Justin Waters

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  1. Justin Waters

    [RELEASE] Multiple Map Support

    I had a small window earlier when I requested information on discord but I didn't get a reply to my question. Right now I'm in a very busy period doing a lot of server migrations and have some development I need to get done. The deadline for all this is Thanksgiving this year. So ask me again after that date. I should have some time available.
  2. Justin Waters

    [RELEASE] Multiple Map Support

    I've had one request so far on making it compatible with their exile server. I've completed the compatibility change and I've added it here. If anyone has a specific script they are concerned with being compatible I can make it work. Just ask and I'll fix it and document it.
  3. Justin Waters

    [RELEASE] Multiple Map Support

    Yes you need the following sql query ran on your database: ALTER TABLE `clan_map_marker` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `construction` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `container` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `player` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `player_history` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `territory` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE `vehicle` ADD COLUMN `worldname` TEXT NOT NULL; I've updated the custom code to match your finding. I changed the format after initial testing and missed that.
  4. Justin Waters

    [RELEASE] Multiple Map Support

    Multiple Map Support Github Link: https://github.com/jbwaters/ExileMultiMap This is my first public contribution to the exile community...Enjoy. Features: Player Account and Clan information is persistent across all maps player, vehicle, territories, construction, containers, and clan markers are unique to each map and are kept even when changing maps. Transitioning between maps is as simple as changing the map in your server.cfg file and restarting your server. You may simplify this step if you have multiple profiles in your server and just switch the profile. This can create a nice automated daily/weekly rotation between maps. I recommend increasing the time to pay for your territory or ransoms to 30 days to prevent loss. Potential Additional Features: (depending on demand) Expiration timers are extended for time that the server is not active on a specific world map. Allow players to ship items between maps. (Creates an inbox with an expiration to receive the items.) Compatibility Fixes: Enigma Revive
  5. Justin Waters

    Talking About Performance

    start "arma3" "arma3server.exe" -port=2302 -cpuCount=6 -mod=@Exile; -serverMod=@Arma3Log;@Marma; -world=empty "-cfg=cfg\basic.cfg" "-config=cfg\confignp.cfg" -bepath=C:\arma3exile\battleye -autoinit I use these settings. The -nosound -nosplash -enableHT -exThreads don't give more performance on dedicated servers. Also the -loadMissionToMemory I'm pretty sure that is for non-persistent missions that wait for client to connect before starting. The -maxMem shouldn't be used unless you are trying to throttle the server's maximum memory. From my experience servers will go over the limit you set and it only causes more harm to servers than anything. If you want to restrict memory usage then optimize your mission so that it only uses the memory within your amount.
  6. Justin Waters

    Hostiletakeover.co - Exile

    Welcome to Hostiletakeover.co Exile Server! SERVER IS LIVE PROGRESS WILL NOT BE REMOVED. Current Server Features Custom Vehicle, Uniform and Base textures. (Contact Justin Waters if you want to submit your own textures.) DMS Missions and Roaming AI Capture Points Virtual Garage Player Revive System Extended Base Building CUP Vehicles/Units/Weapons Zombie Hoards/Harrass/Occupy Cities Contaminated Zones and NoMan'sLand Bandit zones and Survivor camps Occupied Military Zones Advanced Sling Loading Advanced Towing Bulk Sell Mission Crates Destroyed Vehicle Loot/Body/Gear recovery XM8 Recipes, Deployable Quad, View Distance, Status Bar, Journal and more. Server Login Info Hostiletakeover.co - Exile https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Required DLC Exile Mod 1.0.3 http://exile.majormittens.co.uk/downloads Extended Base Mod http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=647753401&searchtext=extended+base+mod Zombies & Demons http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=501966277&searchtext=Ryan+Zombies+Demons CUP Weapons, Units, Vehicles http://steamcommunity.com/id/cup-a3/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Community Base Addon (CBA_A3) http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=450814997
  7. Justin Waters

    Monthly Message Limit

    Can we pay monthly to push more notifications per month?
  8. Justin Waters

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    The sell price is 34% on my server and decreasing this to ~27% seems a bit harsh.
  9. Justin Waters

    R3F + DMS = Sell your crate at waste dump

    Did anything come of this topic?
  10. Justin Waters

    [Updated] R3F Logistics Exile (with CUP)

    This script looks interesting. I'm using advanced towing right now and I like the multi-vehicle towing ability. Though its important that it takes into consideration the weight of the vehicle to prevent towing vehicles to big. (A pickup towing 3-4 striders shouldn't work.) Can someone confirm this before I take the effort to remove advanced towing from my dev server and try this other script.
  11. Justin Waters

    Changing Radiation Zone Configuration

    done and done. Maybe review what I added to make sure my findings are correct?
  12. Justin Waters

    Changing Radiation Zone Configuration

    Perfect! thanks. I believe that error was preventing it from overriding the original code. Its working now!
  13. Justin Waters

    HUD/UI questions

    +1 I've got a few decades of waiting left in me
  14. Justin Waters

    Please show air vehicle damage in the hud.

    +1 I think optional features like this are great!
  15. Justin Waters

    Changing Radiation Zone Configuration

    Can someone confirm that this looks correct? This is my first time trying to write my own overrides and need a bit of insight on things that I should look out for when creating them.