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Everything posted by S.L.Y.Toxin

  1. S.L.Y.Toxin

    A3XAI and DMS HELP

    *Little hint* Why DMS and A3XAI? We and many other ppl out there had many trouble with A3XAI so we changed to DMS with the Occupation addon. So you have all features from A3XAI but more stable and the server performance will be better. Maybe your problem is A3XAI - Give "DMS only (maybe with Occupation addon)" a try. Many problems, desyncs, freezes and crashes will won't happen again
  2. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Help with my RPT

    Have same issue. Is it working with the changes in the DMS config.sqf?
  3. Our issue: Server crashes after thousands and thousands of lines about this problem: Anybody knows how to fix this? Active Mods are Infistar, DMS with Occupation (Only patrolling vehicles, lootcrates, helicrashes and DMS dynamic Missions) Edit: Here a picture about one of the safezone spamming itself?!?!
  4. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Tanoa Server move Branch

    Hi all Im tryin to move my Tanoa server from the ApexPreviewBuild to the Dev Branch. So im goin through the steamcmd and update my server like this: Updating goes well but when i launch the server it logs in the RPT file that its the stable version: Anybody knows or see the error im doin? thx for help
  5. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Tanoa - Update 1.63.17060 Loot Broken.. again!

    Same issues here, tried to rollback to vanilla loot settings but nothing happens. any ideas?
  6. What helped? Have the same problem but dont find the mistake...
  7. S.L.Y.Toxin

    No map markers

    Think not. Yo define some objects to spawn on the map in the initServer.sqf like additional Safezone stuff. I have the same problem. Will tell here the solution if i find one
  8. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Apex items with their prizes

    Following the new items with their prizes for the config.cpp: Feel free and take it
  9. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Cant update Server to 136802

    Solution: Configure the batch file like this to get the newest build: Didnt know that you have to define it like this... Thx to CEN
  10. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Cant update Server to 136802

    I tried to build our new exile server on the map Tanoa. The install of the Dedicated Server on my machine works fine via the steamcmd. Exile installed etc. Server starts correct (some little errors but not about my problem). When i visit the server list ingame i can find my server. But i cant join... There is a red cross and it requires the build 136470 and not 136802 like my client has. I read many posts but found nothing. Anybody knows what to do out there? Thx for help, lg Sly
  11. S.L.Y.Toxin

    Swiss Special Operations Command

    SWISS - SPECIAL - OPERATIONS - COMMAND Hi all There isn't much to say about our server. It is just great! Language DE/EN Highend hardware for Power-FPS! 400 NPCs through the Occupation mode (Roaming!) Recruit AI as Squad 10k start money Bambi loadout gets better with Respect Bambi quad-spawn Many more: Tow, LootCrates, HeliCrashes, 30 Missions, 2 Static Missions,... Enjoy the Swiss hospitality, take a look! S.L.Y.Toxin - Admin of SSOC-Exile