aussie battler

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aussie battler last won the day on July 10

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About aussie battler

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  1. aussie battler

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    I tried that but it still spawns under the track: Try changing the last number to 0.2 meters ExileServer/addons/a3_exile_occupation/scripts/occupationFarty.sqf : private _position = [0,0,0.2]; // insert your custom position here I also tried to add custom props for the missions but they didn't show up when the crate did. You are missing the end code which lets the objects spawn: The toxic slug spawns from a random position on the mission marker. If someone runs to the crate, the map marker goes & the slug can't respawn. Its one of the downsides of the mission.
  2. aussie battler

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    @Blaezit Spawn a lootcrate in the editor on the tracks & grab the co-ords (double click on the box & get it's position). Change line 10 to the crate position. Then delete all the random spawn info, like this:
  3. aussie battler

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    Farty spawns on a random position called by this file: I cant see any static positions in your file to make it spawn in the tunnel. I had the ai spawn at the largest space in the station (at the track end point) & the ai walk straight under the stairs. @kuplion made occupation loot crates ai stay in the one place with: [_group, _spawnPosition, 25] call bis_fnc_taskPatrol; // patrol 25m from the spawn You will be causing a world of pain for players & yourself even with a 20m patrol radius. Farty really needs an open random field, unless you love playing admin. Get ready for players to hop on the comp train.
  4. aussie battler

    [RELEASE] Anomaly & Creatures Pack by Alias

    @Blaezit no worries, post your log + You need to call this: private _position = [10413,2567,0]; // this position is for Cherno Green Mountain _mapMarkerName = format ["Toxic_%1", _i]; if (SC_occupyFartMarkers) then { _event_marker = createMarker [_mapMarkerName, _position]; _event_marker setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; _event_marker setMarkerAlpha 1; _event_marker setMarkerText "Toxic Slug: bring grenades"; _event_marker setMarkerType "ExileContaminatedZoneIcon"; }; All the objects would need to be placed in editor & then called in the script. I did a static mission at the train station & ai walk through the tunnel walls. It ends up being a nightmare because players cant finish the mission. The toxic slug would just warp into walls & probably hit players through the wall...
  5. aussie battler

    Is Discord good enough for Exile community threads?

    I just don't understand why they cant pass the forum website onto the community. Is it a case of I'm done & everything we built can go down the shredder?
  6. aussie battler

    Is Discord good enough for Exile community threads?

    A mate told me that @kuplion has thrown in the towel. I notice his github is gone Sounds like the ship is sinking.
  7. aussie battler

    Database not deleting base objects after flag removal
  8. aussie battler

    Database not deleting base objects after flag removal

    I recently had this problem on a new x64 bit server. I added back in these lines in that @Brett Nordin recently commented out. All base objects (2 weeks old) from abandoned territories deleted after a restart. Thanks to Brett Nordin for the fix & keeping ExtDb3 updated, nice work. The fix was in exile.ini (line 634 from ) Delete out the comments ;; like this: +++ This is a fix that worked for me on a x64 bit database, The 32 bit database (ExtDb2) exile.ini is different. +++
  9. aussie battler

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    @Masterking you would need to merge the scripts into bodyguard.sqf I just gave you the links as cheat sheets on how to do it.
  10. aussie battler

    [Release] Recruit Ai Bodyguards

    @Masterking Thanks, glad you like it. It is possible, check this out: SQF/addons/a3xai/compile/A3XAI_unit_events/A3XAI_heliParaDrop.sqf and this: SQF/addons/a3xai/compile/A3XAI_unit_events/A3XAI_ejectParachute.sqf
  11. aussie battler

    New Livonia map

  12. aussie battler

    New Livonia map

    @MGTDB Just wondering if you created loot positions for the new buildings or if you were able to grab loot positions from Dayz SA?
  13. aussie battler

    [SOLVED] Safe Loot Explosion

    @El Rabito The Extended Base mod Bunker can hold 2 million from memory. Thanks for the answer.
  14. aussie battler

    [SOLVED] Safe Loot Explosion

    I had a player buy a safe from the trader and set it up in his new base. He decided to pack it & when he did it exploded with loot. It had heaps of satchels, knives, a stolen level 3 flag & over 1 million in poptabs. He has just joined the server & it was the first safe he put down. Is this at all possible? Or is it new players duping just covering their ass?