONE"; id=28; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item29 { position[]={13219.304,15.384468,11701.326}; special="NONE"; id=29; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item30 { position[]={13237.858,19.79587,11699.057}; special="NONE"; id=30; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item31 { position[]={13235.066,18.972578,11698.881}; special="NONE"; id=31; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item32 { position[]={13232.799,18.265938,11699}; special="NONE"; id=32; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item33 { position[]={13230.473,17.599703,11699.115}; special="NONE"; id=33; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item34 { position[]={13228.785,17.253115,11699}; special="NONE"; id=34; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item35 { position[]={13227.272,16.924681,11698.881}; special="NONE"; id=35; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item36 { position[]={13225.063,16.448162,11698.939}; special="NONE"; id=36; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item37 { position[]={13223.201,16.043352,11699.057}; special="NONE"; id=37; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item38 { position[]={13221.805,15.756227,11699}; special="NONE"; id=38; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item39 { position[]={13219.421,15.350844,11699.23}; special="NONE"; id=39; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item40 { position[]={13237.918,19.454409,11696.905}; special="NONE"; id=40; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item41 { position[]={13236.288,19.065742,11697.021}; special="NONE"; id=41; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item42 { position[]={13234.486,18.498407,11697.078}; special="NONE"; id=42; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item43 { position[]={13232.334,17.895802,11697.138}; special="NONE"; id=43; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item44 { position[]={13230.064,17.49938,11697.138}; special="NONE"; id=44; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item45 { position[]={13227.68,16.987776,11697.196}; special="NONE"; id=45; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item46 { position[]={13225.645,16.549015,11697.254}; special="NONE"; id=46; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item47 { position[]={13224.074,16.186087,11697.196}; special="NONE"; id=47; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item48 { position[]={13221.864,15.70447,11697.138}; special="NONE"; id=48; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item49 { position[]={13220.003,15.385726,11697.254}; special="NONE"; id=49; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item50 { position[]={13237.918,19.109877,11694.752}; special="NONE"; id=50; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item51 { position[]={13236.639,18.824335,11694.811}; special="NONE"; id=51; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item52 { position[]={13234.602,18.260323,11694.984}; special="NONE"; id=52; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item53 { position[]={13232.508,17.89632,11695.102}; special="NONE"; id=53; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item54 { position[]={13230.473,17.539976,11695.043}; special="NONE"; id=54; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item55 { position[]={13227.797,16.982367,11695.102}; special="NONE"; id=55; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item56 { position[]={13225.936,16.558838,11695.275}; special="NONE"; id=56; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item57 { position[]={13223.666,16.026239,11695.275}; special="NONE"; id=57; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item58 { position[]={13221.805,15.632082,11695.275}; special="NONE"; id=58; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item59 { position[]={13219.246,15.186598,11695.567}; special="NONE"; id=59; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item60 { position[]={13237.801,18.862562,11693.24}; special="NONE"; id=60; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item61 { position[]={13235.242,18.339025,11692.718}; special="NONE"; id=61; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item62 { position[]={13233.09,17.966444,11692.948}; special="NONE"; id=62; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item63 { position[]={13230.995,17.602283,11693.065}; special="NONE"; id=63; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item64 { position[]={13228.843,17.171389,11693.182}; special="NONE"; id=64; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item65 { position[]={13227.506,16.857502,11693.182}; special="NONE"; id=65; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item66 { position[]={13225.47,16.389393,11693.473}; special="NONE"; id=66; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item67 { position[]={13224.074,16.061972,11693.473}; special="NONE"; id=67; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item68 { position[]={13221.864,15.586153,11693.588}; special="NONE"; id=68; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item69 { position[]={13219.421,15.041322,11693.648}; special="NONE"; id=69; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item70 { position[]={13238.44,17.573044,11689.811}; special="NONE"; id=70; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item71 { position[]={13236.696,17.677006,11689.926}; special="NONE"; id=71; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item72 { position[]={13234.66,17.280449,11689.811}; special="NONE"; id=72; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item73 { position[]={13232.043,16.925327,11689.982}; special="NONE"; id=73; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item74 { position[]={13230.646,16.802464,11689.982}; special="NONE"; id=74; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item75 { position[]={13228.437,16.41066,11690.102}; special="NONE"; id=75; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item76 { position[]={13226.575,15.941986,11689.982}; special="NONE"; id=76; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item77 { position[]={13224.48,15.510009,11690.041}; special="NONE"; id=77; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item78 { position[]={13222.91,15.286004,11690.041}; special="NONE"; id=78; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item79 { position[]={13220.991,14.880125,11690.102}; special="NONE"; id=79; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item80 { position[]={13237.743,17.021715,11687.831}; special="NONE"; id=80; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item81 { position[]={13235.531,16.812983,11688.063}; special="NONE"; id=81; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item82 { position[]={13233.555,16.559767,11688.122}; special="NONE"; id=82; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item83 { position[]={13230.764,16.298496,11688.063}; special="NONE"; id=83; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item84 { position[]={13228.959,15.987162,11688.063}; special="NONE"; id=84; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item85 { position[]={13227.04,15.567765,11688.179}; special="NONE"; id=85; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item86 { position[]={13225.236,15.280163,11688.122}; special="NONE"; id=86; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item87 { position[]={13223.608,15.037487,11688.063}; special="NONE"; id=87; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item88 { position[]={13221.107,14.579975,11688.239}; special="NONE"; id=88; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item89 { position[]={13219.77,14.262304,11688.239}; special="NONE"; id=89; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item90 { position[]={13237.393,16.354242,11685.854}; special="NONE"; id=90; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item91 { position[]={13235.416,16.09985,11685.795}; special="NONE"; id=91; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item92 { position[]={13233.381,15.905619,11685.738}; special="NONE"; id=92; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item93 { position[]={13230.938,15.690587,11685.738}; special="NONE"; id=93; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item94 { position[]={13228.611,15.362325,11685.854}; special="NONE"; id=94; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item95 { position[]={13226.518,15.063607,11685.854}; special="NONE"; id=95; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item96 { position[]={13224.249,14.750255,11685.912}; special="NONE"; id=96; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item97 { position[]={13221.456,14.273185,11686.029}; special="NONE"; id=97; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item98 { position[]={13218.781,13.587149,11686.145}; special="NONE"; id=98; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; class Item99 { position[]={13239.08,16.010651,11685.795}; special="NONE"; id=99; side="GUER"; vehicle="Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; player="PLAY CDG"; skill=0.60000002; }; }; class Entities { class Item1 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11594.1, 0, 11930.7}; name = "ExileMarker1"; text = "AAC Air Trader"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 250; b = 250; drawBorder = 1; id = 101; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11594.1, 0, 11930.7}; name = "ExileMarker2"; text = ""; type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon"; id = 102; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10971.9, 0, 13434.5}; name = "ExileMarker3"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 103; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9162.6, 0, 11923}; name = "ExileMarker4"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 475; b = 475; drawBorder = 1; id = 104; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9162.6, 0, 11923}; name = "ExileMarker5"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 105; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.37, 0, 13251}; name = "ExileMarker6"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 800; b = 800; drawBorder = 1; id = 106; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item7 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3709.37, 0, 13251}; name = "ExileMarker7"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 107; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item8 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7140.38, 0, 16473.1}; name = "ExileMarker8"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 108; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item9 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {7140.38, 0, 16473.1}; name = "ExileMarker9"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 109; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item10 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12522.9, 0, 14337.8}; name = "ExileMarker10"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 110; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item11 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12522.9, 0, 14337.8}; name = "ExileMarker11"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 111; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item12 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12371.2, 0, 15709.9}; name = "ExileMarker12"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 112; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item13 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12371.2, 0, 15709.9}; name = "ExileMarker13"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 113; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item14 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9334.72, 0, 15876.7}; name = "ExileMarker14"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 114; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item15 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9334.72, 0, 15876.7}; name = "ExileMarker15"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 115; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item16 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8634.15, 0, 18279.5}; name = "ExileMarker16"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 116; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item17 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {8634.15, 0, 18279.5}; name = "ExileMarker17"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 117; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item18 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4889.33, 0, 16150.2}; name = "ExileMarker18"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 118; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item19 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4889.33, 0, 16150.2}; name = "ExileMarker19"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 119; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item20 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {5073.47, 0, 11231.7}; name = "ExileMarker20"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 375; b = 375; drawBorder = 1; id = 120; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item21 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {5073.47, 0, 11231.7}; name = "ExileMarker21"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 121; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item22 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4162.18, 0, 11781}; name = "ExileMarker22"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 122; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item23 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4162.18, 0, 11781}; name = "ExileMarker23"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 123; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item24 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12964.9, 0, 15049.9}; name = "ExileMarker24"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 124; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item25 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12964.9, 0, 15049.9}; name = "ExileMarker25"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 125; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item26 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16360.4, 0, 17209.6}; name = "ExileMarker26"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 126; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item27 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16360.4, 0, 17209.6}; name = "ExileMarker27"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 127; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item28 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14007.3, 0, 18663.9}; name = "ExileMarker28"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 128; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item29 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14007.3, 0, 18663.9}; name = "ExileMarker29"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 129; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item30 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14516, 0, 17621.5}; name = "ExileMarker30"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 130; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item31 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14516, 0, 17621.5}; name = "ExileMarker31"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 131; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item32 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18130, 0, 15209.1}; name = "ExileMarker32"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 350; b = 350; drawBorder = 1; id = 132; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item33 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18130, 0, 15209.1}; name = "ExileMarker33"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 133; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item34 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18822.8, 0, 16597.9}; name = "ExileMarker34"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 134; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item35 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {18822.8, 0, 16597.9}; name = "ExileMarker35"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 135; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item36 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16645.9, 0, 16108.6}; name = "ExileMarker36"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 136; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item37 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16645.9, 0, 16108.6}; name = "ExileMarker37"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 137; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item38 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20819.1, 0, 6716.74}; name = "ExileMarker38"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 138; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item39 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20819.1, 0, 6716.74}; name = "ExileMarker39"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 139; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item40 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16886.8, 0, 12667.9}; name = "ExileMarker40"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 475; b = 475; drawBorder = 1; id = 140; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item41 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16886.8, 0, 12667.9}; name = "ExileMarker41"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 141; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item42 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {19391.5, 0, 13263.9}; name = "ExileMarker42"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 142; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item43 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {19391.5, 0, 13263.9}; name = "ExileMarker43"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 143; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item44 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20980.1, 0, 16969.1}; name = "ExileMarker44"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 144; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item45 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20980.1, 0, 16969.1}; name = "ExileMarker45"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 145; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item46 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {25682.4, 0, 21341.1}; name = "ExileMarker46"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 325; b = 325; drawBorder = 1; id = 146; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item47 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {25682.4, 0, 21341.1}; name = "ExileMarker47"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 147; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item48 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {27007.6, 0, 23213}; name = "ExileMarker48"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 148; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item49 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {27007.6, 0, 23213}; name = "ExileMarker49"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 149; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item50 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10651.9, 0, 12265.1}; name = "ExileMarker50"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 150; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item51 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10651.9, 0, 12265.1}; name = "ExileMarker51"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 151; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item52 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9203.79, 0, 21591.3}; name = "ExileMarker52"; text = "AAC Air Trader"; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 250; b = 250; drawBorder = 1; id = 152; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item53 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9203.79, 0, 21591.3}; name = "ExileMarker53"; text = ""; type = "ExileAircraftTraderIcon"; id = 153; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item54 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12254.2, 0, 9503.01}; name = "ExileMarker54"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileTraderZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 154; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item55 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {12254.2, 0, 9503.01}; name = "ExileMarker55"; text = ""; type = "ExileTraderZoneIcon"; id = 155; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item56 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16811.4, 0, 12628.6}; name = "ExileMarker56"; text = "Spawn "Pyrgos""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 156; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item57 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16811.4, 0, 12628.6}; name = "ExileMarker57"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 157; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item58 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10434.4, 0, 17234.5}; name = "ExileMarker58"; text = "Spawn "Orino""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 158; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item59 