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About Stahpills

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  1. Hey guys, I have the same issue - can load it in - see the SLZ mod executing in rpt file. When I press my Zeus key - nothing happens. It is a dev box - Altis Exile - ExAd and R3F added. Has Infistar. Tried it with and without BattlEye running. Have similar thread on BIS forum: Interesting comment from someone that said it was working for them in 1.3 and not any more - his 1.4 and up shows removal of "neutral" zeus. See the mod change log here: In Exile is there a game master slot like a Zeus game? Maybe the lack of this / not default player slot? I have tried the "#login <serverpass>" method to be admin. Also tried to kill my character and respawn to see if that helped. No joy - anyone worked around this same issue where your mod loaded and your Zeus key did not work? Thanks, Stahpills.
  2. Hello TheMeq, Good stuff - thanks for the fix. Tested and confirmed good. Appreciate the tool, Stahpills
  3. Hello all, BEM v1.3.1.1 I am adding some Infistar additions to scripts.txt Have the following lines causing problems in BEM: 7 "Ammo Activated" 7 "setDamage --" 7 "setDamage ++" When I have these in scripts.txt it cannot read the file: "There was an error loading this file, is it a BattlEye file?" Seems it does not like a keyword with quotes, and no space after the first quote. Reason I say this - it worked for: 7 " + " So I just added a space after each quote on the other 3 to test it, for the result like this: 7 " Ammo Activated" 7 " + " 7 " setDamage --" 7 " setDamage ++" Now BEM will read the file again. New to BattlEye restrictions - assume that the Infistar provided original filters are correct, and these added spaces will break them for BattlEye? Many thanks in advance. Stahpills
  4. Stahpills

    Need Help. adding death markers to map

    Hey BetterDeadThanZed, Thank you, just removed all the 1.66 Fixes called this morning. All seems good so far. I will keep an eye on the updates on the forum. Regards, Stahpills
  5. Stahpills

    Need Help. adding death markers to map

    Hey guys, I found a fix for my missing death marker issue. There are a number of Arma 1.66 fixes that are called in our Exile Server. config.cpp calls them. Specifically the one in question for death marker is: ExileClient_object_player_event_onPlayerKilled.sqf Inside it there is this block of code: if !(ExileClientLastDeathMarker isEqualTo "") then { deleteMarkerLocal ExileClientLastDeathMarker; }; ExileClientLastDeathMarker = createMarkerLocal [format ["Death%1", time], getPos player]; ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerTypeLocal "KIA"; ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"; ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; // Show Death Marker Note the last line which I changed to: ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerAlphaLocal 1; // Show Death Marker It was originally set to: ExileClientLastDeathMarker setMarkerAlphaLocal 0; // Hide Death Marker I don't know why it was set to 0, maybe it was supposed to be done elsewhere? Anyway - setting it to 1 fixed it for me. Hope it helps you FallenActual94.
  6. Stahpills

    Need Help. adding death markers to map

    Hello all, ping for the same issue with missing death marker. I just started to do the dev, and the server owner added Infistar v0072 on 2/16/2017. So I cannot confirm if death markers were working before. Tried this advice on the the thread, and added "Death" to the aLocalM[] array. It only had "MissionMarker" in there. Adding this did not help though. I will try disabling Infistar and testing without it when the server is quiet. I cannot find anything in the rpt file that helps me debug this. Any pointers to where I can look for possible error messages?