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About FullMineski

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  1. FullMineski

    [SOLVED] Tanoa Exile

    "And before you ask: Yes, we will offer a mission file for Tanoa and implement the new vehicles, weapons and uniforms. But we are still discussing this with Bohemia Interactive, since the APEX DLC will only be available for the players who have bought it. If we need to patch APEX content - eg. adjusting vehicle capacity - we would need to require APEX and Exile would stop working on non-APEX installations. We would like to prevent that, so non-APEX users can continue playing." I am wondering if this is still a work in progress thing, or it's been scrapped? At the moment I do not have the money to buy Apex, so it's really sad for me that I can't play Exile in the new map. I was really hoping that the Exile Developers would find a solution to not needing to require Apex to play on Tanoa.
  2. FullMineski

    Tanoa and APEX

    Since Apex is launching today, I'm guessing Tanoa Exile will not be available for non-Apex owners?
  3. FullMineski

    Tanoa and APEX

    Any updates on the whole not needing Apex to play Exile Tanoa?