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Everything posted by TDBGaming

  1. TDBGaming

    CUP Vehicle versions

    I am considering adding CUP vehicles to my server. Would i need to add each version of the vehicle to the trader or would i be able to add one and the rest to the vehicle custom trader? For example, there are 14 versions of the Golf. Could i add CUP_C_Golf4_random_Civ to vehicle trader and rest to vehicle custom so people could change how it looks when they wish.
  2. Could I ask everyone to help me out, please. Its been a while since I last hosted an ARMA 3 server, so I'm looking to get a feel for what maps people like these days. I'm not just looking for what map you are currently playing on or if you host a server what map its on. I just want to see what maps are liked so I don't waste my time on a map nobody will ever use. Due to a max of 20 choices on the poll I had to add a second question. I also set it to multiple choice so feel free to select all the maps you love. If I have missed a map, select other and then let me know in a reply the map name.
  3. TDBGaming

    [SOLVED] Looking for "remove item" script

    Do I need to place markers on the map to use this? Just wondering with the markerarray
  4. TDBGaming

    addOns and addOnsAuto

    When creating a mission from scratch, how do you find what to include in the addOns and addOnsAuto blocks of mission.sqm? I know you can just add an item to the map and save the mission for it to populate the info but what I mean is, if you wanted to find the info yourself where would you look? I am creating a Chernarus mission file, after saving the mission and checking the mission.sqm the addOns block is not containing anything for CUP or Chernarus. I have tried to look in the config viewer while in Eden editor but not found anything. I know I need to add "cup_chernarus_config" and "CUP_Core" but for the life of me, I can't find where to find that info for if I didn't know.
  5. TDBGaming

    addOns and addOnsAuto

    It's not the case of needing to be added as a lot of mods will work without anything being added. Take RyanZombies and ExtendedBaseBuilding, both of them can be added without adding anything to the addOns section but without the correct additions, it lets players join the server without the mods and then they wouldn't see the zombies or the base building items. Other than errors not being able to find items in the local RPT log, I don't think the RPT would specify what needs to be added.
  6. TDBGaming

    addOns and addOnsAuto

    Thanks for trying to help but I already know all of that. Please read my post again, what I am asking is how you know to add cup_chernarus_config and cup_core or whatever the names are for the mod being used. I know where to add them, I know what will happen with them added if you don't have the mod active, I know about the message in the RPT log. I am just not sure on how you find the info needed.
  7. TDBGaming

    addOns and addOnsAuto

    I have managed to find "cup_chernarus_config" and "CUP_Core" inside CfgPatches but unless I am missing something, nothing to show that they are what is needed to be added. Could someone explain it to me, please?
  8. I had to remove this as it started crashing ARMA when clicking the icon.
  9. **FIXED** Anyone having issues with Player Market showing a blank page after clicking the icon AND has ExAd 1.0.4 installed the issue is the unit scanner app. To fix it you need to change the control ID of the unit scanner. I changed the unit scanners control ID rather than Player Markets as it only has the 1 to worry about. Open your mission files config.cpp and search for 85100 class ExAd_JX { title = "Unit Scanner"; controlID = 85100 logo = "ExadClient\XM8\Apps\JX\logo.paa"; onLoad = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onLoad.sqf"; onOpen = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onOpen.sqf"; onClose = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onClose.sqf"; }; Change the 85100 to another number. I changed mine to 875100 and it works fine so far but there may now be other issues as I am not sure how the control ID is picked in the first place. Once you are done it should look like this class ExAd_JX { title = "Unit Scanner"; controlID = 875100; logo = "ExadClient\XM8\Apps\JX\logo.paa"; onLoad = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onLoad.sqf"; onOpen = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onOpen.sqf"; onClose = "ExAdClient\XM8\Apps\JX\onClose.sqf"; };
  10. I can confirm that ExAd 1.0.4 is what stops Player Market from showing correctly and just returning a blank back when you click the icon. Now i just need to work out why
  11. np. if it does not work i may just have to convert the old one over. will know soon as just loaded up test to check with exad 1.0.4
  12. Did you have to do anything special to get it to work? Im just about to install ExAd on the test mission file, i just hope i dont end up having to install everything again till i find the issue
  13. ok, i have just installed this the exact same way as before but on a fresh mission file and its working fine so something is stopping it from working correctly. Im guessing it will be ExAd but need to check. Does anyone have this running alongside ExAd 1.0.4?
  14. TDBGaming

