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Everything posted by youraveragebrit

  1. youraveragebrit

    Stuck with Loading...

    On every exile server I get Loading... with a random picture in the middle of a grey background with static particles with the exile mod link at the top right, I know that its not a case of waiting a while for it to load because there are no custom server messages on the screen and everything is static, I have verified all of my installed mods as well as the arma 3 files, please help
  2. youraveragebrit

    Stuck with Loading...

    that's the one, any fix? in plain words since ive never dealt with this stuff before
  3. Posted in here a few days ago because I wanted to find people already on a server who I could join and play with, and it received a grand total of 1 reply, so again, over 100 hours arma experience 90 of those or so being exile, best at long distance sniping and flying a heli, pretty flexible so ill do whatever, just hmu, pls, from EU and 17 and please no annoying clan replies, I'm tired of filling out application forms to make some friends on a videogame
  4. youraveragebrit

    Looking for a permanent established group

    currently have about 100 hours on record in arma and love exile, but I find myself in the same cycle of walking around, finding a Makarov and dying, would love to join an already established group on the server they play on and help out, I don't have apex so no tanoa but anything else is fine, just link your steam profile here and ill add you, thanks