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About king5055

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  1. king5055

    Cannot connect to server from multiple errors

    Just another update on the situation, seems to be extDB2 that is the problem and it communiating with the database: Any help is greatly appreciated and welcomed!
  2. king5055

    Cannot connect to server from multiple errors

    Just an update the server will sometimes allow 1 player to join but no one else as it won't allow them to create their character
  3. king5055

    SQL Error Query

    How are you running the database? XAMPP?
  4. king5055

    Cannot connect to server from multiple errors

    Update on the situation, after many changes it is still not working. I changed from XAMPP to MySQL Community Server and that seems to have fixed the foreign key constraint when creating the database. However, I get the error when I truncate the database (what for now is not the number 1 priority to fix as I can drop and recreate the tables for now) and I have a new extDB2 error (check spoiler). Any help is greatly appreciated and welcomed!
  5. Hey I was recently making an exile server and came across an error when making the database, "foreign key constraint", in MySQL workbench. The error also came up for extDB2 when I started the server (check spoiler). If someone knows how I can fix this, it would be great! Some details that may come in handy: Server hosted on a dedicated server MySQL server is hosted by XAMPP Hosted using windows server 2012 R2 any help is greatly appreciated!