Been having an issue trying to add script from the editor (saved via the exile plugin) to my mission.sqm for Tanoa (figured out how to do it on Altis).
This is the original code from my mission.sqm.
version = 52;
class EditorData
moveGridStep = 1.0;
angleGridStep = 0.2617994;
scaleGridStep = 1.0;
autoGroupingDist = 10.0;
toggles = 1;
class ItemIDProvider
nextID = 116;
class MarkerIDProvider
nextID = 15;
class Camera
pos[] = {6659.5127,411.93668,5919.339};
dir[] = {-0.02530832,-0.76106095,0.64826554};
up[] = {-0.029688863,0.6486722,0.76047516};
aside[] = {0.9992851,-4.8790753e-008,0.039012156};
addons[] = {"exile_client","A3_Ui_F"};
class AddonsMetaData
class List
items = 2;
class Item0
className = "exile_client";
name = "exile_client";
class Item1
className = "A3_Ui_F";
name = "Arma 3 - User Interface";
author = "Bohemia Interactive";
url = "";
randomSeed = 2218544;
class ScenarioData
author = "Exile Mod";
class Mission
class Intel
timeOfChanges = 1800.0002;
startWeather = 0.3;
startWind = 0.1;
startWaves = 0.1;
forecastWind = 0.1;
forecastWaves = 0.1;
forecastLightnings = 0.1;
year = 2039;
month = 6;
day = 24;
hour = 12;
minute = 0;
startFogBase = 5.0;
forecastFogBase = 5.0;
startFogDecay = 0.014;
forecastFogDecay = 0.014;
class Entities
items = 58;
class Item0
dataType = "Group";
side = "Independent";
class Entities
items = 100;
class Item0
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6709.972,3.531064,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 7;
class Attributes
isPlayer = 1;
id = 1;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item1
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6715.4106,3.3922372,6098.1035};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 2;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item2
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6719.6055,3.4349802,6097.948};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 3;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item3
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6723.723,3.422645,6097.948};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 4;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item4
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6727.7627,3.6749485,6098.1035};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 5;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item5
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6731.725,3.7201705,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 6;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item6
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6735.5313,3.7071872,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 7;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item7
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6735.454,3.7017417,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 8;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item8
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6731.8804,3.7197568,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 9;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item9
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6727.6074,3.6728733,6095.773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 10;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item10
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6723.49,3.523696,6095.773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 11;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item11
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6719.6055,3.5784287,6095.8516};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 12;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item12
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6715.1772,3.5535653,6095.773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 13;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item13
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6709.817,3.6209357,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 14;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item14
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6709.5835,3.8316061,6092.588};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 15;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item15
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6715.1772,3.7679167,6092.8213};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 16;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = -4.7683716e-007;
class Item16
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6719.6055,3.8106358,6092.9756};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 17;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item17
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6723.568,3.7655332,6092.588};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 18;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item18
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6727.7627,3.7048593,6092.8213};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 19;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item19
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6731.8027,3.6831174,6092.51};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 20;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item20
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6735.3765,3.6345065,6092.044};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 21;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item21
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6709.3506,4.043117,6090.0244};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 22;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item22
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6715.255,4.054649,6090.1787};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 23;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item23
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6719.45,4.07037,6090.3345};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 24;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item24
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6723.568,4.036174,6090.0244};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 25;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item25
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6727.53,3.8530452,6090.1787};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 26;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item26
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6731.5693,3.6259701,6090.0244};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 27;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item27
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6735.221,3.5528815,6089.713};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 28;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item28
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6709.273,4.2203193,6087.072};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 29;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item29
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6715.3325,4.2280865,6087.383};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 30;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item30
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6719.3726,4.2361555,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 31;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item31
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6723.801,4.179105,6087.227};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 32;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item32
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6727.7627,3.9470174,6087.616};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 33;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item33
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6731.8804,3.6687315,6087.227};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 34;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item34
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6735.454,3.4354198,6087.5376};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 35;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item35
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6733.59,3.7151988,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 36;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item36
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6733.667,3.7149925,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 37;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item37
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6733.59,3.662434,6092.2773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 38;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item38
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6733.3564,3.590914,6089.7905};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 39;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item39
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6733.8228,3.4741623,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 40;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item40
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6729.628,3.8210554,6087.5376};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 41;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item41
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6729.7827,3.7187557,6090.102};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 42;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item42
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6729.8604,3.6831393,6092.9756};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 43;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item43
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6729.628,3.6998143,6095.618};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 44;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item44
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6729.8604,3.7029147,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 45;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item45
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6725.8984,3.56806,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 46;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item46
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6725.6655,3.549155,6095.773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 47;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item47
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6725.432,3.6989472,6092.8213};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 48;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007;
class Item48
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6725.6655,3.9456663,6090.0244};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 49;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item49
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6725.743,4.057861,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 50;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item50
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6721.392,4.209405,6087.5376};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 51;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item51
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6721.392,4.0548944,6090.258};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 52;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item52
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6721.47,3.788275,6092.899};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 53;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item53
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6721.392,3.552219,6095.773};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 54;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item54
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6721.392,3.430637,6097.948};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 55;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item55
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6717.508,3.4027965,6098.026};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 56;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item56
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6717.508,3.572652,6095.618};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 57;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item57
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6717.43,3.7912202,6093.0547};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 58;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item58
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6717.508,4.044653,6090.49};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 59;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item59
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6717.508,4.2287946,6087.5376};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 60;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item60
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6713.4683,4.206253,6087.616};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 61;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item61
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6713.235,4.0231752,6090.258};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 62;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item62
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6713.235,3.6726265,6093.0547};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 63;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item63
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6713.313,3.5142488,6095.8516};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 64;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item64
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6713.4683,3.3787484,6098.4927};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 65;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item65
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6711.681,3.4490402,6098.1816};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 66;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item66
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6711.448,3.5443122,6095.618};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 67;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item67
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6711.215,3.748869,6092.8213};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 68;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item68
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6711.137,4.063869,6089.713};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 69;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item69
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6711.137,4.230616,6087.1504};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 70;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item70
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6708.108,3.6220624,6098.2593};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 71;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = -2.3841858e-007;
class Item71
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6707.8745,3.6828012,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 72;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item72
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6707.719,3.7985682,6092.8213};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 73;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 4.7683716e-007;
class Item73
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6707.4863,3.968409,6090.49};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 74;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item74
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6707.1753,4.136737,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 75;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item75
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6705.311,4.0920444,6087.227};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 76;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item76
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6705.388,3.8855479,6090.568};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 77;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item77
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6705.466,3.7471762,6092.9756};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 78;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item78
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6705.6216,3.6816964,6095.3066};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 79;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item79
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6705.777,3.6722946,6098.414};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 80;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item80
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6704.223,3.6915817,6098.6475};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 81;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item81
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6704.0674,3.6398313,6095.54};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 82;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item82
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6703.9897,3.6404772,6093.442};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 83;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
atlOffset = 2.3841858e-007;
class Item83
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6703.6787,3.7739534,6090.7236};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 84;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item84
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6703.524,3.9608529,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};
id = 85;
type = "Exile_Unit_GhostPlayer";
class Item85
dataType = "Object";
class PositionInfo
position[] = {6701.4263,3.809835,6087.461};
side = "Independent";
flags = 5;
class Attributes{isPlayer = 1;};