    How To Stop Spawned Vehicles From Being Sold

    The only way you would be able to stop them being sold is to remove the spawn vehicles from the traders but then this would stop them being purchased as well. You could set a selling price for the vehicles to 0 (or 1 if 0 does not work) but again if someone purchased a vehicle and then wanted to sell it they wouldn't be able to. Other than that you would need to use different spawn vehicles class names that are not available in the traders.
  15. I have checked my install about 4 times now and it all looks correct yet I am not getting anything shown when clicking the button for the player market. I have no errors in my RPT log (other than one in my client RPT relating to ExAdClient) but just can't get this to work. Anyone got any idea why it wouldnt be showing up after clicking the button?
  16. TDBGaming

    ExAd v1.0.4

    It's not causing any known issues but I am getting an error in my client side RPT. Error in expression <scControlsGroup", _idc, _parent]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _position; _ctrl ctrlCom> 16:51:34 Error position: <ctrlSetPosition _position; _ctrl ctrlCom> 16:51:34 Error Type Number,Not a Number, expected Number 16:51:34 File ExAdClient\XM8\Functions\fn_createCtrlGrp.sqf [ExAd_fnc_createCtrlGrp], line 4 Here is the fn_createCtrlGrp.sqf file params ["_display","_parent","_idc","_position","_ctrl"]; _ctrl = _display ctrlCreate ["RscControlsGroup", _idc, _parent]; _ctrl ctrlSetPosition _position; _ctrl ctrlCommit 0; _ctrl Is this anything to worry about?
  17. TDBGaming

    [RELEASE] NoMo Trees

    Would it be possible to make this into a script so that the players can do it them self and no admin intervention is required? Something like the player places the flag down then the flag gives them the option to clear the area. The player has to pay X caps for it to be done and then the area gets cleared. I am no good at code but would be cool if you could do that
  18. All you need to do is change the text in config.cpp Change title = "Perform CPR"; to whatever you want the text to say. class Revive: ExileAbstractAction { title = "Perform CPR"; condition = "(!(alive ExileClientInteractionObject) && (ExileClientInteractionObject getVariable ['EnigmaRevivePermitted', true]) && (magazines player find 'Exile_Item_Defibrillator' >= 0))"; action = "_this spawn Enigma_RevivePlyr"; }; I have not tested this but it should be all thats needed.
  19. TDBGaming

    arma 3 Exile Mod einfügen Problem

    Have a check in your exile_server_config\config.cpp as its missing a } If you can't find it paste the contents of the file to then link it here.
  20. TDBGaming

    Mod "CUP" Problem

    Start your server with CUP enabled and then check the servers RPT log for any errors.
  21. TDBGaming

    decrease the loot

    Have a look in the mission files config.cpp file. It has loot settings. class CfgExileLootSettings { /** * Lifetime of loot in minutes. Synchronize this with * the garbage collector settings of your server * CfgSettings! */ lifeTime = 8; /** * Interval in seconds when the client searches for * new buildings to spawn loot in */ spawnInterval = 30; /** * This is a percentage value to determine how many loot * positions should contain loot when the system spawns loot. * * If a building has 20 positions defined, Exile will * spawn loot in 10 random positions of them. * * This means smaller buildings spawn less loot and larger * ones spawn more loot. * * You can also cap it at a maximum value. See below. */ maximumPositionCoverage = 30; /** * Limit the number of loot positions per building. If the * above percentage value exceeds this value, it will be capped. * * Example: Coverage is 50%. Building has 60 loot positions defined. * This results in 30 loot positions and that is too much. So we * cap this at 10 */ maximumNumberOfLootSpotsPerBuilding = 3; /** * Exile spawns a random number of items per loot spot. This * is the upper cap for that. So 3 means it could spawn 1, 2 * or 3. */ maximumNumberOfItemsPerLootSpot = 2; /** * Radius in meter to spawn loot AROUND each player. * Do NOT touch this value if you dont know what you do. * The higher the number, the higher the drop rates, the * easier your server will lag. * * 50m = Minimum * 200m = Maximum */ spawnRadius = 60; /** * Defines the radius around trader cities where the system should * not spawn loot. Set this to 0 if you want to have loot spawning * in trader citites, ugh. */ minimumDistanceToTraderZones = 500; /** * Defines the radius around territories where no loot spawns. * This does not regard the actual size of a territory. So do not * set this to a lower value than the maximum radius of a territory, * which is 150m by default. */ minimumDistanceToTerritories = 150; };
  22. TDBGaming

