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Everything posted by Steelius

  1. Most things I can fix myself but I have no idea in the slightest why all of my log files have remained empty for several months - it's like they just gave up out of nowhere. Logging is enabled - traderLogging = 1; deathLogging = 1; territoryLogging = 1; But never works
  2. What the hell did I just read? If you read the title and looked at the image attached it's pretty obvious what I am talking about
  3. Steelius

    scary wolf mask

    Nice Englando It's not part of Exile, if you meant part of Epoch then yes. And you can't use the same mask from Epoch unless you took the .pbo from epoch and put it into your own mod (which you probly are not allowed to do anyway) and then run it on your server. The likelihood of you getting that same Epoch mask onto your Exile server is close to 0% (if you don't run Epoch along with Exile which I don't think you can do)
  4. Steelius

    Zombies and Demons: Disable "Open Doors"

    You'd have to essentially make something like an exile overwrite but for that mod. Not sure how that could be accomplished though
  5. Steelius

    Damage handling

    How do you reduce the amount of damage an AI unit takes or as some say "increase their health" previously you'd just create a handle damage event handler but this method doesn't seem to work any more since Apex, I understand they created a new system. Oooor... I'm just missing something. Who knows
  6. As an admin you are exempt from the limitations of Infistar. There are some things that will kick you even as an admin but that's extremely unlikely to come across, it is wise to test every new addition as a normal player because Infistar can block certain things from functioning. Custom menus can be whitelisted in the ID section of the AH, a lot of very commonly used things are already in there, but not all.
  7. Steelius

    Legendary gun

    You've been playing too many MMOs
  8. Steelius

    While Connecting

    You can. But most likely nobody will answer you :') Your mission.pbo is broken, revert to default (download it from this site to be sure) and try again
  9. Menu IDs need to be whitelisted in infistar or they will be blocked.
  10. Steelius

    [WIP] Exile Interactive Mission Preview

    I was working on something like this, but simpler and wouldn't require additional mods
  11. Steelius

    [SOLVED] Server stuck on "Loading Map"

    Is that the whole log? Nothing stands out to be that would stop the server from working
  12. Steelius

    Issue importing mission.sqm to m3editor

    m3editor? What? I'm sure you mean Eden. You cannot use Exile missions in Eden, the format is different, it could be possible that the tanoa mission is altered to be compatible with Eden, but the others are not. (I've never looked at the tanoa mission.sqm)
  13. Steelius

    Custom map markers possible?

    There's a space at the front of container Also, you can't use custom content that is not part of an existing mod and run it on the server because it will not exist for clients.
  14. Steelius


  15. Steelius


    Natürlich müssen Sie nicht . Wie die andere Person sagte , verwenden Sie nicht die Strahlung Sachen innerhalb des config.cpp mehr. Sie verwenden Marker mit Eden -Plugin erstellt ( in downloads ) Strahlungszonenzu definieren, Translate is rubbish. Use Eden plugin to define contaminated zones. CONFIG.CPP DOES NOT WORK FOR RADIATION ZONES ANY MORE
  16. Steelius

    [Solved] XM8 On at startup

    Might be better in initplayerlocal
  17. Steelius

    Wiki Team

    Hi, I'd very much like to be a wiki author, I have some knowledge myself but we are essentially 2 people, I'm very knowledgeable myself but my other admin who sometimes uses this is much more knowledgeable, he has written some amazing things
  18. Steelius


    Infistar is a busy guy, give him some time to respond if he does wish to help you.
  19. I feel like this should be in feature wishes not here. Yes, they were great, but just so you know: Exile has it's own damage handling (which you can change, so players take less damage) All of the features you listed are arma related not mod related. This is why I think a revamped medical system would be more of a feature wish. Plenty of people have already posted about being able to use mods like ace and a different medical system in Exile. These changes would be great, though.
  20. Use infistar or BIS cam and hover over objects you want to be watersources, get the classname and add to watersources in config.cpp
  21. Waypoints are a core part of arma 3, seems they are altered by Exile code but showing the distance on markers is still a core part of Arma.
  22. Steelius

    Community is King

    We all know you mostly posted this because of the Exile Life thing..
  23. I'ma say rip but I couldn't say being from the UK is something to be proud of. You seen this place?