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About OlderRetro

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  1. OlderRetro

    Issue importing mission.sqm to m3editor

    Oops, sorry I meant Eden, okay good to know about altis, I know Tanoa does show up in the editor though.
  2. Hello, I think im in the right spot for this question. I can't figure out why anytime I import a mission.sqm from my Altis files I can't see the exile markers in the file. Yet when I import my tanoa mission.sqm. I can see all the markers perfectly. Is there something I need to do in order for these markers to show up on the altis mission.sqm. I am creating a file in my mpmissions file exile.altis and I copy the mission.sqm after I export it from my exile.altis.pbo
  3. OlderRetro

    ExileZ 2

    Okay I misread your file. I think I get it now. Thanks
  4. OlderRetro

    ExileZ 2

    That is nice, thanks. I am curious, what did you do with your triggers?
  5. OlderRetro

    ExileZ 2

    Only thing I can think off right now is try going to armaholic and download eliteness (anyone have another option?) http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19784
  6. OlderRetro

    ExileZ 2

    I am running dms, occupation, sarge AI and ryanszombies. I am trying to set it up so I can have everyone attack each other. For now I am running Zombies as (West) and all Bandits as (East), I might try putting zombies as CIV and change around the settings.
  7. OlderRetro

    ExileZ 2

    I assume you unpacked your mission.pbo file using something like pbo manager? If not, your exile.altis.pbo or whatever map you are playing, needs to be unpacked, or you need to export the mission.sqm out of the pbo...open it up..edit, then copy the mission.sqm and paste the file back into your pbo. (I use pbo manager to do this.) Make sure you copy and paste, don't drag and drop the file, that can screw things up. Open your mission.sqm with notepad ++ and add the two items to the addons
  8. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    I got it all working in Tanoa, thanks very much for you patient assistance.
  9. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    So I can change the class from Entities to markers, and you also suggest removing the datatype="Marker"? I am chuckling, because everything else seems easy to copy from the editor, except the markers.
  10. OlderRetro

