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  1. srcinmo


    I had the same problem on my server, people would join and it would dc them, for a while whenever myself or a friend would join it would crash out arma completely and then give us a memory reference error. I reinstalled everything freshly on the server and a fresh install seemed to fix it. Then I started adding different scripts back to it and whenever I put @infiSTAR back on it, it seemed to start kicking people again and doing the mem ref crash. I have tried to do fresh installs of it but cant seem to figure it out, i know that it's something that I'm not doing right because other servers are running infistar with no problem so it's something I'm doing wrong, but it doesn't show anything wrong in the rpt with the reason of the kick so I'm not sure what it is.
  2. srcinmo

    Exile potato - random error

    yes, i'm running infistar
  3. srcinmo

    Exile potato - random error

    haven't seen this error before and not sure where location is to fix it
  4. I'm attempting to make one that has "1st person" zones in it, around high loot areas and military areas. but the kiwi update has rendered the server I'm working on broken so I'm trying to fix that first. or are you mainly talking about a server that is completely 1st person?
  5. I'm trying to start up a new server under the title - Hardcore Military Gaming. Currently I'm looking for someone that is good with scripting, Admins, and Moderators. What I'm wanting in the server that I'm trying to put together is more military based gameplay. I'm wanting to implement the armed vehicles short of the tanks and jets. I currently have 1 other that is working on setting up the traders, and I have two that are in Admin Roles on the server. I've ran up on snags trying to get certain scripts added to the server that have seemed to not want to work with the Kiwi update. I'm not the best when it comes to looking through the coding but I'm trying to learn as much as I can about getting things done the right way. I would like to be able to mainly find someone that could help resolve issues that arise that I'm unable to figure out. Currently the server I have is through GTXGaming, which is a 90 slot server. The TS that we have is a 150 slot ts. Anyone that would be interested can get in contact with me here, or on our TS. -
  6. srcinmo

    Cant figure it out, must be the lack of sleep

    Thank you Found the missing piece, was missing }; when I put in the piece of code for the revive script... derp
  7. For the life of me, I cant figure out what I'm doing wrong and why it isn't working. RPT file is throwing off this error - here is my current description.ext Another issue that I'm having is getting the addons to work, Extended Base Mod works, but I have tried to put CUP / then RHS on it and it just straight broke the server, any ideas on that? had all the launch parameters correct on cup, but whenever someone would connect to server they would get the lobby, pick there slot, then game would load, right before it would put you in the game, your entire game would just crash. Contacted the ones I'm getting the server from and they said CUP required extra code to be put in the mission file for it to work but couldn't find any information on it anywhere.
  8. srcinmo

    Can't Join Server - Error in RPT

    I'm getting the same error in my file as well, was you able to find out what it was that caused it? **Edit** -- somehow the MySQL port got changed and was causing this issue. fixed that and fixed the error.
  9. srcinmo

    Tanoa Loot Pos [WIP]

    Will Update as I find more. missing loot - Land_Shed_02_F Land_Shed_05_F Land_MobileCrane_01_F Loot spawn in air - Land_Hotel_01_F Land_Addon_01_F Land_GuardHouse_01_F