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {10434.4, 0, 17234.5}; name = "ExileMarker59"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 159; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item60 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3777.93, 0, 13052.9}; name = "ExileMarker60"; text = "Spawn "Kavala""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 400; b = 400; drawBorder = 1; id = 160; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item61 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {3777.93, 0, 13052.9}; name = "ExileMarker61"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 161; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item62 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9229.81, 0, 8062.06}; name = "ExileMarker62"; text = "Spawn "Stafka""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 162; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item63 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9229.81, 0, 8062.06}; name = "ExileMarker63"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 163; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item64 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4593.25, 0, 21406.5}; name = "ExileMarker64"; text = "Spawn "Oreokastro""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 164; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item65 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4593.25, 0, 21406.5}; name = "ExileMarker65"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 165; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item66 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21690.8, 0, 7561.5}; name = "ExileMarker66"; text = "Spawn "Feres""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 166; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item67 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21690.8, 0, 7561.5}; name = "ExileMarker67"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 167; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item68 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20233.2, 0, 11672.1}; name = "ExileMarker68"; text = "Spawn "Chalkeia""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 168; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item69 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20233.2, 0, 11672.1}; name = "ExileMarker69"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 169; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item70 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {23220, 0, 19965.7}; name = "ExileMarker70"; text = "Spawn "Loannina""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 170; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item71 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {23220, 0, 19965.7}; name = "ExileMarker71"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 171; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item72 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4021.68, 0, 19234.3}; name = "ExileMarker72"; text = "Spawn "Wilderness""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 172; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item73 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {4021.68, 0, 19234.3}; name = "ExileMarker73"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 173; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item74 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14604.2, 0, 20770}; name = "ExileMarker74"; text = "Spawn "Frini""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 174; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item75 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {14604.2, 0, 20770}; name = "ExileMarker75"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 175; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item76 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20988, 0, 16961.6}; name = "ExileMarker76"; text = "Spawn "Paros""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 176; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item77 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {20988, 0, 16961.6}; name = "ExileMarker77"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 177; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item78 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9232.58, 0, 13477.5}; name = "ExileMarker78"; text = "Spawn "Xirolimni Dam""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 178; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item79 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {9232.58, 0, 13477.5}; name = "ExileMarker79"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 179; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item80 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13580.1, 0, 6578.49}; name = "ExileMarker80"; text = "Spawn "Wilderness""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 180; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item81 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {13580.1, 0, 6578.49}; name = "ExileMarker81"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 181; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item82 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21413.9, 0, 16347.9}; name = "ExileMarker82"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 300; b = 300; drawBorder = 1; id = 182; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item83 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {21413.9, 0, 16347.9}; name = "ExileMarker83"; text = ""; type = "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; id = 183; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item84 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16989, 0, 10045.5}; name = "ExileMarker84"; text = "Spawn "Wilderness""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileSpawnZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; alpha = 0; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 184; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item85 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {16989, 0, 10045.5}; name = "ExileMarker85"; text = ""; type = "ExileSpawnZoneIcon"; id = 185; atlOffset = 0; }; class Item86 { dataType = "Marker"; position[] = {11136.9, 0, 14578}; name = "ExileMarker86"; text = ""; markerType = "ELLIPSE"; type = "ExileContaminatedZone"; colorName = "ColorBlack"; fillName = "Border"; a = 200; b = 200; drawBorder = 1; id = 186; atlOffset = 0; }; items = 86; }; Class Intro { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=3611332; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroWin { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=15572598; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; }; }; class OutroLoose { addOns[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; addOnsAuto[]= { "a3_map_altis" }; randomSeed=13194853; class Intel { timeOfChanges=1800.0002; startWeather=0.30000001; startWind=0.1; startWaves=0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind=0.1; forecastWaves=0.1; forecastLightnings=0.1; year=2035; month=6; day=24; hour=12; minute=0; startFogDecay=0.013; forecastFogDecay=0.013; };