    Exile 3DEN Plugin

    Been having an issue trying to add script from the editor (saved via the exile plugin) to my mission.sqm for Tanoa (figured out how to do it on Altis). This is the original code from my mission.sqm. version = 52; class EditorData { moveGridStep = 1.0; angleGridStep = 0.2617994; scaleGridStep = 1.0; autoGroupingDist = 10.0; toggles = 1; class ItemIDProvider { nextID = 116; }; class MarkerIDProvider { nextID = 15; }; class Camera { pos[] = {6659.5127,411.93668,5919.339}; dir[] = {-0.02530832,-0.76106095,0.64826554}; up[] = {-0.029688863,0.6486722,0.76047516}; aside[] = {0.9992851,-4.8790753e-008,0.039012156}; }; }; addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F"}; class AddonsMetaData { class List { items = 2; class Item0 { className = "exile_client"; name = "exile_client"; }; class Item1 { className = "A3_Ui_F"; name = "Arma 3 - User Interface"; author = "Bohemia Interactive"; url = "http://www.arma3.com"; }; }; }; randomSeed = 2218544; class ScenarioData { author = "Exile Mod"; }; class Mission { class Intel { timeOfChanges = 1800.0002; startWeather = 0.3; startWind = 0.1; startWaves = 0.1; forecastWeather=0.30000001; forecastWind = 0.1; forecastWaves = 0.1; forecastLightnings = 0.1; year = 2039; month = 6; day = 24; hour = 12; minute = 0; startFogBase = 5.0; forecastFogBase = 5.0; startFogDecay = 0.014; forecastFogDecay = 0.014; }; class Entities { items = 58; class Item0 { dataType = "Group"; side = "Independent"; class Entities { items = 100; class Item0 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6709.972,3.531064,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 7; class Attributes { isPlayer = 1; }; id = 1; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item1 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6715.4106,3.3922372,6098.1035}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 2; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item2 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6719.6055,3.4349802,6097.948}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 3; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item3 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6723.723,3.422645,6097.948}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 4; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item4 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6727.7627,3.6749485,6098.1035}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 5; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item5 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6731.725,3.7201705,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 6; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item6 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6735.5313,3.7071872,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 7; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item7 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6735.454,3.7017417,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 8; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item8 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6731.8804,3.7197568,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 9; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item9 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6727.6074,3.6728733,6095.773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 10; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item10 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6723.49,3.523696,6095.773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 11; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item11 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6719.6055,3.5784287,6095.8516}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 12; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item12 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6715.1772,3.5535653,6095.773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 13; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item13 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6709.817,3.6209357,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 14; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item14 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6709.5835,3.8316061,6092.588}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 15; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item15 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6715.1772,3.7679167,6092.8213}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 16; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = -4.7683716e-007; }; class Item16 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6719.6055,3.8106358,6092.9756}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 17; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item17 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6723.568,3.7655332,6092.588}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 18; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item18 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6727.7627,3.7048593,6092.8213}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 19; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item19 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6731.8027,3.6831174,6092.51}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 20; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item20 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6735.3765,3.6345065,6092.044}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 21; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item21 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6709.3506,4.043117,6090.0244}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 22; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item22 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6715.255,4.054649,6090.1787}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 23; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item23 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6719.45,4.07037,6090.3345}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 24; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item24 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6723.568,4.036174,6090.0244}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 25; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item25 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6727.53,3.8530452,6090.1787}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 26; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item26 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6731.5693,3.6259701,6090.0244}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 27; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item27 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6735.221,3.5528815,6089.713}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 28; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item28 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6709.273,4.2203193,6087.072}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 29; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item29 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6715.3325,4.2280865,6087.383}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 30; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item30 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6719.3726,4.2361555,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 31; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item31 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6723.801,4.179105,6087.227}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 32; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item32 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6727.7627,3.9470174,6087.616}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 33; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item33 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6731.8804,3.6687315,6087.227}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 34; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item34 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6735.454,3.4354198,6087.5376}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 35; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item35 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6733.59,3.7151988,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 36; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item36 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6733.667,3.7149925,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 37; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item37 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6733.59,3.662434,6092.2773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 38; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item38 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6733.3564,3.590914,6089.7905}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 39; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item39 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6733.8228,3.4741623,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 40; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item40 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6729.628,3.8210554,6087.5376}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 41; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item41 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6729.7827,3.7187557,6090.102}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 42; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item42 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6729.8604,3.6831393,6092.9756}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 43; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item43 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6729.628,3.6998143,6095.618}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 44; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item44 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6729.8604,3.7029147,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 45; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item45 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6725.8984,3.56806,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 46; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item46 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6725.6655,3.549155,6095.773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 47; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item47 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6725.432,3.6989472,6092.8213}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 48; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007; }; class Item48 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6725.6655,3.9456663,6090.0244}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 49; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item49 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6725.743,4.057861,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 50; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item50 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6721.392,4.209405,6087.5376}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 51; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item51 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6721.392,4.0548944,6090.258}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 52; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item52 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6721.47,3.788275,6092.899}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 53; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item53 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6721.392,3.552219,6095.773}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 54; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item54 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6721.392,3.430637,6097.948}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 55; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item55 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6717.508,3.4027965,6098.026}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 56; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item56 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6717.508,3.572652,6095.618}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 57; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item57 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6717.43,3.7912202,6093.0547}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 58; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item58 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6717.508,4.044653,6090.49}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 59; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item59 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6717.508,4.2287946,6087.5376}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 60; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item60 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6713.4683,4.206253,6087.616}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 61; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item61 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6713.235,4.0231752,6090.258}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 62; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item62 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6713.235,3.6726265,6093.0547}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 63; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item63 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6713.313,3.5142488,6095.8516}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 64; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item64 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6713.4683,3.3787484,6098.4927}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 65; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item65 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6711.681,3.4490402,6098.1816}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 66; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item66 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6711.448,3.5443122,6095.618}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 67; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item67 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6711.215,3.748869,6092.8213}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 68; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item68 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6711.137,4.063869,6089.713}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 69; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item69 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6711.137,4.230616,6087.1504}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 70; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item70 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6708.108,3.6220624,6098.2593}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 71; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007; }; class Item71 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6707.8745,3.6828012,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 72; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item72 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6707.719,3.7985682,6092.8213}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 73; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 4.7683716e-007; }; class Item73 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6707.4863,3.968409,6090.49}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 74; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item74 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6707.1753,4.136737,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 75; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item75 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6705.311,4.0920444,6087.227}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 76; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item76 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6705.388,3.8855479,6090.568}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 77; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item77 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6705.466,3.7471762,6092.9756}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 78; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item78 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6705.6216,3.6816964,6095.3066}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 79; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item79 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6705.777,3.6722946,6098.414}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 80; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item80 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6704.223,3.6915817,6098.6475}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 81; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item81 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6704.0674,3.6398313,6095.54}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 82; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item82 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6703.9897,3.6404772,6093.442}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 83; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007; }; class Item83 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6703.6787,3.7739534,6090.7236}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 84; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item84 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6703.524,3.9608529,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;}; id = 85; type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer"; }; class Item85 { dataType = "Object"; class PositionInfo { position[] = {6701.4263,3.809835,6087.461}; }; side = "Independent"; flags = 5; class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
  11. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    This is at the top of the script class Entities { items = 58; class Item0 I have to remove dataType = 'Marker"? That was in the script from both the editor and the existing script ( I assume remove for each of the items?)
  12. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    I must be doing something wrong, I took out the code, the server loads. I went back to the editor and recopied the code from editor via the exile save function. I re-enter the code to conform with the other items, I get stuck in a loading/connecting loop. I will drop the script here, but overall I am stuck in a loading loop. I removed some of the items to just create some safezones around Tanoa for now. On a positive note, all my changes are working great on Altis =)
  13. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    I added the 14 items to the bottom of the list and reformatted to match the other items in the list, removing the class entities and the number at the bottom items=14.
  14. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    So I thought this was all figured out, until I opened up my Tanoa mission.sqm. I notice there are 2 sets of items, the second doesn't have an item count. However i see an item count of 58 at the top, but there are only 57 items in the bottom mission. Here is the script I was looking to add, which is again the exported saved script, created by the exile 3den plugin. I figured out ( I think ) all those items in item 0 are sub items? I loaded the items at the bottom of the item list, reformatted to match the other item format, I am running into a loading/connect issue. I will check my rpt and I will also remove those items and see if that is causing the issue.
  15. OlderRetro

    Adding Safezone script to mission.sqm

    Thanks for looking, that solved my issue, much appreciated, now I will "hopefully" know how to proceed from here.