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About Shreeden

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  1. Shreeden

    R3F Exile

    Did that. Still got kicked. #0 2:4583 CargoNet_01_box_F 2:4299 Exile_Unit_Player -1 [0,2,0]
  2. Shreeden

    [ExAd XM8 APP] BRAma Cookbook

    Worked for me right now.
  3. Shreeden

    ExileZ 2

    I'm having an issue where there are no zombies at Loot & Death. Any ideas? All other zombies seem to work.
  4. Shreeden

    R3F Exile

    Having a problem with my BE Filters. I've included my attachto.txt Players getting kicked when they pickup the cargo net box. #0 2:4636 CargoNet_01_box_F 2:6853 Exile_Unit_Player -1 [0,2,0]
  5. Shreeden

    Extended Base Mod

    That was it. Thank you Dragon.
  6. Shreeden

    Extended Base Mod

    Here's how I'm loading. -mod=@Exile;@Ryanzombies;@Extended_Base_Mod, -servermod=@ExileServer;@AdminToolkitServer
  7. Shreeden

    Extended Base Mod

    I'm having the same problem as those two. The items are in the trader. They can show in your inventory. When you try to place them they are invisible. Same goes for the other players on my server.
  8. Shreeden

    [ExAd XM8 APP] Unit Scanner

    A any chance this could be modified to require a GPS?
  9. Shreeden

    Trader Epoch mod Style

    This is a great idea.
  10. Exad_Logging = true; //BOOLEAN - If you want the ExAd code to generate extra logs. - Requires InfiStar installed Don't have infistar. I think I know what I did wrong. I added all the lines from the scripts.txt to the end of the file. That probably doesn't make them function correctly right? I see this in my scripts.log _path = "ExAdClient\Core\customize.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers _path; if(isNil "ExAd_Debug")then" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #21 " _path = "ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\customize.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers _path; if(isNil "ExAd_VG_MIN_ALLO" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #51 " _path = "ExAdClient\VirtualGarage\customize.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers _path; if(isNil "ExAd_VG_MIN_ALLO" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #21 ""_key is undefined/empty"] call ExAd_fnc_DebugHandler};call compile format['%1 = if(isLocalized "%1")then{localize "%1"}else{"%2" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #51 ""_key is undefined/empty"] call ExAd_fnc_DebugHandler};call compile format['%1 = if(isLocalized "%1")then{localize "%1"}else{"%2" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #22 "onConfigFile >> "CfgXM8" >> _x >> "onOpen"))then{ _code = compileFinal (preprocessFileLineNumbers getText(missionConfigFile >> "" 05.01.2017 10:40:44: OGMrClean4L ( d576d41d9261bbe00727fa02bbb373c0 - #51 "
  11. Having a problem with the VG. Where it won't store vehicles. Option is there but nothing happens. This is a new installation. I've installed core and statbar and they are working fine. I ran the sql query. I installed VG and it's not throwing any errors in game, I don't see anything really in the logs. This is from my remoteexec.log 06.01.2017 18:38:09: Shreeden ( 99ebfcc49f56810d46ffe2cbee8539b4 - #0 "exadserver_fnc_clientrequest ["VGStore",["2:3289","2:3340","2:3225"]]" Not sure where else to look to uncover what is happening. I read through most of the posts here but didn't see a solution. If anyone could lend assistance I would appreciate it. Thank you.
  12. Shreeden

    [SOLVED] Tanoa Server - extDB2 error

    There is no log file.
  13. Shreeden

    [SOLVED] Tanoa Server - extDB2 error

    Added the DLL still having the same issue. Rpt
  14. Shreeden

    [SOLVED] Tanoa Server - extDB2 error

    Having the same issue. New server. Same issue. "ExileServer - MySQL Error: Unable to locate extDB2 extension!" Checked config and ini and they look good. Reinstalled vcredist x64 and x86. Still no joy. I don't have a tbb.dll though. I used the guide from @S.