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Everything posted by Noperaattori

  1. In the config.cfg it says: // do NOT use custom difficulties! // Use either ExileRegular or ExileHardcore // or you will break Exile! So what is the proper way of tweaking difficulties? Is it simply the ArmAProfile (although I can't really see how it differs from just tweaking the config.cfg and possibly breaking Exile), or do I have to override the actual code using the CfgExileCustomCode class?
  2. Noperaattori

    [Release] Exile Occupation (Roaming AI) & More - updated 2019-01-23

    I've noticed that the AI don't enter buildings at all, is this normal? Any way to change that?
  3. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    According to the changelog bambi creation issues are sorted – any chance this will also fix the issues with CBA and Task Force Radio? Got those somewhat running on 0.9.8 but bambi creation timeouts forced me to abandon the whole thing.
  4. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Waiting for an answer from the TFAR dev team: Hopefully they have an idea whats up.
  5. Noperaattori

    Helicopter fuel consumption rate

    Is there any way to alter the helicopter fuel consumption rate? Or if that's not possible, perhaps make the fuel infinite somehow? Choppers are pretty useless now, especially on a PVE server.
  6. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Tested with TFAR 0.9.10 (with the Apex fix) and CBA A3 - still the same issue with being booted off the TaskForceRadio channel.
  7. Noperaattori

    Helicopter Fuel Consumption

    Have you found it? Struggling with this issue as well. 1st person only server with the advanced flight model and refueling becomes ridiculously difficult. Especially when you have to do it every 5–10 minutes.
  8. Noperaattori

    Body temperature doesn't change SOLVED

    I've never seen my body temp change on any server. I've played Exile only for four months though.
  9. Noperaattori

    UH1H fuel

    How about letting server admins decide on things like this themselves? After all you can adjust almost everything, including things that affect the gameplay balance much more, such as hunger and thirst rate etc.
  10. Noperaattori

    Base deleted and Error: Missing ] after server restart

    Nevermind, it was a case of unpaid territory. Leaving this here in case someone encounters the same "issue"
  11. I added Exile_Item_MetalWire to the loot table, restarted and suddenly one player's territory along all items was gone. RTP log shows a lot of this while loading constructions: 4:46:30 Error in expression <0.480412,0,0,0,1,0,"000000",1,2016-07-17T04:46:30Z,0]]]> 4:46:30 Error position: <T04:46:30Z,0]]]> 4:46:30 Error Missing ] 4:46:30 Error in expression <0.480412,0,0,0,1,0,"000000",1,2016-07-17T04:46:30Z,0]]]> 4:46:30 Error position: <T04:46:30Z,0]]]> 4:46:30 Error Missing ] I find it difficult to believe that the metal wire was the cause of the error, but it might be related to Extended Base Mod (the only mod we are running along with Exile). Any clues what's going on?
  12. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Waiting for TFAR update, apparently there are issues with Apex.
  13. Noperaattori

    UH1H fuel

    I agree. And not just UH1H, all the choppers! They literally run out of fuel faster than my real life drone runs out of battery – and that's quite sad. I was looking forward to being "eyes in the sky" for my mates when they go through a DMS mission etc. but now I don't even bother to fly. Especially when refueling on gas stations isn't that easy (I'm flying with advanced flight model and 1st person only). In real life helicopters can fly for hours, 3-5 hours average it seems. If this is a balance issue, why not make it a server property?
  14. Noperaattori

    How to enable Advanced Flight Model?

    Looks like setting forceRotorLibSimulation = 1; in description.ext (in the Altis mission file) doesn't do anything. Is there any other way of enabling the advanced flight model?
  15. Noperaattori

    How to enable Advanced Flight Model?

    Oops, my bad. It works just fine. Looks like all choppers don't support advanced flight model, ie. Huey.
  16. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Looks like everything else works now, but Teamspeak is throwing everybody out of the TaskForceRadio channel. It might not be related to Exile at all, as there seems to be an issue with Task Force Radio and Apex update:
  17. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Community Base Addons /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class CBA { // Set this to 1 if you want to have CBA support useStackedEH = 0; // If you set this to 1 ........................................... iReallyWantToGetHackedAndImRetarded = 0; }; Hahah... So what kind of security risks we are talking about? Care to elaborate?
  18. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Ok, thanks guys!
  19. Noperaattori

    CBA + Potato + TFR finally fixed?

    Thank you Taylor! In what way Exile is in conflict with CBA? What kind of problems I should expect?