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About ForbiddenAedra

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  1. ForbiddenAedra

    actualize poptabs in db

    Hi Sir_Joker, I am unsure if you have solved your problem, but as you had not had a response I thought I may aswell provide you what I found. You might find the below two links useful: 1. Explains that ExileServer_system_database_query_fireAndForget cannot be called by the Client, I am unsure if this is exactly what you were doing. 2. Is a addon which allows you to do just what you are trying to do, if you dont want to install an additional addon you maybe able to pull what you need from their code. Hope this helps
  2. ForbiddenAedra

    Black Screen on Login

    After troubleshooting a lot more, I found that my issue was relating to CBA. The change advised in 1. was causing the issue. ExileServer_system_process_preInit.sqf for some reason wasn't taking to my changes too well. I have since given up on using CBA and CUP due to its complications. I was reverting a different file back to its default values as I miss read the instructions when troubleshooting.
  3. ForbiddenAedra

    Nato Rus Vehicles Cpp list

    I had a look through the .PDF attached to the document and I believe that all the "class" which seem to be on the end of each section after the name of the item need to be removed. E.G: class O_mas_ZSU_OPF_01class { quality = 1; price = 4500; }; Should be: class O_mas_ZSU_OPF_01 { quality = 1; price = 4500; }; And so on.
  4. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    @[NG] ricardo I can confirm with the above, if I started my server with "-servermod= @AdminToolkit;", it would show the message "Logging into AdminToolkit..." but then never display the following message to advise that it was ready. Once removing @AdminToolkit from the Server startup parameters I was able to login fine and then all players names were once again visible.
  5. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    @[NG] ricardo do you mean that there is no player in the admin list which will allow you to load the Toolkit? If so you should be able add yourself and other admins/moderators into the config.cpp within @ExileServer\Admintoolkit_server.pbo. If you mean the server is not displaying any players logged in at all, im not sure mate. Have you tried checking if you can login without AdminToolkit installed?
  6. ForbiddenAedra

    Black Screen on Login

    Hey, I have checked so many possible ways of resolving this issue. But nothing I have found will resolve it. Mods Installed Client Side: @Exile;@CBA_A3;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons; (Exile is the most recent update and so is ARMA on both my machine and the server) Mods Installed Server Side: @ExileServer;@AdminToolkit; Issue: When logging into the server, it gets as far as displaying the HUD then stops with the screen black. It does not kick me back to the lobby. When did the issue start: After I installed CBA and other CUP mods. Fixes Tried: 1. I tried the CBA fix, changing the ExileServer_System_Network_DispatchIncomingMessage.SQF as per 2. Removing all changes made to the server before CUP(Saved default files of everything then reverted back to a known good state). 3. Deleting my self from the database to allow recreation in case my account was corrupt. 4. Deleting all SQL tables and recreating them as per the most recent script. 5. Disabling Battleye. 6. Uninstalling and Reinstalling Exile Client on my PC. 7. Asking a friend to test, received the same issue. 8. Replaced the Exile.ini file and also making sure all the keys were valid ones as per 9. Ensuring that ARMA3 is up to date. 10. Double checked my SQL details are correct in ARMA3Config\Config.cfg and @ExileServer\extdb-config.ini 11. Double checked mods were named correctly as per the readme's. 12. As a last resort I then scrapped the entire server and started from a clean install. This resolved the issue, up until the point of adding CUP back onto the server. I am beginning to lose my mind, I cannot possibly think of anything else I can try bar from not using CUP. Which would kind of ruin my experience as its more fun with more stuff. Please if anyone has any ideas of other things I can try, I have probably done quite abit more than this as its been a long week or so trying to resolve it... But its hard remembering all the stuff I have tried. Also if there are any logs someone could advise me looking into which may give me a clearer idea whats going wrong it would be amazing. At this point I cannot see anything of use in the locations I know of already. Please obi one kenobi you're my only hope!
  7. What is that addon or script being used for base raiding in this server? Is it publicly available or custom to this server?
  8. ForbiddenAedra

    Completely remove hotwire

    @Boxman80 where can I edit this on my server? Also is it a global setting or can it be amended per vehicle?
  9. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    I was just wondering is there a file which we can edit which will remove items from the spawn menu or add them? As there's a ton of extra colors and things which I am not bothered about. Also it would be nice to be able to spawn CUP vehicles in there?
  10. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    Found an issue where when you teleport out of a safe zone with god mode enabled, it removes your god mode when the left safe zone message appears. Not sure if this is something changeable or not but thought I would mention anyway. Keep getting fucked up by AI when im trying to test.
  11. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    @ole Hi Ole, My apologies I did lots of troubleshooting and forgot to update this last night, what I had done is all my own issue. I had written in my notes the right line, but named it wrong. So I was adding it to the wrong line in my BE as I was going off the name for ease(although now I realise this caused way more issues than it was worth). After a painful re-configuring of the entire BE filters file all is now working.
  12. ForbiddenAedra

    FuMS -Advanced- CTF, Captives, Zombies, and more

    Hey where is the documentation for the dedicated server? I tried following the link in the documentation: But it seems to be gone.
  13. ForbiddenAedra

    AdminToolkit for Arma 3 v2.2.2 - Exile Edition

    Hi, I am having real issue when trying to teleport, I found that it happens when I control or alt left click on the map. I believe it is only happening after I installed this, but cannot be sure. I have made sure that I have added the below as in the read me file: ### Battleye **remoteexec.txt** + add `!"AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest"` to the end of the line **scripts.txt** + add `!="displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"call AdminToolkit_bindEvents;\"]"` at the end of `7 eventHandler [...]` + add `!="remoteExecCall ['AdminToolkit_network_receiveRequest',"` at the end of `7 remoteexec` + add `7 onMapSingleClick !="call admintoolkit_butt"` as a new line if `7 onMapSingleClick` does not exists or add it to the end of the line + add `!="objectFromNetId _params;\nadmintoolkit_specCam = \"camera\" camCreate"` at the end of line `7 camCreate` The error I am getting is: #36 " setdir _dir; _vehs set [count _vehs,_veh]; }; }; } foreach (units cameraon - [cameraon]); }; if (ismultiplayer) then { (format" I have added onto Line 38 - allGroups: !=" setdir _dir;\n_vehs set [count _vehs,_veh];\n};\n};\n} foreach (units cameraon - [cameraon]);\n};\n\nif (ismultiplayer) then {\n(format" But I still receive the error, is anyone able to provide insight?