Brett Nordin

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Everything posted by Brett Nordin

  1. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Use the one from exad, and that should solve all your issues!
  2. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Okay, so what virtual garage are you using? As those issues are pertaining to virtual garage.
  3. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Just make sure you are using the latest exile.ini from my repo, if it still doesn't solve the issue let me know and i will look into it further. (It seems your exile.ini is missing a few lines)!
  4. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    This was not an instruction listed in the install, but it is listed in my wiki THE GREAT WIKI OF ALL WIKIS (Not Wikipedia) :P
  5. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    SET @@sql_mode = ''; SET @@GLOBAL.sql_mode = ''; Boom try that
  6. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

  7. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    We made progress! If you are using workbench edit the players table and uncheck the not null box on the backpack column. If you are having issues doing this I will be home in 30 min and will send you the query!
  8. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    ALTER TABLE `player` CHANGE COLUMN `assigned_items` `assigned_items` TEXT CHARACTER SET 'utf8' NULL ; Try running that
  9. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Run this: ALTER TABLE `player` CHANGE COLUMN `assigned_items` `assigned_items` TEXT CHARACTER SET 'utf8' NULL DEFAULT '[]' ; It should fix that issue
  10. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Arma 3 will crash while running 64bit during any shutdown or restart, this is to be expected. Could you also provide your extdb log for me to help diagnose the issue? It may just be that you have a duplicate player entry in the database.
  11. Hello Exile Community, Today I present to you a serverside addon for editing the client UI! This script requires a good knowledge of how eliteness works due to you having to debin your exile client. I will not provide a description of how to do that. How does this script work? It creates a thread on the client to change and update the UI on the fly, meaning you can update this script with the server running (if you know how variables work :P) Download: Good luck with this! If you have any questions relating to the addon and not mikero tools, please feel free to post them here!
  12. Brett Nordin

    [Done] Exile UI override addon (Serverside)

    Thanks, Completly Missed it!
  13. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Discoverd a issue with the repository not updating properly. Here is a key update :
  14. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    If you would like better support, The exile discord can help out, Join it here Discord
  15. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    If you are still experiencing this issue, go back to extdb2 you don't need extbd3, your arma server doesn't have enough content to utilize the additional ram. The issue is most likely the way you have setup your server environment. If you want to fix the issue you would have to revert what this did to your db. ALTER TABLE `container` DROP FOREIGN KEY `container_ibfk_2`; ALTER TABLE `container` DROP INDEX `territory_id` ; ALTER TABLE `construction` DROP FOREIGN KEY `construction_ibfk_2`; ALTER TABLE `construction` DROP INDEX `territory_id` ; ALTER TABLE `territory` DROP FOREIGN KEY `territory_ibfk_2`; ALTER TABLE `territory` DROP INDEX `flag_stolen_by_uid` ; If you do this I will not provide support for issues that reverting this causes.
  16. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Here is the issue, all of my test servers don't experience this issue. If you would like to contribute to helping find a solution please post your rpt, and a dump of your db
  17. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    If you ran the update and have the latest repo build please submit a rpt
  18. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    If you don't run the update other problems will occur in the future. You just have to go through the sql file and run what you think is causing the issue.
  19. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Please update to the latest repository build, then pastebin your rpt and if you can upload a dump of your database to google drive and post the link here.
  20. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Please note the repo that this uses is a fork of Clouds and not affected by his absence! Thanks everyone!
  21. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Please ensure you have not messed up your config file. Any missing commas or semicolons will break other things. My code will not break your status bar by itself
  22. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Notice about this project, I will be releasing 1(one) final update for this project within the next few days. After that all updates will be handled by any pull requests that are put in. The project itself will be deleted from my reposity in 1 year. (Dont worry there is a very good reason for that). That is all I am allowed to say for now. I will post once I finish the update.
  23. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Alright everyone, I have been a little busy with other things to help yall so here is some information on some of the issues yall are having, 1.) The SQL file you all run while installing it was developed for a older version of exile running on windows server 2012r2 with a 64bit MySQL server running in safemode . This is why some of the querys may seem a little odd. They were intended for use on any server running with a db version from Exile 1.0.2, and fresh installs of Exile 1.0.3 . When we did the 1.0.4 conversion I just added a few lines in to support the older databases as the way that they were built was a little stupid. Exile Devs have since then fixed the issues that were present with them. 2.) Extdb3 for 1.0.4 was ported by myself, But was NOT tested by me, All tests were run by the Hardened inmates of exile. Thus the update was adapted to properly suit their server setups. Resulting in some additions to the sql file. 3.) Exile Discord, If you pop in there and ask a question about extdb3 you will most likely find that the question was answered a long time ago and that they will be able to help you out very quickly. 4.) I will continue to update the project as I see fit until one of the three occurs, A). Extdb Licensing scheme changes to allow direct implementation into Exile, B). A Extdb3 replacement is created that works better with exile, C). The death of the ExileMod. 5.) To request a change or update to the Extdb3 Conversion git please submit a pull request, I will review it and have it tested promptly, if it passes it will be released.
  24. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Here is a solution from @Monkeynutz ; Marks for deletion vehicles that were not used within ? days [markDeleteOldVehicles] ;SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NULL SQL1_1 = UPDATE vehicle SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NULL AND territory_id IS NULL SQL1_INPUTS = 1
  25. Brett Nordin

    [Done] ExtDb3 Compatibility with Exile

    Please submit your future error reports to me as a PM, we will be deprecating this project on May 1, 2018. In favour of a new solution. More info will be posted when it's available. If you have questions or concerns feel free to post them here and tag me. Extdb3 will still be supported by Cloud if you have any questions in the future.