    zombies killing zombies

    I have searched through both ExileZ and FuMS to make sure that everything is set on the same size, west, yet FuMS zombies still kill ExileZ zombies. Is there any way to tell while in the game what side a unit (zombie) is as something is not setting the correct unit side.
  23. TDBGaming

    zombies killing zombies

    I am trying to set up a server using both ExileZ and FuMS (zombie mission only). They are working fine together but the only issue is the zombies from FuMS are killing the zombies from ExileZ. By default they FuMS are WEST and ExileZ are EAST but even if I set them both to either EAST or WEST FuMS still kill ExileZ zombies. Anyone got any idea why this may be?
  24. TDBGaming

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Well, I have managed to get it to work without too many issues. It seems to be not detecting the server FPS as even though the server was running well over the minimum 15 FPS, it was reporting only 3 FPS. Not sure if this is to do with not running an HC or not but I just lowered the minimum FPS to 3 and its worked fine. The sound files for RyanZombies have all changed names. I have updated the names to the ones that I think are correct. If anyone is interested here is the updated file. FuMS\HC\AI\Logic\RZnD\zombie.sqf The only things I have not been able to sort out currently is what these two files are for. I can't find either in RyanZombies now so not sure what they do. \ryanzombies\soundsclose.sqf \ryanzombies\scream.sqf And lastly, I can't get any notification about the missions to show up. The map markers appear but I get no spawn mission, mission success or mission failure message even with the global message and/or radio message enabled.
  25. TDBGaming

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    I am thinking of trying this on my server I am working on. It won't have a headless client so would I need to set the settings like this for just zombie missions and no HC. Anything else I would need to set? FuMS_ServerData = [ [ // Map Definition and FuMS configuration ture, // Enable FuMS missions to run on the main server. // NOTE: setting to 'true' may drasticly impact server performance. "testpath", // MySQL support testing true, //Enable AdminControls! See Docs\AdminControls.txt 15 //minimum Server FPS. Below this FPS FuMS will not load new missions. ], [ // Exclusion Areas // See \FuMS\HC\Util\GetWorldInfo.sqf if you need to make changes ], [ // Default Areas // See \FuMS\HC\Util\GetWorldInfo.sqf if you need to make changes ], [ ["PlayerWatch",-1], // DO NOT REMOVE OR COMMENT OUT THIS THEME! // ActiveThemes // A folder matching the names below needs to exist in the ..\Themes folder. // use this block to easily turn off/on your various mission sets. // -1 = all HC's. 0= Server only, 1=1st HC to connect, 2=2nd, etc. // Note: Server option not currenty operational. //["Admin",-1], //["Test",-1], //Remove this theme if on a production server. ["Zombies",0], //["HeloPatrols",-1], // 2 sets of 3 armed helo's patrol the skys!!! //["SEM",-1], // basic old school Arma2 Epoch encounters //["TownRaid",-1], // random town is raided by 4 truck loads of humans! //["Small",-1], // 6 man groups invade a random village //["Aquatic",-1], // 3 coastal areas w/ boats and ai //["Convoy",-1], // 2 random convoys of 3 vehicles move across the map. //["StaticSpawns",-1], // creates 10 Dayz style Helo crashes at random locations. //["Jurassic",-1], // creates 3 encounters with wondering Raptors and some scattered loot. //["Captive", -1], // Mission in which 7 hostages must be rescued from the humans within 30minutes while fending off paradropped reinforcemnets. //["RoadBlock_Pato",-1] // Concept based upon missions from Pato! ],