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About KuroNeko87

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  • Birthday July 31

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  1. KuroNeko87

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    haven't fully tested it because i just finished making a new server in Taviana. At least there's no spam now thugh
  2. KuroNeko87

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    thanks mate, will give it a try
  3. KuroNeko87

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    Sorry, there was an internet outage in my area, here it is https://gist.github.com/anonymous/c8fa8557e1bc76ed146ad87814d9f5f5 Here is the IgiLoadInit, just in case, I'm using the one from the OP https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5ac64156affd8471a5f70a1e922a6347
  4. KuroNeko87

    Exile IgiLoad with TaruPodMod

    My RPT is spamming this... while {true} do { sleep (IL_Check_Veh_Min + (random (IL_Check_Veh> 20:27:07 Error position: <IL_Check_Veh_Min + (random (IL_Check_Veh> 20:27:07 Error Undefined variable in expression: il_check_veh_min 20:27:08 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Chernarus\IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf, line 35 20:27:08 Error in expression <dTaru.sqf"; I'm using the latest updated file from this thread. Any clues?
  5. KuroNeko87

    Adding Ambient Sounds/Noises?

    seems an interesting Idea, gonna follow this. Hope you get an answer!
  6. KuroNeko87

    [Updated] Easy Trader set up

    thanks mate, A new CUP classlist would be nice
  7. KuroNeko87

    is it normal

    Or maybe he's missing the a3key like happened to me lol
  8. KuroNeko87

    banned for nothing

    Gotta ask the server you were banned from, was it the official Exile server? if not, I don't think you'll accomplish much here.
  9. KuroNeko87

    Objects as Traders

    Hello everyone! First time poster, I've owned Arma for about a month so I'm not too versed in the coding side of it, but I do know that I love this mod. I'm making a server for me, my brother and a few friends and in addition to the normal traders in the safe zones, I wanted to add some vending machines in non-safe zones. My question is, can I define a static object as a vendor? If so, could anyone point me to a code example. Do I have to create a new trader class for each one? I want one to server drinks and another to serve snacks. Here is a pic from the VM, they are from the mod PLPContainers if anyone else finds this Idea Interesting